Too scared to fight?


Community Member
My dearly beloved roomies and I have been chewing over something for a few days.

We're all transexuals, two of us are INFJ's and one is an INTP, and we're least inclined to leave the U.S. Political reasons. We're not exactly welcomed here which is a sad truth although I wouldn't leave if I could avoid it. I like the people too much. Don't like the governmental system, the voting system, the absolutely monstrous politics which dominant the thinking and action of most of our history, or the sense of entitlement.

I do like the people.

I'm a passionate activist although I don't like confronting things directly. I prefer to sit in back and talk to people. I like to change minds one at a time rather than in a big tent and I feel like America is just...too big and has a history that's far too poisonous and violent for me to enact the kind of changes I want to except on a very small scale.

People like the INFJ forum are a totally new phenomenon. A new statistical phenomenon.

Think about it. If INFJ's, (the 'connectors', the 'mind healers', the shamans) are only 1% of the population then that means that as a whole we can't do much unless the population is very high. The world population, until this century, has never been high enough to even contemplate a group like this and it's also never been well enough connected.

The internet is a totally unique experience. We live in fantastic times but they aren't dull times by any stretch. We're in some of the least violent years in human history but still, our growth is unfettered and explosive.

Different personality types rally around different ideas. INFJ's are very resistant to 'plans' put forward by other people. I want to know what ideas you fight for?
The internet is a totally unique experience. We live in fantastic times but they aren't dull times by any stretch. We're in some of the least violent years in human history but still, our growth is unfettered and explosive.

I agree, and share your reverence for the internet. It really is a remarkable achievement; just a hundred years ago, talking to someone in real time half a world away would've been considered insane. Now it's commonplace. What a dramatic change! And the potential to change cultural prejudices, as you pointed out, is huge, since we'd be acting as a group and not as individuals.

Different personality types rally around different ideas. INFJ's are very resistant to 'plans' put forward by other people. I want to know what ideas you fight for?
I'm not an infj but I'm 'resistant' to plans put forward by other people too (to some extent, aren't we all? I don't know anyone who wants their life planned out by someone else). What ideas do I fight for?... er... difficult question. I don't know if I could fight for something I don't really believe in. And there's not a lot I believe in. Well, I guess I like people to be honest, but not always am I honest, and I want people to have freedom of speech, but at the same time I value a certain amount of discretion.. I want people to be treated equally, for eg. transsexuals such as yourself shouldn't feel you have to leave your country because people aren't welcoming you as you are, but on the other hand, it's human nature to segregate and discriminate, we do it all the time when we say we like someone (or someone's traits) more than another's.. and likewise when we voice our dislike. I'm not sure a totally equal society could even exist. And if it could, whether it'd be practical. Whether we'd be replacing one problem with another. Political correctness is one such problem that has evolved out of the desire for ideal communications - no one should be offended, but now it's hard for people to feel comfortable telling the truth.
I guess what I mean is, there's a drawback to most things, so it's hard to maintain faith in an ideal and actually fight for it, if you don't totally see it as a good thing. And I'm not sure I do...:m075:
Gay marriage.
Veteran's health.
Maintaining a pro-choice leadership.

There's plenty of other things that are important to me, but to date these are the only issues I've actively campaigned, marched, protested for.
I fight against incivility.

When someone is nasty, rude, obnoxious, patronising, threatening, attacking, injuring, etc. I unconsciously get all geared up to restore the situation to one where it is possible to live peacefully and quietly. If someone is out to harm or disturb others unprovoked, they had better watch out - but even then watching out will not help.
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My dearly beloved roomies and I have been chewing over something for a few days.

We're all transexuals, two of us are INFJ's and one is an INTP, and we're least inclined to leave the U.S. Political reasons. We're not exactly welcomed here which is a sad truth although I wouldn't leave if I could avoid it. I like the people too much. Don't like the governmental system, the voting system, the absolutely monstrous politics which dominant the thinking and action of most of our history, or the sense of entitlement.

I do like the people.

I'm a passionate activist although I don't like confronting things directly. I prefer to sit in back and talk to people. I like to change minds one at a time rather than in a big tent and I feel like America is just...too big and has a history that's far too poisonous and violent for me to enact the kind of changes I want to except on a very small scale.

I like the idea of voting with your feet(or in this case maybe not voting with your feet) but I would do my best to warn you, there is bound to be trouble where ever you go.

Different personality types rally around different ideas. INFJ's are very resistant to 'plans' put forward by other people.

I don't think I can agree with this, in my opinion it has more to do with the idea put forward then who's putting the idea forward.

I want to know what ideas you fight for?

Faith, Hope, and Love.
It seems that all attempts to fight, and even potential indications for fighting, are caused by fear.
I think that is usually true, ENFP of shyness. But sometimes, a show of strength is really about setting boundaries for people who have forgotten where they are or have been taken over by their what Flavor Flavus posted about.

I tend to fight for things that I see as needing correction in our society.
I'm in favor of gay rights. I used to do a lot of volunteer work getting lower income kids access and exposure to technology. I fight against corruption. I've used my math skills to work on alternative economic theories. I'm always looking for some way to make things better. But I tend to be practical with these things. "High ideals tested against the grindstone of reality, forged with wisdom of being exposed to the nature of things." That's the way I look at most controversial issues.

I think if you were to unify INFJs, it would have to be around general principles that tend to unite INFJs. I think there is sufficient differentiation in philosophy and religeon that you would end up with a fractured community very quickly, otherwise.

But even still, there could be a significant sea-change to civilization in that vague unity alone. We may see this happen in our lifetime. Mostly, we would be asking people to open their eyes and see other people. We would be the promoters of empathy. Many people take on this calling now in the existing religions.