When is it a good thing and bad thing to be understanding? Where is the line drawn between too little understanding and not enough?
Is there such thing as being too understanding?
It does exist, I do this. The danger of it comes when you end up never placing the blame on someone else. I derive and extract the motives of people for their actions, good or bad. If someone preforms a bad act, whether or not it effects me (but it can emotionally hurt more if it does effect me), then I will try to understand it. I try to understand why they did what they did, and what was their reasons for doing it. I have found that as I have gotten older, I realize that peoples intentions with most bad acts are not ill. Because of this I will have no right to be angry, or call them on it. The problem is this high level of understanding will cause me to forgive and allow people to get away with things that I shouldn't have. Too much understanding causes one to take on everything, and never allow the individual to express themselves when they are hurt.
It does exist, I do this. The danger of it comes when you end up never placing the blame on someone else. I derive and extract the motives of people for their actions, good or bad. If someone preforms a bad act, whether or not it effects me (but it can emotionally hurt more if it does effect me), then I will try to understand it. I try to understand why they did what they did, and what was their reasons for doing it. I have found that as I have gotten older, I realize that peoples intentions with most bad acts are not ill. Because of this I will have no right to be angry, or call them on it. The problem is this high level of understanding will cause me to forgive and allow people to get away with things that I shouldn't have. Too much understanding causes one to take on everything, and never allow the individual to express themselves when they are hurt.
The only time understanding had gotten in my way is when others have sensed my understanding, and then try to unload on me. Then its too much to take. Only a few greedy, or truly desperate, people have ever done that to me, though. Most people are just happy to be understood and share their feelings.
Yes, I have run into this, too.Agree.