Things Learned From 2016 US Elections | INFJ Forum

Things Learned From 2016 US Elections


Town Drunkard
Oct 30, 2009
Well for one thing I learned that when a voter begins their statement with "I am a Christian" they usually mean "I am a Homophobe."
Pollster and pundits need to brush up their game. The mainstream media is as out of touch as I suspected. People in Cambridge (MA) are sore losers.
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Never underestimate the insanity of white women
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That being a modern Democrat today means dividing people up by race and gender categories and then bullying them when they don't fall in line by how they think that category ought to vote.
More than half the nasty stuff said during the campaign was just intended as campaign rhetoric. Opponents like Trump and Obama can drop their campaign bs quickly.
i've learned that at the end of the day, most people are always after their own/families' welfare.. for selfish reasons or not, it's just how humans work.
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I miss real and accurate news that came from the heyday of people like Walter Cronkite.
Journalism has completely lost any semblance of integrity.
This election wasn't about who had a better vision, policy, or intellect. It was solely about who was better at wrecking their opponent at any cost.
Sadly, this is probably the new norm for news media and politics.
Our situation in general is sad but we deserve it.
The blame game is apparently more important than anything else. As long as we can blame somebody we don't need to examine ourselves or how we might unknowingly or inadvertently contribute to a shitty situation in the country and the world in what we choose to consume, particularly media, and already I'm barfing a little thinking of our forum partisans latching onto that and thinking "I know, that's exactly what people in the other party do all the time, those idiots!"
I admit that I'm sometimes consciously complicit in that pervasive ignorance/denial.
We deserve this because we are so self-absorbed that we can only come together (1/2 of the population that is) to try to do something as a whole once every 4 years, and even then it does nothing but cause further strife.
Partisans, I'm happy to be proven wrong, but I see nothing changing aside from the switching of blame for Trump's failures to Obama, just like Bush Jr was blamed for Obama's failures. Things will still continue to suck even more because we are more than happy to turn belly up and cede our own agency to a party or president to fix everything for us when we really need to fix ourselves.
I learned that as time has gone on liberals continue to degrade in intelligence...

I learned that from an outsider point of view its amazing to see how embarrassing the whole election process could appear to anyone outside of the US.

It was like going through the motions of Brexit again but without that much invested in the party that lost and instead of surprise all I could feel was enough contempt to roll my eyes.

Also lost a friendship over it with someone who is Swedish because apparently cracking a joke about the coming nuclear winters is a step too far and I should apparently be stepping and sorting out the mess Americans have made for everyone by voting Trump in? (The more you know)
As long as we can blame somebody we don't need to examine ourselves or how we might unknowingly or inadvertently contribute to a shitty situation in the country and the world in what we choose to consume, particularly media, and already I'm barfing a little thinking of our forum partisans latching onto that and thinking "I know, that's exactly what people in the other party do all the time, those idiots!"

I'm so tired of this.
I learned that people will happily vote for someone who mocks disabled people, assaults women, can't tolerate a crying baby, wants to eradicate groups of people from the USA on the basis of race and religion, and has less foreign policy experience than the Spice Girls, on the strength of the outrageously compromised business acumen of that candidate, all because the other candidate represents a political party they don't agree with, probably just because they love guns.

I learned to forgive human beings unconditionally. Poor scum bags.

Also, I learned to not give a fuck about discussing politics.
I learned that people will happily vote for someone who mocks disabled people, assaults women, can't tolerate a crying baby, wants to eradicate groups of people from the USA on the basis of race and religion, and has less foreign policy experience than the Spice Girls, on the strength of the outrageously compromised business acumen of that candidate, all because the other candidate represents a political party they don't agree with, probably just because they love guns.

I learned to forgive human beings unconditionally. Poor scum bags.

Also, I learned to not give a fuck about discussing politics.
All of your comments here are completely false in the real world though towering antagonists in the liberal fantasy world.

How's it going over there btw?
I've learned that 49% percent of voters in America are uninformed, out and out insane or both.
No political party can assume it will always be the populist hero, without risking becoming the villain.
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