Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Nov 27, 2008 #2 e Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
ZenCat Waving Sage MBTI INFJ Enneagram Recently 2 Nov 27, 2008 #3 that's the abbreviation for "eleventy" right? i knew that
Kitteh Newbie MBTI INFJ Nov 27, 2008 #4 Everyone's always going on and on about how special Pi is, but e is my favourite. I think it's underestimated. :nod:
Everyone's always going on and on about how special Pi is, but e is my favourite. I think it's underestimated. :nod:
Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Nov 27, 2008 #6 I like Pi. I celebrate Pi day. March 14th. Also own a Pi shirt. The Pi symbol is sexy. Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
IndigoSensor Product Obtained Retired Staff MBTI INFJ Enneagram 1w2 sx/so/sp Nov 27, 2008 #16 PI (or pie) IS MY NICKNAME!!!! Want to know why?! It is actually in my name! (My name is Pieter for those of you who dont know). AND I have over 100 numbers in Pi memorized! ...and I ironiclly hate pie
PI (or pie) IS MY NICKNAME!!!! Want to know why?! It is actually in my name! (My name is Pieter for those of you who dont know). AND I have over 100 numbers in Pi memorized! ...and I ironiclly hate pie
Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Nov 27, 2008 #17 My gf and I got as far as memorizing 50 digits. I think I only remember about 20 now though haha. Let's see.... 3.14159265358979323846264 Yep, that's all I've got left in my brain. Not bad since I haven't thought about it in like... months hehe.
My gf and I got as far as memorizing 50 digits. I think I only remember about 20 now though haha. Let's see.... 3.14159265358979323846264 Yep, that's all I've got left in my brain. Not bad since I haven't thought about it in like... months hehe.
dylan Bearded Dancing King MBTI xNFP Nov 29, 2008 #18 Shai Gar said: I lieks phi Click to expand... I'm with you on that one. Phi rocks. :rockon: IndigoSensor said: ... I have over 100 numbers in Pi memorized! Click to expand... Wyote said: My gf and I got as far as memorizing 50 digits. Click to expand... Dorks. GROUP HUG!!!!
Shai Gar said: I lieks phi Click to expand... I'm with you on that one. Phi rocks. :rockon: IndigoSensor said: ... I have over 100 numbers in Pi memorized! Click to expand... Wyote said: My gf and I got as far as memorizing 50 digits. Click to expand... Dorks. GROUP HUG!!!!
Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Nov 29, 2008 #20 dylan said: Dorks. Click to expand... Why thank you =)