The relationship between introspection and intereaction with others


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There seems to be a strong correlation between being self aware and walking on eggshells when dealing with others. At first this would seem to be limited between F-T and N-S parameters, but I think it goes beyond that. The functions can mix in different ways to give a similar result so the lines of it blur.

I think what it comes down to, is people who are introspective and self aware, see there place in this world and care about how others perceive them. It could be that they want others to like them, they simply want accurate representation of themselves, or something other reason. Others' responses are just as important as our responses to things. People who largely aren't introspective don't give higher thought to who they are, and as such can't apply how things might be perceived by others. The result of this is saying things mostly out of instant gratification without regard to others.

Thoughts, ideas, comments? Discuss.
Fantastic idea! You know, a thought I've been having lately is about how afraid of introspection some people are, as though they might hurt themselves if they venture into it. Maybe it wouldn't make sense to us how one would even escape it, but I think I see it happen pretty often. My ESTP friend will sometimes think with his mouth to me in a way that seems like he must be thinking about an idea, but really, it's more about selling himself on some aspect of it without really spending any time reflecting on any part of it at any length. It seems so weird to imagine how anyone can even avoid introspection, but, I wonder if Ni or Fe(or of course a combination of functions) makes us particularly disposed to it, and then using ESTP as an example, when they are being "introspective" the shadow type of Ni for ESTPs would be when they are in a bad place... I think Fe ends up having a lot to do with your idea to, with how we frame many things for how the other person will digest something in terms of their feelings.

So that may or may not be entirely related, but, it's a big idea. I mean, then you have sociopaths that seem to lack it entirely. It seems like it should definately be part of the mind of any semi-responsible person, because what else would hold back more sociopathic tendancies? I suppose the answer to that is just a rudimentary weighing of direct concrete consequences of actions, and maybe that just is the counter to introspection as we are describing it, which certainly isn't idealistic in the least.
Oh yes, I know my idea came about largely because of Fe. As such, it is hard for me to present it in another way. However, I don't think people actually being this way is a result of Fe. Our Ni + Fe combination can make us like this. However, I can see for an ISFP which they use Fi + Se being careful of what they say around other, because they would be afraid of being hurt. That type, while not known for being introspective, can be very introspective (one of my best friends is an ISFP, and she is highly introspective).

I don't think people are really afraid of being self-aware, they just might see it as unnesscerry work, just like my ISTP friend sees it.
I think someone can be introspective without really minding how they are seen by others. I can't exactly speak from experience, since I think I'm fairly introspective and do vaguely care how I'm perceived by others, but. . .I know sometimes I get into moods where I'm all wrapped up in my own private reflections and really don't care how others are seeing me. So I imagine there are others who are like that all the time. Either that or there are people who honestly just don't care about others and are more concerned about discovering themselves, or however you want to word it. (I just woke up, I'm struggling to put my thoughts coherently. ^^; ) There are also people who recognize that they are constantly under the scrutiny of others and they just disregard or refuse it. But nothing stops these people from being introspective.
So really I don't think there's a concrete connection between being introspective and being socially aware. It's probably hard to find someone with one and not the other, since they're both things that make us "human".
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Oh yes, I know my idea came about largely because of Fe. As such, it is hard for me to present it in another way. However, I don't think people actually being this way is a result of Fe. Our Ni + Fe combination can make us like this. However, I can see for an ISFP which they use Fi + Se being careful of what they say around other, because they would be afraid of being hurt. That type, while not known for being introspective, can be very introspective (one of my best friends is an ISFP, and she is highly introspective).

I don't think people are really afraid of being self-aware, they just might see it as unnesscerry work, just like my ISTP friend sees it.
Well, so the way I'm using "introspective" it seems like it is a sort of reflection where you are less likely to be able to hide things from yourself. And really, it seems like there are soooo many people that work so hard to hide various aspects of themselves and their lives from themself. And of course, a lot of the time it's not like those insecurities are even warranted, and they should feel confident anyway while also being very self-aware. So, in the context of interacting with others, it seems like they can just keep springboarding off little details to se;l themselves as well as others on various things without introspection being part of the equation.

Maybe I'm not being fair in saying that people are afraid of often afraid of introspection, or at least in suggesting that most people are. But so often it seems like people defend things, even silly things that they have happend to place weight on, in a way that almost seems like they aren't prepared for doubt to be cast on it, as though they were depending on that arbitrary thing. I don't want to suggest that introspection equals doubt and insecurity, but I think that that's what that space feels like for some people.
I am highly introspective and very aware of how I behave around others. I don't really care about being accepted. (I don't want to be hated either if I can help it!) I do believe, however, that I should take other peoples' feelings into account when I am around them. I think it's just a respect issue. I try to be very diplomatic, but I am also straight forward. I tend to have a lot of Brenn moments. (Does anyone watch Bones?) I am polite, but to the point. Let's just say that. lol
Well, so the way I'm using "introspective" it seems like it is a sort of reflection where you are less likely to be able to hide things from yourself. And really, it seems like there are soooo many people that work so hard to hide various aspects of themselves and their lives from themself. And of course, a lot of the time it's not like those insecurities are even warranted, and they should feel confident anyway while also being very self-aware. So, in the context of interacting with others, it seems like they can just keep springboarding off little details to se;l themselves as well as others on various things without introspection being part of the equation.

Maybe I'm not being fair in saying that people are afraid of often afraid of introspection, or at least in suggesting that most people are. But so often it seems like people defend things, even silly things that they have happend to place weight on, in a way that almost seems like they aren't prepared for doubt to be cast on it, as though they were depending on that arbitrary thing. I don't want to suggest that introspection equals doubt and insecurity, but I think that that's what that space feels like for some people.

Hmm, I never thought that people avoiding introspection as a way to hide things about themselves from themselves as an idea before. I think partly because I can't hide anything about myself from myself, LOL. I think you really have a major point right there then, it makes quite alot of sense. However, I still feel this would be a minority case.

I can actually understand people people not being prepared to defend something because they placed an entire system on a nugget of truth. I do this very very often, because of Ni. However, Ni can usually explain things and defend things if asked in the right way and after some coaxing. There is a natural adversion to defending something, because Ni largely doesn't feel the need to do so.
I think it goes in reverse. We're not socially inhibited (walking on eggshells) because we are introspective. We are introspective because we have issues socially. You gain awareness of and define yourself through others.