[ENTJ] The Perfect Man

Should men fuse with A.I and eventually trancend their humanity?

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  • No.

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"Magnificent Bastard" / Ren's Counterpart
3w4, 3-8-7
Let's keep things generally upbeat and humorous here folks. No personal attacks or out-of-thread drama permitted here. You're also welcome to agree or disagree in this thread. With that said, go away! :laughing:

Anyway, I saw a thread that was pretty solid and it reinforced a lot of my experiences with negative feedback related to being a man. And frankly, I can confirm that a lot of men, conventionally speaking, don't do good things.

Not every person is a wealthy genius with a perfect body and perfect psyche. I get it, I get it. That's still no excuse to act out of hatred or malice towards anybody. Ideally, people would just be good and get along, be rational and moral.

The world is filled with all manner of people and inequality is real. Everyday people fall short of our cultural heroes in so many respects. For example, I'm an American. A hero of mine is John F. Kennedy. Another is Martin Luther King Jr.

Compare my day-to-day life with these guys and I spend way too much time watching Netflix, I don't exercise enough, and I'm not making the world significantly more moral. Not saying that we should give up though, just saying that I (and most people) fall short.

I remember I was on a date with this woman and I told her jokingly about my attitude to life, "I'm not God, but I try to be my best." Whatever she thought about that comment, it was sincere. Like, I recognize my limitations as an individual but I'm still trying to be a good person despite them.

All of this nonsense raises an important question, what can men do better? This question is largely oriented to anyone who cares about men or is romantically interested in men.

TL;DR: what can men do better? How great can a man be?
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Because you're a perfect man in my book! Happy Mother's Day.

lolol well I have no idea of your level of sincerity there, but I'll take the compliment.
I'm not near perfect, pretty damn lazy and not the sharpest knife on the table sometimes.

I think one way both men and women can improve themselves relatively quickly is by empathizing with each others circumstances.
And also learning to forgive ourselves for things large and small. But to still learn the lessons of our mistakes.
Forgive others for mistakes as well. We are all growing and at different places with many different things.

Shit is complicated. Don't add to the complications.
I feel like this is the kind of thread where I said too much in the OP. I talked about dead guys, my past dates, and I told the audience to go away in the first paragraph...

Heavy stuff. :laughing:

I thought it was an excellent primer, laying out good rules
lolol well I have no idea of your level of sincerity there, but I'll take the compliment.
I'm not near perfect, pretty damn lazy and not the sharpest knife on the table sometimes.
Perfect was an exaggeration but I do like you personally Wyote; I consider you a friend.

I thought it was an excellent primer, laying out good rules
Thanks man, but the real hero behind this thread is weiner jokes.

Okay, firstly, men are yummy, like chocolate bunnies. (Don't tell anyone I said that. Like ever.)

Secondly, I have worked in environments with all women and they talked waaaaaaay dirtier than men. Women need to be taught to educate themselves on how to be high quality and attract high quality. Each being is responsible for their own actions and reactions.