The North American Union and the Amero


The Romantic Scientist
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Do you think this union will take place? What are your points of view on this?

There's something fishy about all this and I don't like it at all. THis could also be all make- believe.

For those who don't want to see the video here's a brief summary:

"The North American Union (NAU) is a theoretical regional union of Canada, Mexico, and the United States possibly similar in structure to the European Union, sometimes including a common currency called the Amero. The idea of regional integration has been discussed, proposed,[1] or debated in academic, business and political circles for many decades,[2] but nothing approaching the integration suggested by a "North American Union" has ever been seriously considered by leaders of the three nations, and government officials from the nations say there are no plans to create such a union.[3] The formation of a North American Union has also been the subject of various conspiracy theories.[4][5][6][7]"--Reference taken from wikipedia
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I think it could be very possible. They have been signing backdoor deals for quite awhile now.NAFTA anyone? Right now everything is being done under the guise of crisis. Even 911 was way too hasty for me. We should have known exactly who to kill before we started liberating another country. I could see a scenario where our currency fails and the world forces us to merge currencies with Mexico and Canada. Or we are told it would be better for all of us if we joined currencies. Either way it's going to happen under the guise of an enormous emergency and quick action will be needed to save us all. Bottom line were f....ed....
Anything is possible.

This seems unlikely given the number of people who have heard of it.
I think it could be very possible. They have been signing backdoor deals for quite awhile now.NAFTA anyone? Right now everything is being done under the guise of crisis. Even 911 was way too hasty for me. We should have known exactly who to kill before we started liberating another country. I could see a scenario where our currency fails and the world forces us to merge currencies with Mexico and Canada. Or we are told it would be better for all of us if we joined currencies. Either way it's going to happen under the guise of an enormous emergency and quick action will be needed to save us all. Bottom line were f....ed....

I had this vision as well Efromm. When I knew about this everthing made sense, I could see the pattern of how everything is unfolding and how it's probably going to end as well. How can we stop an invisible enemy. If it was the government we could blame the person who is supposedly be taking care of being equally represented but unfortunely the group of people doing this could be anywhere. Who should we trust?

I also want to say that I'm not totally in belief of this, it sounds too incredible but I'm not disregarding the idea. There are other conspiracy theories out there but this one is going against everything that the forefather's had in mind when they established here.
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I hate movies like that. It's quite likely that this is taking place, but the way it's presented is as just another conspiracy theory.
I don't like the idea. There seems something sinister about how it's all hush hush, whereas the creation of the European Union was a well known event that rose out of the ashes of WW2. Still, there's no knowing what the powers that be have on their agendas, like Zeitgeist says, there could be some interglobal conspiracy to join a North American, European, African and Asian union and create a totalitarian Global government, but I seriously doubt that happening with Africa and Asia since there are still so many age-old disputes between countries there.

All in all i would rather see nothing change!
I also find it alarming that most of our industry is gone now. We have transferred our economy to China and in turn made them more powerful than we are. They hold most of our cash. Now why would our government allow and help such a thing to happen? I believe that no one in DC cares about us and they are giving themselves power by taking our freedoms. And for some reason now they think that you should respect them. We are fools and in the end we will pay with our freedom. Most people don't realize how much freedom we do not have anymore. Each generation lets a little slip away because they refuse to police themselves and in turn Government gets a little more power. The federal reserve is illegal only congress can print money. We were set up for this a long time ago the people taking this country down are very patient and willing to let us screw ourselves. There are a lot of natural resources to be had in America still. We have a huge supply of oil and gold out there. Not to mention all the forests that are still left contrary to all what all the environmentalists say there is a lot of woods out there. We also have a lot of people that could be put into slavery. I am sure there are a lot of people who would like to own an American. And if your country is invaded and you are captured you could be sold as a slave very easily. It's still happening today.
We take a lot of things for granted and assume that they will always be there for us. I see a lot of things I cant go do anymore. I see a lot of ignorance in people now. They have no clue about how our government works. The government wants you stupid. They want you misinformed. They want you working only for their benefit. It's supposed to be the other way around. It was called Public Service for a reason.
And look at all the people who went to DC thinking they were going to change things and ended up being changed themselves. Even if the Amero never comes to light you can rest assured that there are other things going on right now that are affecting your future freedom of movement. They are slowly turning up the heat in the pot, how many of us will jump out before we get cooked?
You say it's been a part of conspiracy theories, I say it's nothing but one. The last place to look for sound information is Zeitgeist. The movie is a deconstruction piece that is completely contrive in it's attempts to overthrow rational thought.
Could very well be, although I feel rather indifferent about it, there are more things to worry about at the moment.

So, what do you guys think about 9/11? Always wondered what fellow INFJ's think about this day.

Although if the Amero is purely electronic money, for instance a chip, it's time to get a little bit worried.
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