The next 9 people to post after me....


Community Member
will get to be a part of the power rangers' helpful environment-friendly ECO-RANGERS!!!!
If you miss one of the spots, you can be a ..umm....a VIP recycler....?
Sounds like fun. I'm in.
I am SO in! Now what do I do?
I want to be an ECO-RANGER!! :D
I call dibs on the blue ranger costume...or the green one!!!!
I wanted to the green one!! :rant:

Thats ok, you can have it. I might end up looking like a giant booger anyway. :D
Since we're eco-friendly , and so many of us want to be the green one, maybe we should ALL be green! ....or different shades of green! Oooh! Dibs on lime...
I'll start a group and invite you all, fellow eco-rangers!!!! :D
This entails being awsome, and loving earth!!
There are threeeeee spots left!!!!
Unless anomaly is undecided. Then it would be four.....but since a post was left, the position is reserved until a decline, or acceptance.
I have no idea what you're talking about but I feel like joining random things today. I'm in an absurd mood and I've decided to see where it takes me. Do I have to do stuff? Is there lycra or spandex involved? Can I have a weapon? And not any lame weapon like the power of love or compassion, I want to be able to destroy things. But I don't HAVE to have a weapon.
Captain Pollution is me name.
Ohh, are you our enemy? Lol, I will clean the SHIT outta you as the emerald ranger! I too, would like weapons, please. Maybe an enviro-sword...or something...
Anyways, I'm eco-friendly in the form of using the least amount of energy I can (my computer is set on green mode, so no hating for that.)
I have no idea what you're talking about but I feel like joining random things today. I'm in an absurd mood and I've decided to see where it takes me. Do I have to do stuff? Is there lycra or spandex involved? Can I have a weapon? And not any lame weapon like the power of love or compassion, I want to be able to destroy things. But I don't HAVE to have a weapon.

The only thing you have to do is hypothetically save the world from it's polluting enemies. There's only spandex involved if you promise not to tell us about it. You can have a weapon. Here's a stick--->:boink: Just don't tell me you have the stick...plausible deniablilty. . .
Ohh, are you our enemy? Lol, I will clean the SHIT outta you as the emerald ranger! I too, would like weapons, please. Maybe an enviro-sword...or something...
Anyways, I'm eco-friendly in the form of using the least amount of energy I can (my computer is set on green mode, so no hating for that.)

Weapons for all! Everyone! Take a stick!! :boink::boink::boink::boink::boink::boink::boink::boink::boink:
And since its made of tree, we're recycling! Mission one! Achieved! (Cue the level up jingle!!) :lock1:
All stick-stirrers must abide by Universal Law or the Power Rangers will have to step in.

Unless, of course, one gets bored...
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Have we gained anymore rangers yet?