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the lost wisdom

I suspect true connection to real wisdom (lost, hidden or otherwise misplaced) requires engagement that not many would be able to comprehend on the surface (and some may not even be willng to undertake at all) given the forces of the dominant culture. It is a journey in which things begin to align and make sense only after one has entered with a full heart and a degree of trust. There is little drama here...there is quiet, there is beauty (all sometimes wrapped in paradox)...and if we want to "find the secret" we will probably have to let go of that whole business, too. Immediate gratification is not necessarily a major feature of this realm, nor is inner self-preoccupation. It is more of a current that one must enter into with a degree of stillness, heart-felt openness, and, frankly, love (in the fullest sense of the word).

Please, don't take this the wrong way but Dayum! I think I'm in love with you :D

I so wholeheartedly agree with randomsomeone, muir, morgaine and aeon.

The journey inward is an enriching, complex and slow process. What I find endlessly fascinating is that this journey is endemic to the human condition. These intimate conversations humans have; with themselves, with their spirits, with their gods, with existence span across the plethora of cultures/persons/traditions. It is after all belonging that all souls year for (and even that is just simplistic). It is a song with no music or words, a grand tumultuous stillness. Someone I think earlier asked "what is this Kingdom of God". I think the answer might be as simple (yet so complex it hurts); "You are".