The keys to personal success


What makes you feel personally successful? What makes you feel accomplished?

Now, this question is not about describing some universal or generic keys to success, but about what makes you as an individual feel able to accomplish what you need or want to do.

Who, what, where, when, etc. is key to making you feel capable of succeeding? And how?
Totally depends on my mood of the day.

I try to plan to set myself up to enjoy something, and by the time my planning is done I am bored of it.

Not always the case, but it is fairly often.
a great deal of things make me feel accomplished...Hell just doing the daily chores and running a clean and efficient house is enough most days...But sometimes...when I look outside the small picture of now, and see the bigger picture look ahead, and back...from side to side...I feel less...somehow...
..........................................nice question.

if you may, I'll probably rant for a while.

I considered my goals and its processes my standard for success. Also, I hate to say it but people's admiration are still.....affecting me pretty much, at least the positive ones. Negative ones don't really affect me aside from realizing my place and another pushing to improve further.

But I began to really reconsidering the second part. I mean, I found that it's still based on expectation and as far as expectation goes..... I'd be more glad seeing how far I've come rather than how far I've surpassed others.

I kinda couldn't help it. I have expectations, but I guess the best choice to apply it is to myself and myself only. But it also can go backwards...
  • perseverance: willingness to do the long run
  • resilience: being willing to take some knocks and keep going,
  • observance: being true to myself and those I care about,
  • INFJ adventurer: being willing to take chances on intuitions
..........................................nice question.

if you may, I'll probably rant for a while.

I considered my goals and its processes my standard for success. Also, I hate to say it but people's admiration are still.....affecting me pretty much, at least the positive ones. Negative ones don't really affect me aside from realizing my place and another pushing to improve further.

But I began to really reconsidering the second part. I mean, I found that it's still based on expectation and as far as expectation goes..... I'd be more glad seeing how far I've come rather than how far I've surpassed others.

I kinda couldn't help it. I have expectations, but I guess the best choice to apply it is to myself and myself only. But it also can go backwards...

I don't think admiration from others is bad at all. It is a sign of a high reputation which is an decent indicator of your standing in a social structure. The better your standing the more potential you have to be supported in times of need.

Then again, there are a lot of people that leave when things get heavy.
I feel successful and accomplished sometimes just getting through a rough week. Getting to rest a day or oversleep to catch up a bit is my reward.

Key is leaving doubt at the corner and driving away from it. Key is also admitting my human frailties.

When I see those less fortunate or those going through really hard times, yet doing so with a smile or great attitude, I somehow feel at times success is overrated. Maybe I actually look at the success of others in their walk through their troubled seas as a form of success for them and compare it to my own, causing me to feel humbled a bit now and then.

I was told as a child I could do anything I put my mind to. Maybe the parent that told me that made me a my own mind.
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Full realization that there's no success and fail would be a good first step, to me.
At the lowest level, I would say survival is the key everything else is far to close to being subjective.
I don't think admiration from others is bad at all. It is a sign of a high reputation which is an decent indicator of your standing in a social structure. The better your standing the more potential you have to be supported in times of need.

Then again, there are a lot of people that leave when things get heavy.
No, other people's admiration is not a bad thing by itself, but it's a bad thing to constantly adjusting for other people's admiration.

Because by then, your life become everyone else's.
I feel successful if I complete projects or make people smile.

Those two things are pretty much what I live for ^^"