The Eyes of the INFJ


Community Member
Perhaps this is just me, but what a great place to ask the question.

And the question is when you look at the eyes of INFJs particularly (I think I see it in INTJs & INTPs also...still chewing on that). I think it is 'Se'; the reflection of environment synthesizing through the input of the eyes. What I read last night was truly what I experience daily. Now, I need to reference...

In order to understand Ni, it is first necessary to understand INFJ’s inferior function, Extraverted Sensing (Se). For INFJs, Se functions subconsciously and is constantly gathering copious amounts of sensory information from the environment. Meanwhile, their Ni is constantly working to process and synthesize this incoming data, like assembling pieces of a puzzle. Eventually, it manages to construct an impression or vision of what is happening.[SUP]1[/SUP]

Personally, I think it is so intriguing. I almost feel what I see their eyes saying which could (to some) go towards telepathy, but it is not necessarily that. Maybe more like reading. I don't think it is body language either because it is not like the communication of an "xSxx".

The other thing is the when this 'communication' or information transfer occurs (nerd) there is pretty much instantaneous feedback. You can almost sit there and stare at each other.

Lately, I have been so frustrated being what or who I am ('what' like a thing), but now I am finally embracing myself.
Great post Trent. Ha. I wrote this in my blog, but will put it here to. Met a Unicorn today. I'm about 75% sure, INxJ. Anyways, how did this come about?? Well, I looked where? The eyes! I saw it. I'm telling Ni's have 'a look' at times right when we're process all of eternity and the cosmos in the little peanut in our skulls. That's what I saw in the eyes; the scanning, absorption, assimilation and processing of information. Deeeeep thoooouuuught :) Piece out.
Great post Trent. Ha. I wrote this in my blog, but will put it here to. Met a Unicorn today. I'm about 75% sure, INxJ. Anyways, how did this come about?? Well, I looked where? The eyes! I saw it. I'm telling Ni's have 'a look' at times right when we're process all of eternity and the cosmos in the little peanut in our skulls. That's what I saw in the eyes; the scanning, absorption, assimilation and processing of information. Deeeeep thoooouuuught :) Piece out.

I've had many people throughout my life comment about my "gaze" in similar ways to what you are describing here. Sometimes it freaks me out a little because I didn't notice them watching me that intently (and I usually do notice), and because I feel like I've been truly seen, which is uncommon for me and therefore makes me feel very vulnerable.

You've definitely touched on something here. ;)
People have told me that I am intimidating because my eyes see everything but I say nothing. I say, "What do you have to hide?"

Our eyes are the mirror to our souls. We just have deep souls and people either fear that or get lost in it. Heaven help either one if they are liars, tho.
When I am in conversation, I almost have to stare at the person with great determination because anything and everything in the immediate area, whether visual or audible can be a distraction.
But then I become aware of it and now feel like I don't want to freak the person out, so I look away but realize also that my whole demeanor probably looks like I am uncomfortable and the whole thing just becomes a mess, like, please let's get this convo over with ASAP please!
I also have a problem with womens eyes. I can get so lost just staring into them, I can't explain it, but there is something captivating about a womans eyes.
I don't know if some women purposely do this or if it just comes natural, but when a woman smiles, it is to me a beautiful thing that makes it very hard to concentrate; and now that a lot of women are wearing masks with the recent COVID-19 outbreak, I am extremely uncomfortable in conversations with certain women.