The "Aw FRACK" ebola thread

say what

I like soft soft!
A place to discuss the developments on the virus.

News, theories (all are welcome and respected), and a place to discuss your concerns of a potential zombie apocalypse!

I find it interesting theres never been a case of ebola in the us. So naturally we decide to import it.... who had that bright idea?
I find it interesting theres never been a case of ebola in the us. So naturally we decide to import it.... who had that bright idea?

Please don't ask questions like this, EH. You know who will answer it. And we all know who he will blame.

But yes, I also found that fact to be interesting. I am sure they brought him back to the states (the woman is coming back tomorrow, I think) so that they may receive the best medical care possible. That's understandable. Scary but understandable.
Please don't ask questions like this, EH. You know who will answer it. And we all know who he will blame.

But yes, I also found that fact to be interesting. I am sure they brought him back to the states (the woman is coming back tomorrow, I think) so that they may receive the best medical care possible. That's understandable. Scary but understandable.
Not that hard to get medical treatment TO them.
Please don't ask questions like this, EH. You know who will answer it. And we all know who he will blame.

But yes, I also found that fact to be interesting. I am sure they brought him back to the states (the woman is coming back tomorrow, I think) so that they may receive the best medical care possible. That's understandable. Scary but understandable.

I can see why they brought them back- and to my knowledge, they aren't presenting with symptoms and so they are not yet contagious. It makes sense for them to bring them to a place where they have the technology and capabilities to maintain them and the virus. Considering that people travel back and forth from there and around the world all day every day, it's likely that these two cases won't be what causes an outbreak (if it happens!)

I did have a 'wtf' moment when I saw them unload the doctor into a public hospital! You would have thought they'd take him to a secure facility with more of a capacity to contain it.
Not that hard to get medical treatment TO them.

I think it's not just getting it to them, but also stopping the spread of it during the treatment. I would also imagine they are studying it, and as a doctor who is studying it himself, perhaps he wants facilities to quarantine himself, and still be able to study it!
Well Ebola fortunately isn't airborne so it isn't that difficult to quarantine.

It's mainly a problem in places that have shit-hole sanitary conditions.
Please don't ask questions like this, EH. You know who will answer it. And we all know who he will blame.

I don't mind anyone posting on here, theories, ideas, or whatnot. I know there's some tension between members on topics and information posting, but if possible- I'd like to keep the thread open to anything, no matter how fringe it is! I think there can be tandem discussions happening in the thread!
Hmmm I have been thinking about this. It seems as if there is great mistrust of the medical community in africa. Many believe the medical workers are actually giving people the virus either on purpose or out of ignorance. So perhaps showing these people its not as scary as it seems (bring the disease into our boarders just to show we arent scared of it type of thing. Maybe even to show Americans theres nothing to be scared about...why?

Maybe they feel as if an outbreak here is eminent and they want to nip panic in the butt BEFORE it happens.
Well Ebola fortunately isn't airborne so it isn't that difficult to quarantine.

It's mainly a problem in places that have shit-hole sanitary conditions.

I thought there was one really rare strain that they think might have been airborne..I could be wrong! Also, someone told me that research out of Canada just showed that it is airborne between animal- I've yet to see the paper!
I can see why they brought them back- and to my knowledge, they aren't presenting with symptoms and so they are not yet contagious. It makes sense for them to bring them to a place where they have the technology and capabilities to maintain them and the virus. Considering that people travel back and forth from there and around the world all day every day, it's likely that these two cases won't be what causes an outbreak (if it happens!)

I did have a 'wtf' moment when I saw them unload the doctor into a public hospital! You would have thought they'd take him to a secure facility with more of a capacity to contain it.

I agree. If they have any chance of recovering, then they need to be in the states where they can receive the best care possible. And as you mentioned, they are not contagious at the moment. Even so, Ebola is not as contagious as one might think. You have to come into direct contact with the infected persons bodily fluid. It can't spread through the air. So there will be a much better chance of it being contained here than in West Africa.
I don't mind anyone posting on here, theories, ideas, or whatnot. I know there's some tension between members on topics and information posting, but if possible- I'd like to keep the thread open to anything, no matter how fringe it is! I think there can be tandem discussions happening in the thread!

Oh I know. I was just poking fun. :)
Hmmm I have been thinking about this. It seems as if there is great mistrust of the medical community in africa. Many believe the medical workers are actually giving people the virus either on purpose or out of ignorance. So perhaps showing these people its not as scary as it seems (bring the disease into our boarders just to show we arent scared of it type of thing. Maybe even to show Americans theres nothing to be scared about...why?

Maybe they feel as if an outbreak here is eminent and they want to nip panic in the butt BEFORE it happens.

There's certainly a lot of fear- which has been bread out of a lack of knowledge about the actual virus and how it spreads! I haven't read about them spreading it in Africa - it could happen! But I think it's more likely that, as [MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] said, it's just poor medical conditions and infrastructure. Even going through all the steps to contain it, if the practices and technologies aren't there, it's going to be hard to maintain it!
I thought there was one really rare strain that they think might have been airborne..I could be wrong! Also, someone told me that research out of Canada just showed that it is airborne between animal- I've yet to see the paper!

Well it's possible to have an airborne strain of anything. Who knows about pigs and monkeys and all that.

However the Ebola that we know so well which has killed many people in Africa is not airborne.
There is apparently a perfect storm virus scenario where 90+% of all people on earth die. There is an incubation period of a certain time frame so that those that have it spread it before they know they have it. Also a death period where they have time to spread it before they die as being dead keeps them from spreading it. It seems this ebola virus fits nicely into the perfect storm scenario. As for it not being air born? Ha ha ! One word...mosquitos.
There is apparently a perfect storm virus scenario where 90+% of all people on earth die. There is an incubation period of a certain time frame so that those that have it spread it before they know they have it. Also a death period where they have time to spread it before they die as being dead keeps them from spreading it. It seems this ebola virus fits nicely I to the perfect storm scenario. As for it not being air born? Ha ha ! One word...mosquitos.

I think you're thinking of malaria.

Actually not even malaria because it doesn't spread between humans.
There is apparently a perfect storm virus scenario where 90+% of all people on earth die. There is an incubation period of a certain time frame so that those that have it spread it before they know they have it. Also a death period where they have time to spread it before they die as being dead keeps them from spreading it. It seems this ebola virus fits nicely into the perfect storm scenario. As for it not being air born? Ha ha ! One word...mosquitos.

This might be the third or fourth time you have written something on this forum that made me fear for my life. Thanks a lot.
Has it crossed to the US or elsewhere yet?

I was actually wondering myself if Ebola is one of those tropic diseases or third world problems diseases or one of those antibiotic resistant health services nightmare super bugs like MRSA.

The fact that there's this outbreak at a time when fanatical violence from Israel is being ramped up, the UN is appearing EVEN MORE ineffectual and impotent than usual, Russia is sabre rattling like no ones business and France, Germany, Britain and to some extent the US are on some major WW1 rememberence trip all makes me wonder what the hell kind of end times tension the media can provoke in a single newscast.
I've been watching the show "The Last Ship" and have been taking notes for when the ebola virus does become airborne! ;)