Test your standards - Poll 2 of 2

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Given that a person was very attractive, could your form a romantic relationship with...

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Shai Gar

Testing the trends.


Post your answers there, and click the options in the poll.
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The only responses in this thread should be about the trends and implications.
So far two thirds would date someone with a history of mental illness. I find this very surprising, as I've experienced first hand what mental illness can do to a relationship. Even when it's actively being treated. I wonder if it's because people just don't know enough about the severity of something like this, the impact of it on relationships, and mental illness generally not being taken seriously that much.
It depends on the mental illness.

I've got slight aspergers and dyslexia.
So far two thirds would date someone with a history of mental illness. I find this very surprising, as I've experienced first hand what mental illness can do to a relationship. Even when it's actively being treated. I wonder if it's because people just don't know enough about the severity of something like this, the impact of it on relationships, and mental illness generally not being taken seriously that much.
As was previously stated, it does depend on the illness.

However, I agree that many people may not know the severity of the issue. At the shelter where I work, a good majority of the women are fleeing partners who have Bi-Polar or Manic Depression or Schizophrenia. Their partners have stopped caring for the illness.
Do those qualify as mental illnesses as per DSM IV?

I guess the first things I think about are bipolar, borderline, narcissistic personality, schizophrenia and clinical depression. I've experienced all of those in my own relationships or seen them in others.

Maybe I just had a bad run of it, but never again will I put myself willingly into a relationship with someone who has one of those mental illnesses. They're so hugely destructive to the person themselves, the relationship and their SO that I'm not sure any amount of attraction I feel would ever make me even try.
So far two thirds would date someone with a history of mental illness. I find this very surprising, as I've experienced first hand what mental illness can do to a relationship. Even when it's actively being treated. I wonder if it's because people just don't know enough about the severity of something like this, the impact of it on relationships, and mental illness generally not being taken seriously that much.

I voted yes, because I had a positive experience dating a guy who was mentally ill (schizophrenia). It was tough at times, especially when he wouldn't take his meds (but it had nothing to do with why we broke up). Maybe because he was also an INFJ it made it a little easier to understand him. It definitely wasn't easy though! I'm very suprised that two thirds said they would too.
Yes they do.
Then I guess the question is too broad. I'd date someone with asperger's or dyslexia, but I'd run from someone with bipolar or borderline.
Just for the record, that was not a come-on!
To be fair I'd probably jump you if you were female.
No slant. That was not an invitation for you to offer. I'm confiscating your knife collection.

You said you've gone guys before, and are only willing to date women now... What might trigger a reversal?
Well the one guy was basically my "maybe I'm not as gay as I thought" test and it turns out I really am as gay as I thought. A full body shave and consumption of pot or absinthe (on my part) might work for an evening though. :tongue:
One trend I see is that Slant voted no for everything, but that's to be expected.
I noticed there was no "No" option for dating someone who is far more intelligent. I've done that before and it was excruciating. I won't do it again.