Talk to me about your inferiority


The Romantic Scientist
How does your inferior cognitive MBTI function affect you as a person?

As most people with INFJ preferences we tend to have Se as the inferior function and I could get hundreds of characteristics of how this function affects us on the internet but I would like to get a more personalized paronama of each of you including other types.

My Se function is yet very immature and I do use it to some extent. Sometimes I envy these people because their way to look at life is so great like free spirits roaming around in their own little world enjoying life to its fullest and probably the ones that came up with the phrase "carpe diem". When I'm feeling bored of routine sometimes I get this urge of doing something extreme and try wind surfing, bungie jumping and hiking but I tend to fantasize more about me doing those things than actually getting my buns of my seat and doing it. Other times when I'm stressed and angry I let my impulses control me and it ends up being a bad idea since most of the times I restrain myself from impulses because I distrust them so much;so when I get the opportunity to follow those impulses I usually end up like a clown in front of people.

Details! Who here has trouble with details? Se dominant personality types are great at taking things from their enviroment and adapting with such accuracy that it's scary. I sometimes would compare Se with James Bond since he can do all this stunts, operate gadgets and fearless jumping off building and doing all these sort of things without thinking what would happen if something would go wrong. If I was in this situation I would be paralyzed not knowing what to do and thinking of all the possibilities of things going wrong. I become obsessed with small details! For example when I'm operating "hazardous" equipment such as knives, drills and other house equipments I take them as potential enemies who will attack me at any moment so I picked them up with utmost care as if holding a baby. Many of my friends laugh at me because of this since most of them are adept at handling such things and make me look like a fool with my incomptence of handling equipment.

On the other hand, one good thing about Se as an inferior function at least on my part is that it's one of my main sources of inspiration. All my ideas and thoughts come from experimenting and taking in the enviroment. If I feel stuck on writing something creatively all it takes is for me to go to nature, smell the trees, feeling the breezy wind on my cheecks and contemplating the creatures in the woods for my creativity to burst off with new ideas on what to do. It's amazing

Well, anyways I could go on and on with how my inferior function(extraverted sensing) affects me in such ways but I'm more interested in hearing your personal stories on how you deal with these inferior functions. So please, contribute.

How does your inferior cognitive MBTI function affect you as a person?

Other times when I'm stressed and angry I let my impulses control me and it ends up being a bad idea since most of the times I restrain myself from impulses because I distrust them so much; so when I get the opportunity to follow those impulses I usually end up like a clown in front of people.

I'm a bit timid when I try to be adventurous. Chances are, I'll probably embarrass myself, so I don't take the risk. Sad though, a lot of missed opportunities. I've been safe most of my life. I'm still dreaming of a road trip with friends or a trip to the Grand Canyon. For me, that's as impulsive as I'd probably be at this point. Would love to travel to Ireland someday though - that would the ideal adventure, hands down.
My Se function is yet very immature and I do use it to some extent. Sometimes I envy these people because their way to look at life is so great like free spirits roaming around in their own little world enjoying life to its fullest and probably the ones that came up with the phrase "carpe diem". When I'm feeling bored of routine sometimes I get this urge of doing something extreme and try wind surfing, bungie jumping and hiking but I tend to fantasize more about me doing those things than actually getting my buns of my seat and doing it. Other times when I'm stressed and angry I let my impulses control me and it ends up being a bad idea since most of the times I restrain myself from impulses because I distrust them so much;so when I get the opportunity to follow those impulses I usually end up like a clown in front of people.


I feel this way too often. And it has left me incredibly depressed knowing that I never have the stones to try something new and exciting to its fullest because of some preconceived fantastical notion in my mind. It is incredibly burdensome to never truly enter something completely open and unbiased. Surprisingly, even sex was a let down because I had such a fantastical profound view of it prior to losing my virginity. Paradoxically, my extreme idealism is what fuels my cynicism. For me, nothing has been good as it is usually perceived to be. The result has been living vicariously through others, or theoretically in my imagination. *sigh*
I'm a bit timid when I try to be adventurous. Chances are, I'll probably embarrass myself, so I don't take the risk. Sad though, a lot of missed opportunities. I've been safe most of my life. I'm still dreaming of a road trip with friends or a trip to the Grand Canyon. For me, that's as impulsive as I'd probably be at this point. Would love to travel to Ireland someday though - that would the ideal adventure, hands down.

I know what you're saying Restraint. Sometimes I get scared of taking risks and following those opportunities that might get me somewhere as well and why Ireland? I want to go to Ireland too but maybe because I imagine it being a place full of countrysides and it seems really cool to be surrounded by that.

I feel this way too often. And it has left me incredibly depressed knowing that I never have the stones to try something new and exciting to its fullest because of some preconceived fantastical notion in my mind. It is incredibly burdensome to never truly enter something completely open and unbiased. Surprisingly, even sex was a let down because I had such a fantastical profound view of it prior to losing my virginity. Paradoxically, my extreme idealism is what fuels my cynicism. For me, nothing has been good as it is usually perceived to be. The result has been living vicariously through others, or theoretically in my imagination. *sigh*

Yes, exactly. I felt the same thing about sex after experiencing it for the first time. I had another idea of what it was going to be but I end it up feeling dirty afterwards, it felt good, but that wasn't what I was expecting.

Good points guys. Thanks
I'm still kind of new to mbti and I don't know if I understand that well, but I think I have an idea what it means that extraverted sensing is our infj inferior function. I think it has to do with why my family always laughed at me for being so clueless about directions when I was a kid. My N is pretty strong. I am really bad at noticing where I'm going, I have to concentrate really hard to remember how to get somewhere. I have to be driving and following written directions. Once I've done that several times in a row, I'll remember how to get there. If someone else is telling me how to get there, or if I'm riding or following someone, I won't notice where we make turns and I won't be able to remember. One advantage of this is I've learned how to read a map better than some people. I have to concentrate very hard not to mix up left and right, east and west, etcetera, but I can do it.

I do like travelling and I have travelled and hiked a decent amount. Maybe that's because my family did camping and hiking, so it was always familiar to me. As I was hiking around a local forest this weekend, I was thinking that learning where the trails go might be more interesting to me than to someone who has a more natural sense of direction because it's more mysterious to me;) I'm always curious to see what's around the next turn and when I'll come to a recognizable landmark. I also love wading and swimming in streams or lakes. It takes some effort to motivate myself to get started into the water, but I love it once I'm used to the water.

I'm not interested in more physically adventurous, stimulating, or dangerous activities like bungee jumping or fast amusement park rides. They probably had a little appeal to me when I was a teenager. I did class 5 white water rafting (if I remember the classes right) once as a teen but I'm pretty sure I'd only do lower class rapids if I ever do it again.
My Se is very much like the way you described. It is my last function, and it is also extremely weak, almost completely unused and avoided. Because my Ni is so strong, and I'm a very strong judger, it makes sense. I need to plan everything out, and I mean everything. It is very hard (and in some cases, painful) for me to not plan something out, and to go on impulse. On rare occasions, I will feel really good if I do something off impulse, but that is because Ni gave me insight before said impulse and I knew it would be ok. That in itself isn't true pure Se. The only Se activity I seek out is skiing. As some of you already know, I LOVE to ski. It is so much fun. I love to go really fast and really far. My skiing partner (who is also one of my closest friends), who is an ESFP, is actually scared for me at times because she think I am going too fast or doing something to risky. I do have an inner adrenaline junkie in me. However, it's hard for me to start it. This quote that you said in particular highlights it:

When I'm feeling bored of routine sometimes I get this urge of doing something extreme and try wind surfing, bungie jumping and hiking but I tend to fantasize more about me doing those things than actually getting my buns of my seat and doing it.

This is exactly how I am, 99% of the time I will want to do something very Se like, physical, and risky, but all I do is end up thinking about it. I need an external push from someone else in order for me to do it. Again it goes back to me needing to come up with some kind of plan, or be able to predict it. Once I can, and I get a shove from someone else (figurativly, or literally), I will go all out with things.
In a test I did, it said Fe was my least used function.

Funny to research it now
It's pretty much the reason I've had troubles with people since moving out on my own

Fe (Extraverted Feeling)
Basic Passive Use: Honor others' needs and preferences.
Developed Active use: Connect with people by sharing values and taking on their needs as yours.
I am not alien to these functions at all --I've used them and I like to
but they are dormant with strangers or people I don't know very much.. and I come off a bit mean at times. I used to think people are just silly and too dependent on other people, but I guess this is somewhat the basis of an extrovert's personality isn't it...

The other two low-used cognitive processes were Se and Ni :m125: which I'm disappointed about because they are about insights and instincts... I hope to develop that a lot more

Or perhaps I'll retake the test.
I have lived a major part of my life overworking my Si. If you didn't know me, you'd think I'm ISTJ during this period. My conclusion is that everyone has the power to turn into the complete opposite type - actually more likely than any other MBTI transformation. (for real)

INFJs and INTJs are sometimes involved in the physical arts - dancing, painting, as well as sports or the army... that's all Se, well worked upon. Inside every insecure INFJ there's a bold athlete hidden - and this can be observed in particular situations: probably they cook surprisingly well, or are above average good at fashion design etc; it shows somewhere. What makes it so beautiful is that the dominant humble nature of the INFJ covers it, and they may not be aware of how good they are at some Se activity. It's really charming.