story time


Time Lord
I tell you. One day there was a young man who found it in heart to build a shop that would honor him and serve men yet he had no way gain capital. He sought funds to start his business, he looked to all his friends yet none could afford him. He sought out the Church but they to could not afford him.

One day a man from the Bank came to him saying "I have heard of your plans and wish to lend you capital to start and expand by way of the bank."

The young man replied "I have no interest of becoming indebted to the bank leave me" and so the Young man continued to look for help. The man from the bank came back and said to him

"the manager of the bank has told me he enjoys your plans greatly, he will lend you the capital and ask nothing but what you were given back after your business is successful"

the young man replied still "how many time must I tell you I wish not debt from you." so the man left him and he continued his search.

A few days later the man from the bank found the young man again. He had brought along a older gentleman the young man had never met.

The older gentleman spoke saying "My employee and his manager have told me that you have plans for a business, one that would honor you and serve men. I will personally lend you the capital to start and fund your business and you will only have to pa back a tenth of your debt over your life time."

The Young man screamed and stomped his feet at the man from the bank and the banks owner yelling "I tell I want nothing to do with your bank, I can find my own way to start this business and I will do it by myself."

The men left the young man. The young man continued his search.
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I feel like there's a message/moral to this.

The young man didn't want to borrow and refused to do so. Perhaps it's saying something about our culture, how we borrow and lend, but there is always an expectation to be paid back.

Perhaps all the lending and borrowing makes us forget the good that comes from simply giving?
I sort of feel like that young man. Many people tell me that they will help me reach my objectives but they always want something in return. If first they would understand the cause that I'm advocating for and in return expect nothing than perhaps I would let them help me. However, people always want something in exchange of something so even though their intentions are good they are still, in a way, manipulating as to how you should do those objectives.

This may be way off but that's how I perceived it at first. Thanks for posting it.
It's very interesting how people received this little story, let's me get an idea of how you think. And how different everyone's thoughts are.
I think he could have accepted one of the offers he received, esp. the second one. Who knows, through that man he may have received an even greater blessing, but he seemed stubborn and didn't want any help. Unless he's waiting for a divine power...which isn't going to happen here; God isn't going to come down for him. Many times, he works through people, and maybe one of those men was the person he sent. OR maybe, there's an even better offer coming along and the man has faith that he'll get it and that's what he's waiting for....? So in that case, I understand him turning the two offers down, but he doesn't appear as someone who's hoping for something better, esp. b/c he says he wants to "do it himself," which tells me he's just being stubborn. And if you're about to start a business and you're not willing to invest in it, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. What exactly he was hoping for -them to lend him freely? And why the tantrum? He didn't have to scream and yell at them; could have turned them down politely.

I'm wondering why he wants to build the shop -a shop that'll honor him. Who is he? What for...Why?
And serve men? In what way?
Or does him in "honor him" refer to God? And the shop he's trying to build is for God? And by serving men, the shop'll be helping people somehow? And is that why he went to the Church to help in the first place?

What's the message here, Chris? Interested in knowing.
I think he could have accepted one of the offers he received, esp. the second one. Who knows, through that man he may have received an even greater blessing, but he seemed stubborn and didn't want any help. Unless he's waiting for a divine power...which isn't going to happen here; God isn't going to come down for him. Many times, he works through people, and maybe one of those men was the person he sent. OR maybe, there's an even better offer coming along and the man has faith that he'll get it and that's what he's waiting for....? So in that case, I understand him turning the two offers down, but he doesn't appear as someone who's hoping for something better, esp. b/c he says he wants to "do it himself," which tells me he's just being stubborn. And if you're about to start a business and you're not willing to invest in it, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. What exactly he was hoping for -them to lend him freely? And why the tantrum? He didn't have to scream and yell at them; could have turned them down politely.

I'm wondering why he wants to build the shop -a shop that'll honor him. Who is he? What for...Why?
And serve men? In what way?
Or does him in "honor him" refer to God? And the shop he's trying to build is for God? And by serving men, the shop'll be helping people somehow? And is that why he went to the Church to help in the first place?

What's the message here, Chris? Interested in knowing.

I'll give you a bit of info to help. The young man has a limited knowledge of God.

He does not wish to honor God with his business.

he does want his shop to help people.

And his time with the church goes back to one of your first statements
As much as I like you, I feel bad telling you that I dont like the story. It isnt well written. You need to give more details.
As much as I like you, I feel bad telling you that I dont like the story. It isnt well written. You need to give more details.

You miss the point if you dig into the details, there is a point to why I put this in the philosophy section as opposed to the writing section.
It reminds me of a story from the Bible :)
To some extent it was modeled after Jesus' parables.