Stone Henge. | INFJ Forum

Stone Henge.


Community Member
Oct 17, 2011
8.3 on the RMS!!!
I was stationed in the armed forces a few years ago, about ten to be honest and one day we drove alongside Stone Henge, before the barriers were built ( this was before I was a Born Again Christian ) so as we drove past, I couldn't take my eyes away from it and it's been in my mind ever since.

But recently, in the past 6 months I've just been drawn to it even more, I'm starting to collect images about it and information.

Am I having some kind of spiritual experience?

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I've always been fascinated by things like stone henge. Not just what it represents or what it's function is, but the idea that people were even able to build it. I think some would look at it is a bunch of rocks. I look at it as something magnificent.
I was stationed in the armed forces a few years ago, about ten to be honest and one day we drove alongside Stone Henge, before the barriers were built ( this was before I was a Born Again Christian ) so as we drove past, I couldn't take my eyes away from it and it's been in my mind ever since.

But recently, in the past 6 months I've just been drawn to it even more, I'm starting to collect images about it and information.

Am I having some kind of spiritual experience?

View attachment 9360

I too have always been fascinated with Stone Henge. A beautiful photo you have there.

What do you mean by spiritual experience?
to study stonehenge is to dive into the rabbit's hole.

there are reams of stuff about it all over the internet.

most recently it has been discovered/proven that the stones were set as replacements or to augment older wooden objects.

but as a born again you really should not look at this stuff, it may disturb your relationship with your savior.
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I too have always been fascinated with Stone Henge. A beautiful photo you have there.

What do you mean by spiritual experience?

I feel extremely drawn to it for some reason.
to study stonehenge is to dive into the rabbits hole.

there are reams of stuff about it all over the internet.

most recently it has been discovered/proven that the stones were set as replacements or to augment older wooden objects.

but as a born again you really should not look at this stuff, it may disturb your relationship with your savior.

I'm not a born again christian anymore, I left the church a few years ago =)
to study stonehenge is to dive into the rabbits hole.

there are reams of stuff about it all over the internet.

most recently it has been discovered/proven that the stones were set as replacements or to augment older wooden objects.

He's right.

Once you start down this kind of path it will not end until you do.

And yes - you are beginning to have your spiritual experience.
it is a magical place. . .full of so much mystery and feeling. . . .
If its a spiritual connect thats in question then how do you identity with it?
Connections with inanimate objects have always fascinated me. Perhaps its a historical connect (genetic memory).
If its a spiritual connect thats in question then how do you identity with it?
Connections with inanimate objects have always fascinated me. Perhaps its a historical connect (genetic memory).

I don't know, I just have this overwhelming feeling sometimes to get in my car drive down and just touch it, I have no idea why. I'm not mentally ill or deluded as I'm currently under a gender therapist( Who is a registered NHS Psychiatrist), you are assessed before given HRT that you must be mentally stable. I passed all tests and evaluation's and was started on HRT, so I know I do not have a mental illness and I'm not crazy, for want of a better word.

I've never had this feeling before about any inanimate object, no whatsoever. It feels like it's important to me and I feel a strong emotional connection to it. When the summer and winter solstice come, I get upset that I cannot be there and the fact that people are dropping litter and not having any respect for it really upsets me.

When I look at images of it, I just get in to a daydream state looking at it's beauty.

I bet I sound really crazy now =(
Nope....You don't sound crazy.

When I look at images of it, I just get in to a daydream state looking at it's beauty.

I feel the same way about it. In awe....
I don't believe you are crazy, or you might but then you are not the only one because I am right there with you. :D I don't only feel this way with the Stone Henge but also other ancient buildings and such. I am very lucky in the fact that I have had the chance to travel some in my young life and have gone to some very old places while visiting Europe twice. The feeling I get looking at Stone Henge is the same that I get when I enter any of these old buildings. Part of it for me is the mystery that is tied to it, the unknown and then another part is the history.

I am fascinated with questions and there are a lot of questions tied to the Stone Henge in regards to it's purpose and how it was built. I feel the same way though with the many things like the Pyramids of Giza and the Parthenon. Any of the ancient structures, I have just such a deep respect for that I cannot completely explain. I would love to just be able to restore them to their form at the height of their greatness.
Am I having some kind of spiritual experience?
It may be possible but that kinda depends on what you want to do with it.

These sites always remind me of the interior questioning, searching, and awarenesses that existed for the ancients and still exist in people today, in spite of the technological and cultural veneers that may significantly differ. Something within still prevails...a need for connection perhaps, maybe harmony....a relationship between the individual, human community, life, and the cosmos. It's what was happening in the heart that so often led to these stone creations, quite likely something of major importance to these cultures. I remember that inner quest when I see these kinds of constructions.
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I'm just fascinated by old relics, particularly religious ones. It doesn't mean I'm interested in changing my religion and it doesn't mean that I'm having a spiritual experience. I just think this stuff is cool.

If you like Stonehenge, you'll LOVE Goeglekli Tepe -- the oldest known temple in the world, located in what is now Turkey.
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I don't know, I just have this overwhelming feeling sometimes to get in my car drive down and just touch it, I have no idea why. I'm not mentally ill or deluded as I'm currently under a gender therapist( Who is a registered NHS Psychiatrist), you are assessed before given HRT that you must be mentally stable. I passed all tests and evaluation's and was started on HRT, so I know I do not have a mental illness and I'm not crazy, for want of a better word.

I've never had this feeling before about any inanimate object, no whatsoever. It feels like it's important to me and I feel a strong emotional connection to it. When the summer and winter solstice come, I get upset that I cannot be there and the fact that people are dropping litter and not having any respect for it really upsets me.

When I look at images of it, I just get in to a daydream state looking at it's beauty.

I bet I sound really crazy now =(

No, actually you don't sound crazy. My aunty (Dr. Keri Lawson-Te Aho, you can google her) who is a professor of psychology at Victoria University has been researching into this for the last 20 years, shes one of the minds behind the genetic memory theory. Its happened to me before, I went to a place called Kapiti island (a beautiful little island off the coast of New Zealand) when I was 13 where I felt the most unsettling sense of dread and the strong feeling that I had been there before (lets put its this way, I knew my way around the island as if it were second nature), I then came to learn at the age of 20 that my ancestors where captured, killed and believe or not eaten by the local tribe, their bones were thrown into the freshwater lagoon (yes, my ancestors are underneath that brown sludge...)


It might be worth looking into your family tree to see if there are any connections, for all you know your ancestors could of built it.
No, actually you don't sound crazy. My aunty (Dr. Keri Lawson-Te Aho, you can google her) who is a professor of psychology at Victoria University has been researching into this for the last 20 years, shes one of the minds behind the genetic memory theory. Its happened to me before, I went to a place called Kapiti island (a beautiful little island off the coast of New Zealand) when I was 13 where I felt the most unsettling sense of dread and the strong feeling that I had been there before (lets put its this way, I knew my way around the island as if it were second nature), I then came to learn at the age of 20 that my ancestors where captured, killed and believe or not eaten by the local tribe, their bones were thrown into the freshwater lagoon (yes, my ancestors are underneath that brown sludge...)

It might be worth looking into your family tree to see if there are any connections, for all you know your ancestors could of built it.

Now this theory could be another side to the Past Lives concept! How exciting!

Regarding genetic memory, in recent years I used to fantasize that memories were somehow attached to our dna. I thought if our current life memories could be "stored" in our bodies - the abdomen and heart areas - then why not reduce it down to the essential atomic structure itself? I didn't know there was research out there.

Thanks for information Matariki!
Now this theory could be another side to the Past Lives concept! How exciting!

Regarding genetic memory, in recent years I used to fantasize that memories were somehow attached to our dna. I thought if our current life memories could be "stored" in our bodies - the abdomen and heart areas - then why not reduce it down to the essential atomic structure itself? I didn't know there was research out there.

Thanks for information Matariki!

Yes absolutely. It was a theory that was started by Carl Jung which is now being continued worldwide by a team of psychologists, psychiatrists, parapsychologists and neuroscientists (including our family).

My aunty is publishing a book on it (which my family is collaborated in), she's representing the Maori culture and how modern Maori are affected today by the traumatic shift in socitey that their ancestors went through, including ours. There is another professional psychologist in America who's representing the native American culture, I can't remember his name... I find it interesting because in these native cultures there is a very high respect for genealogy (in Maori culture family genealogy is represented through the Tā moko, not to be mistaken for Kirituhi). I'm amazed by the popularity of this theory in recent media such as in the game series 'Assassins Creed' (which is awesome by the way). It could also be explanation for talents, such as my great grandfathers on my mothers side (Maori heritage) were champion Boxers and philosophers, and now today I do Boxing and spend all day thinking about the meaning of life. My great grandparents on my fathers side (British heritage) were artists and now me and most of my siblings are artists, despite the gaps on both sides of the family me and my siblings have picked up these traits and funnily enough our styles are similar. Personality traits are another one too that are considered to be inherited.