
Permanently relocated
May 19, 2013
Well, get to it.
eternal or immortal spirit and an energy that is intangible inside a mortal tangible body. It is the essence of a person/animal that carries their personality, values, intellect, wisdom, morality, and free-will. The soul is different with humans and animals. It is not stable and can be affected depending on the persons decisions, thoughts as well as outside influences and experiences.
Soul - directional influence?
Soul - directional influence?

I guess when I said that the soul carries their personality, values, intellect, wisdom, morality, and free-will (and emotions)... These things are directional influences, for some they rely more on their morals, some wisdom, and some values.. so yes, I think directional influence.
A good portion of my life has been spent trying to see beyond the physical. Trying to see and believe we are more then what our physical brains create.
Absent a physical body and its need for air, water, gravity, cohesion. ...what are we?
We eirher simply "are" or we are manipulators.
Manipulators = directional influence.
Btw sorry. There is no right or wrong answer here. Just asking for input.
Manipulators = directional influence.

What do you mean.. how do you see this? that the soul is a manipulator and the body being manipulated.. or we're simply 'manipulators' in essence.
I have trouble understanding, 'manipulator' has a bad connotation.
We are either non influential, inert. .. or we influence. Influence is manipulation. The simple act of taking notice, of observing could be considered manipulation. That we exist, we manipulate. we manipulate for good or for ill and who defines what that is? [MENTION=10399]ODyssey[/MENTION]
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We are either non influential, inert. .. or we influence. Influence is manipulation. The simple act of taking notice, of observing could be considered manipulation. That we exist, we manipulate. we manipulate for good or for ill and who defines what that is? [MENTION=10399]ODyssey[/MENTION]

I believe... we manipulate to get to the truth: to learn, to grow, to please, to feel... to experience, what else is the point of life.. I wouldn't know.
whether it is good or bad~ but i think it is neither, the truth doesn't take sides.. it just is... the constant of all. (?)
" we manipulate for good or for ill and who defines what that is? "
I think we would influence/manipulate generally for the good. But there is such thing as evil that tempts.. that reveals or even hinders.. all that blahblah. Who defines it.. I guess it goes back to morality and conscience that isn't warped.

I'm just trying this idea out, if I got what you mean..

1. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
2. The essence or embodiment of a specified quality.

Hehehe. You said define...
Anyways. I think if it does exist it is something attached to us that is like energy, but is not influenced by our actions and probably doesn't influence us. It is just there

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  • 1.
    the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 2.
    the essence or embodiment of a specified quality.

    Hehehe. You said define...

    Anyways. I think if it does exist it is something attached to us that is like a energy, but is not influenced by our actions and probably doesn't influence us. It is just there.

Define material. :)

Are neurons "material"?

1. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
2. The essence or embodiment of a specified quality.

Hehehe. You said define...
Anyways. I think if it does exist it is something attached to us that is like energy, but is not influenced by our actions and probably doesn't influence us. It is just there

you think you would still be independently moving without a soul?
Well deserved. Yeah, if you don't nurture, embrace and suffer for it, there's no soul for you.
What do you mean by "independently moving"?

doesn't directly depend on anything external for it to move. It moves on it's own, under it's own command?
so you think having been able to move on your own accord is not an influence of the soul? you said it yourself, the soul is an energy. You don't think energy influences?
doesn't directly depend on anything external for it to move. It moves on it's own, under it's own command?
so you think having been able to move on your own accord is not an influence of the soul? you said it yourself, the soul is an energy. You don't think energy influences?

No, I don't think the soul influences our movement or thoughts. If it did it would have observable measurements because it affects physical matter. To have outside sources of energy, (as we know it), and not have empirical evidence breaks The Laws of Thermodynamics.