Sometimes I feel like an INFP, ENFP, or ENFJ.


Variable Hybrid
I have these moments where I really think "Maybe my Fi and Ne are actually stronger than my self opinion, and I'm actually an INFP?" Other times I think "Maybe my Ne and Fi are stronger than my self opinion gives them credit, and I'm actually an ENFP?"

And then I read the descriptions and think "Hmm... this isn't so far off actually..."

I'm sharing this in case any of you guys go through this. If so, then it's normal. If not, then I'm either weird, or correct about being an INFP, ENFP, or ENFJ, heh. However, I'm pretty sure it's normal for us INFJs to do this.
Me too!

ISFP is my starting point, not my destination. :D
your an INFJ! I think you've be over this several times, as in your an INFJ most the time!

sometimes I can be like a INFJ, ESFJ, just depends on what your humour is and what your doing, Im trying to get more TJ for work! logic is very very useful as a teacher when disciplining etc......

I think its very common for all people to have moments of acting different and some people will spend longer in another type or personality than others

let the debate begin!
I know that my type swings a little depending on my mood/current emotional state. Day to day I'm an INFJ through and through, but when I'm totally burnt out and really couldn't care less about what will happen next I score INFP. Similarly, when I'm pissed off about something, or at someone, I score INTJ.

I read a really simple way to differentiate J vs. P preferences. If you NEED to know what you are, then you're a J. If it's just something you are thinking about, likely you are a P.

The difference between I and E simply your preference for socialization. Maybe you just like to walk the middle ground?
your an INFJ! I think you've be over this several times, as in your an INFJ most the time!

sometimes I can be like a INFJ, ESFJ, just depends on what your humour is and what your doing, Im trying to get more TJ for work! logic is very very useful as a teacher when disciplining etc......

I think its very common for all people to have moments of acting different and some people will spend longer in another type or personality than others

let the debate begin!

No debate out of me. I agree completely that the best thing people can do is develop ALL of their functions.

However, ENFP is the natural 'shape shifter' of the types, having the easiest time switching processes and modes of thought. Funny that an ENFP chose that perspective on this.

Also, I think I'm so close to Ni = Fe = Fi = Ne that at any point when one has more weight than another, I shift to the corresponding type. I like the percentage based results that I have in my sig.
No debate out of me. I agree completely that the best thing people can do is develop ALL of their functions.

However, ENFP is the natural 'shape shifter' of the types, having the easiest time switching processes and modes of thought. Funny that an ENFP chose that perspective on this.

Also, I think I'm so close to Ni = Fe = Fi = Ne that at any point when one has more weight than another, I shift to the corresponding type. I like the percentage based results that I have in my sig.

haha why do you think thats an interesting answer?(fell free to pm so we don't derail your thread

well in a way I am constantly evolving myself and I can take on different personas I suppose a gift of been an ENFP is been able to chat to everyone at most levels!

how would you define a mode of thought?
So far, all I've narrowed it down to is INFX.
I deluded myself for a short time into wondering whether or not I am an NT. There's no way.

My Ni and Ne on tests are usually about equal and always my highest. Fe varies, though usually Fi gets more use. But I barely know what I'm talking about here.
Hmm, lol Von don't worry my spread of cognitive functions is very weird as well, actually it goes soemthing like this:


indeed a pretty awkward set for an INFJ but it still works for me lol :).

I say you truly are an INFJ just a very mature,emphatetic one who has learned to use many functions.