

How do people cope with insincerity?

Have you ever offended someone because you are under a pretense? Are you easily offended by same?
I strive to be as sincere as possible. I value honest very highly, and sincerity is just another form of this. I am naturally a very judgemental person and will "peg" someone rather fast. The problem is I am often right with this, but the times I am not can result in problems (and have in the past). Because of this I give people the benifit of the doubt to a degree when I first meet them.

Besides, I see very little harm coming out of being sincere. This is how you foster true, meaningful friendships and relationships with another person. If someone is insincere then either point it out in them, or simply move on from them.
I can look past insincerity to some extent simply because I have to live with a variety of people every day. I just don't let them in.
i don't like when people are blatantly lying to my face, when we have to keep up the pretences for whatever reason. obviously there is a time to be diplomatic and discreet, but so to is there a time to be sincere and honest, and i appreciate it when people are wise enough to know the difference. i try to be sincere when i can, but i'll admit i'm not the most honest person out there.. if it's easier to lie, if the end justifies the means, i'm willing to do it. don't like it, but i'm practical more than anything.
I have this problem... I cant lie... i can try it just doesnt work my face turns red i start to giggle and i'm really bad at hiding my likes or dislikes.
Which actually makes it hard for me to have any pretenses at all. I tend to ignore the people i dont like. I'm not outright rude i just don't engage with them, and when i'm forced in a situation that i do have to talk with those people i'm civil, and to the point.. no need in a drawn out conversation with someone you dont like.. its a waste of time and i have better things to do... like my hair
We see a lot of feigned sincerity as well particularly from politicians who want us to believe that they are talking form the heart.

I think its necessary to be wary about sincerity in a world where many people are trying to sell something. I think authenticity is what is important.

I think its also necessary to be very careful who you speak from the heart with. Some people are so twisted they even see honesty as naivety.
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We see a lot of feigned sincerity as well particularly from politicians who want us to believe that they are talking form the heart.

I think its necessary to be wary about sincerity in a world where many people are trying to sell something. I think authenticity is what is important.

I think its also necessary to be very careful who you speak from the heart with. Some people are so twisted they even see honesty as naivety.

what's the difference between authenticity and sincerity, in your opinion?
I agree wholeheartedly with your last statement, btw. it's important to know when to open up, and when to shut up.
I'm never fully insincere... it's more being diplomatic and tactful. I don't like hurting people's feelings, but I prefer that they don't get upset later one because I said nothing.
I think sincerity is a really good trait :) It makes me respect people a lot if they're sincere.
what's the difference between authenticity and sincerity, in your opinion?
I agree wholeheartedly with your last statement, btw. it's important to know when to open up, and when to shut up.

If you're interested there is a book called 'Affluenza' written by Oliver James which looks at issues of sincerity v's authenticity
From personal experience, sometimes my sincerity's hollow; it lacked a meaning. Self-fulfillment or weak attempts to be "nice", or etiquette branded into my very self, I have no idea.

So I don't look at sincerity in reality very high. It's like knowing that the thing on the table you just seen is a cupcake; It's very good to know that. But will it taste good? Will it affect your health? Is it made good? Those are something else entirely.

</random mumbling>

I think the idea of sincerity vs authenticity is rather interesting.
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Sincerity is necessary part of good personality, If it is not within any person, then he/she should not considered as nice person or sincere person.

Especially i don't like people who are sincere with few ones and insincere with another one. This sounds like rude. I mean person should be same with everyone. Why to become insincere? I see no sense in this.