Should service/military dogs be considered "heroes"?

Sloe Djinn

Idiot with Internet Access.
I rarely start threads, but I was wondering about this and wanted an outside opinion. I guess it also has to do with one's definition of what a "hero" is. Should service/military dogs be considered "heroes"? My current opinion is no because while they might engage in heroic feats, they never got to choose what they wanted to do, they just got trained and essentially forced into it. All thoughts are welcome. Puh-lease no partisan jabs.
they never got to choose what they wanted to do, they just got trained and essentially forced into it.
^ I think this is why they are elevated as such, regardless if they are worthy of the title.

My family is steeped in the Marine Corps. They highly value their service animals and see them as any other soldier. Property of the military (expendable), sure, but also part of the brotherhood. And they are honored as such if they perish during their service.
People throw the word hero around with no thought these days. My idea of a hero is someone who does something that could either kill them or have a serious negative impact on their life but does it anyway.
Dogs..anImals really don't have a choice. Service anImals are essentially slaves to humans. Just because they do not know that does not change that fact. Labeling them as a hero somehow makes it seems as if they have a choice and they choose to put their lives on the line.
We need to recognize the anImals life and what it did, but we also need to recognize why it did what it did.
No. they are just dogs.
I think this is true for the T.I.'s (D.I. for u non AF folk)
I'm almost certain they've designed a special language derived from the barking of dogs. I find it highly amusing... Though not a good idea to indicate this on the outside.
We need to recognize the anImals life and what it did, but we also need to recognize why it did what it did.
I see your perspective and I get it. But considering the situations these animals are placed in, I honestly do believe they have a choice. They choose between acting on their fear or instinct to tuck tail and run, or they choose to obey a command. How is that different from any other soldier? (Serious question)
Yes, to a certain extent. I definitely appreciate how they are given respect same as any other soldier, LEC officer, etc. rather than being treated as disposable things.
I rarely start threads, but I was wondering about this and wanted an outside opinion. I guess it also has to do with one's definition of what a "hero" is. Should service/military dogs be considered "heroes"? My current opinion is no because while they might engage in heroic feats, they never got to choose what they wanted to do, they just got trained and essentially forced into it. All thoughts are welcome. Puh-lease no partisan jabs.
I don't think they can be called heroes, because the term "hero" imo is not just a title applied to skill (professionals/experts/etc.), or achievement (victors, conquerors, etc.), but to an idealised aspirational status.

One cannot aspire positively to a worse state, nor to impossible states. So, neither animals, nor gods are heroes, but rather simply good, or bad in their activities.
Heroism, for most of us, entails putting oneself in mortal danger for a greater good. Dogs do that, not every dog but there are plenty of stories of dogs who save their human families from house fires and such. Are they aware of the danger they are putting themselves in or do they simply act on impulse? Tough question, not every dog can overcome its fear of an obvious danger. On the other hand many human heroes, when recalling the events describe it as a no brainer, yes they were fearful of what could or would happen to them but the alternative course was unacceptable.

I think it is fair to call a dog heroic, but not simply for carrying out a task they were conditioned to perform, there has got to be a survival impulse that is overcome.
I see your perspective and I get it. But considering the situations these animals are placed in, I honestly do believe they have a choice. They choose between acting on their fear or instinct to tuck tail and run, or they choose to obey a command. How is that different from any other soldier? (Serious question)
I do not know, nor would I say that you are wrong. I believe much of it comes down to intent and understanding of the circumstances you are placing yourself into. Also, are anImals conscious or are they acting out of instinct and programming? I can't answer this. I would say my current cat is the most conscious cat I have ever known. I believe she is aware of herself. So I believe anImals can be conscious and make decisions.
It's a tough call going beyond the definition of the word hero. But...if anImals can really show consciousness enough to be labeled "hero" should we continue to eat them?

I came unglued when this picture circulated months back. Maybe the guy with his sorry foot on one of them thought he was a hero? Good thing I was not there.

A GSD is by my feet. They are loyal to their handler. That was not beat into any of mine, and this is my fourth GSD over the years. Some of these guys stand above the others. Run away? Not any of mine, and that wasn't beat into any of mine. If someone thinks these dogs just do as they are trained, they are wrong. They are highly intelligent creatures. If one of them finds a buried child after an earthquake, ask the child's parents if the dog is a hero. He is to them. All the police and LEO dogs I have had the fortune to watch act like they love their jobs and training. Forget their training and they will remind just about the right time.


Mine is one of my heroes, and he does not work like all these guys.
Also dogs suck and cats are the real heros.
Also dogs suck and cats are the real heros.
I can find no fault in this logic whatsoever.


(Just don't tell my little pooch I said so)
so like, if you serve in the military for four years, for whatever reason, you are entitled to socialistic medical care for life, but if you do the same for the peace corp or teach for america or vista its like "thanks for nuthin"

most of the work in the military is bullshit
most of the work in the peace corp and vista is vital
so.....what the fuck?
so like, if you serve in the military for four years, for whatever reason, you are entitled to socialistic medical care for life, but if you do the same for the peace corp or teach for america or vista its like "thanks for nuthin"

most of the work in the military is bullshit
most of the work in the peace corp and vista is vital
so.....what the fuck?
This is one of the first things you have said that has me actually wondering if you are even slightly sane.
Yeah those armed forces guys get really great medical care. Get left on waiting lists to die before anyone even talks to them. Left in rooms so long unattended they find maggots living in their wounds. Are subjected to unproven and untried experimentation without legal rights.
The peace corps does some good stuff but it's hardly like they are risking their lives.
Nice to know that illegal aliens are treated better than our military.
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