ShaiGarian Astrological Chart

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Shai Gar

Great House
Aspect, Planet - Lords of the Houses

The Great Maelstrom
House of The Maelstrom
-- Lord Who Brings Light
The Aspect of The Maelstrom is a Chaotic pulling towards a predestined, or willful goal.

House of Fire
Fire Mercury - Fennec Fox
Fire Venus - Taipan
Fire Earth - Coyote
The Aspects of fire are quickness of wit, playfulness and power

House of Life
Life Earth - Wombat
Life Mars - Wolverine
Life Jupiter - Racoon
The Aspects of life are ferocity, nurturing and creativity.

House of Wind
Wind Jupiter - Kea Parrot
Wind Saturn - Haast Eagle
Wind Neptune - Snowy Owl
The Aspects of Wind are chaos, change and life

House of Ice
Ice Neptune - Polar Bear
Ice Uranus - Snow Leopard
Ice Mercury - Artic Fox
The Aspects of Ice are Solitude, Ordered and Immutability
There are three great houses; Maelstrom, Earth and Sky. Each of the planets offers a spiritual presence to the powers of the houses. Which create Unique House Lords. There are two house lords for each planet except for Venus, Mars, Saturn and Uranus, which are Lords of their Houses.

The Lord Who Brings Light, operates from the darkness. The Great Maelstrom, which is his house, intersects purposfully throughout the other houses and is the centre around which the houses move.
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What exactly is this based on? How did you correlate these animals and elements?
Fire Mercury - Fennec Fox
Fire Venus - Taipan
Fire Earth - Coyote
Life Earth - Wolverine
Life Mars - Wombat
Life Jupiter - Racoon
Wind Jupiter - Magpie
Wind Saturn - Haast Eagle
Wind Neptune - Snowy Owl
Ice Neptune - Polar Bear
Ice Uranus - Snow Leopard
Ice Mercury - Artic Fox

Fire is representitive of quickness of wit, playfulness and power, all desert creatures.
Life is representitive of ferocity, nurturing and creativity, all are forest creatures.
Wind is representitive of chaos, change and life, all are avian creatures.
Ice is representitive of Solitude, Ordered and Immutability, all are cold climate creatures.

Mercury Fire - Fennic Fox
Mercury Ice - Artic Fox
Earth Fire - Coyote
Earth Life - Wolverine
Jupiter Life - Racoon
Jupiter Wind - Kea Parrot
Neptune Wind - Snowy Owl
Neptune Ice - Polar Bear

Mercury is representitive of the small predator which adapts perfectly to harsh environs.
Earth has the curious fighter which lives in temperate climates.
Jupiter has uberadaptable scavengers that are intelligent and curious.
Neptune is the predatory winter aspect.