Shadow Functions and Shadow Modes

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I had one of those Ni moments, and something occurred to me...

Depending on who you ask, the shadow mode for INFJ is ENFP or ESTP. The assumption here is that when the mind reaches a point where it isn't successful, it begins to attempt to adapt by changing its approach.

Beebe's theory is that our shadow functions are the inverse of our normal functions. INFJs go from Ni > Fe > Ti > Se to Ne > Fi > Te > Si. The assumption is that the mind switches polarity from introverted > extroverted to extroverted > introverted but attempts to retain the same process order - N > F > T > S.

The other theory suggests that the mind simply reverese cognitive function order as a response to stress. In this theory, INFJs go from Ni > Fe > Ti > Se to Se > Ti > Fe > Ni. From what I've seen in myself, this is my extremely stressed mode, my life or death survival mode.

Both of these modes occur when an individual is under stress, but the latter is the result of more severe stress.

But, what I realized is that the second theory is actually wrong in how it describes what is happening. Beebe's theory is correct in both instances, but if stress is high enough also switches processes - S > T > F > N - as a further adaptive reaction to stress. It's not a reversal. It's a complete inversion.

While this seems like another of my knit picking posts about the inner workings of all of this, it isn't. This is a huge induction, because it proves that cognitive functions are fluid, and not static. For the following to occur, this means the mind scales across the introverted and extroverted axis, most likely in proportion to stress.

Ni > Fe > Ti > Se
Ne > Fi > Te > Si

The reason these are called shadow functions, and that they have the effect on us that they do is because we tend to only used them when forced... until we've used them often enough to begin to see the benefit of them rather than the hinderances.

For example, for INFJs, the Sennex function is Fi. The reason Fi has the effects associated with the Sennex on us ...
Beebe's theory is that our shadow functions are the inverse of our normal functions. INFJs go from Ni > Fe > Ti > Se to Ne > Fi > Te > Si. The assumption is that the mind switches polarity from introverted > extroverted to extroverted > introverted but attempts to retain the same process order - N > F > T > S.

The other theory suggests that the mind simply reverese cognitive function order as a response to stress. In this theory, INFJs go from Ni > Fe > Ti > Se to Se > Ti > Fe > Ni. From what I've seen in myself, this is my extremely stressed mode, my life or death survival mode.

I whould say that beebes theory aplies more on me. When I'm in stress I tend to use my shadow functions. I don't have so much stress when I'm using Te (which is my inferior function). In fact I swich between Fi and Te all the time like I'm to persons. I'm only drained much easier when I'm using Te.

how did you make that graph? it's really nice!!
I whould say that beebes theory aplies more on me. When I'm in stress I tend to use my shadow functions. I don't have so much stress when I'm using Te (which is my inferior function). In fact I swich between Fi and Te all the time like I'm to persons. I'm only drained much easier when I'm using Te.

Yeah, it is all a matter of how your mind attempts to adapt to stressors.

how did you make that graph? it's really nice!!

I'm actually a graphic artist by trade. I made it in Photoshop.
:m097:makes me confuse about being an INFJ :) :) hahahaha I do these things even when I'm not stressed

I don't even know if I'm an INFJ now because I think I got more extroverted in a way

sometimes, when I get drained, I have to stay away from people but recently and most of the times, I have to be with people and I get my energy from them...<---it actually depends on the people and if I like their vibes, then I stay with them and get or share with their energy

i just feel more INFJ when i'm stressed or down


OH! I'm interested in hearing others' thoughts about this cause I feel the same way a little! When I'm actually turning inwards for longer periods of times than say, a day or max two, then I'll become extremely stressed, depressed, paranoid and need interaction, but like you said, depends on the people and their vibes... I can be very discriminatory in this sense, 'm afraid.

The more extraverted - the more Fe and the more connected to others I can be and maintain this state and form these connections - the happier I am. But why is it SO easy, so tempting, so natural, so unconcious to withdraw? *scratches head*

Sometimes I think I'm just something somewhere in between ENFP - INFJ - ESFJ - INTx.
All I know is my shadow mode conquers worlds with a blaster cannon on each arm.
Woo Hoo! I'm glad to see that you were able to verbalize this. When you first posted about shadow functions and cognitive reversal in stress situations a little light went on. I finally realized why when the chips are down and immediate action is needed I know exactly what to do and am acting before I am even thinking about it, and I can maintain this state until it is resolved, or I've passed it over to the appropriate parties (i.e. this has happened everytime one of the kids has required medical attention). Granted, these bursts last exactly as long as immediate reaction to a situation is needed, and the crash from them seems to be in proportion to the duration of ESTP mode.

But for some reason when you originally spoke of this, I knew that it didn't fit all situations. Because there are different levels and types of stress and just the application of stress doesn't necessarily result in my having temporary super powers.

But this makes lots more sense.

And it can also explain why so many people test out as one type and eventually realize that they don't 'fit' that type anymore. Could it have been that they were under a certain degree of stress for a long period of time and once they de-stressed reverted to their natural cognitive order?

This could also explain why some persons of a type have better developed lesser functions than others. Someone who has been under long periods of stress learn to 'handle' it and as a result their other functions get stronger.

Copy and paste this OP into your future tell-all book about Jungian Order, Cognitive Abilites, and MBTI. Actually, this should be an entire chapter.
And it can also explain why so many people test out as one type and eventually realize that they don't 'fit' that type anymore. Could it have been that they were under a certain degree of stress for a long period of time and once they de-stressed reverted to their natural cognitive order?

This could also explain why some persons of a type have better developed lesser functions than others. Someone who has been under long periods of stress learn to 'handle' it and as a result their other functions get stronger.

Copy and paste this OP into your future tell-all book about Jungian Order, Cognitive Abilites, and MBTI. Actually, this should be an entire chapter.

yup that's what I was thinking!