sex and the city and MBTI


defective wisdom
INFJ again
After reading in the book of David Keirsey (please understand me II) about how each MBTI group acts according to paring and relationhips, I was watching the thousandth episod of sex and the city and I was wondering whether these 4 girls are suppost to represent (a parody of) each MBTI group

samantha - SP
Charlotte - SJ
Miranda - NT
Carrie - NF

samantha is always searching for a playmate to enjoy fysical pleasures
Charlotte is always talking about tradition and the rules of love
Miranda wants a relationship to be about open communication and is very rational about sex
Carrie is the one to romenticize love, to go through all the pain of being rejected. Big is her ideal love, the one she can't get and the only one she wants. She wants emotional (and maybe also soul) connection with her partner

what do you think?
blah, can't even remember their names... but i love typing people from series, so looked up who was who, okay here's how i've seen their types from the few episodes i've seen: carrie (the main character) - esfp, miranda (the advocate) - istj, charlotte (the.. dark-haired) - isfp, samantha (the nymphomaniac) - estp. so all s's, mostly sp with one sj. the mr.big guy was prolly intj to be the dual of the esfp main character. the husband of charlotte (the bald guy) is enfj, the loser bartender with miranda is enfp. so,, that's all i can remember for now.
I've always thought that the 4 women were supposed to represent 4 stereotypical aspects of a female personality. (Carrie overanalyzes romantic relationships; Miranda is really career-oriented; Charlotte wants the fairy tale love/life; Samantha likes sex.) I like to think we all have a little bit of each of them in us. :) I've never thought of them in terms of MBTI, but your theory is very interesting, Morgain!!
I've always thought that the 4 women were supposed to represent 4 stereotypical aspects of a female personality. (Carrie overanalyzes romantic relationships; Miranda is really career-oriented; Charlotte wants the fairy tale love/life; Samantha likes sex.) I like to think we all have a little bit of each of them in us. :) I've never thought of them in terms of MBTI, but your theory is very interesting, Morgain!!

thanks :D

interesting theory yourself! Yes I think we all have some aspects of the 4 of them. I always had the most in common with Miranda since I have a scientifical background and always thought that that was me. But recently I (allowed myself to) see more and more simularities with Carrie. Her way to loose herself completely in Big is very simular to my reactions when I'm in love. I haven't found much in common with Samantha though :D I must work on that, lol!
thanks :D

interesting theory yourself! Yes I think we all have some aspects of the 4 of them. I always had the most in common with Miranda since I have a scientifical background and always thought that that was me. But recently I (allowed myself to) see more and more simularities with Carrie. Her way to loose herself completely in Big is very simular to my reactions when I'm in love. I haven't found much in common with Samantha though :D I must work on that, lol!

Yeah, I definitely have the smallest about of "Samantha" in me... I'd say I'm about 1/3 Charlotte, 1/3 Carrie, 2/9 Miranda and 1/9 Samantha. (Does that add up... yeah, think so. :) )