Sensitives, meditating and paranormal | INFJ Forum

Sensitives, meditating and paranormal


Not here.
Jul 14, 2011
Ok, I don't know where else to put this. I know I'm nutz to a degree, but last night was the 2nd time something very strange has happened to me.

I hate to be in my house alone, it is difficult to sleep (b/c I hear every noise) ... other than being excited about my trip. Husband was working, kids are in Florida. Totally alone. As I was laying in bed with my eyes closed, just relaxing ... not even asleep and I was escaping to a life in my mind, I had a nice song playing in my head. Then I heard a woman say something in my ear. I immediately opened my eyes in a panic, b/c of the strange sensation of warm energy in my ear (almost like feeling warm breath.) I could not understand what she said over the music. At the time I remembered her voice and it wasn't a voice I recognized, but it was not anything with malevolence.

When I'm in a state of relaxation, almost meditative (and sometimes when I am sleeping very lightly) ... it is almost like I can hear white noise in my head. I barely hear it and it is part of the state of being relaxed. When I hear a noise, it creates a wave in this white noise. It is almost like the sound of a slight breeze going through trees and then the wind picks up for a moment. I'll feel a small jolt of energy sensation and open my eyes to the disruption.

I only had this happen one time before that I can remember clearly. I was on one of my morning walks a year or so ago. I always took my walks as a way to refresh my mind, thinking of positive things ... meditating and focusing on breathing with every step. The same thing happened, except the woman's voice said "I remember that." I don't exactly remember what I was thinking about at the time (I wish I wrote it down.)

Do I believe in paranormal? Absolutely, I have had several slight experiences in my house. By now I have become used to them, they do not bother me like they did when I first moved here. My house is on a civil war battlefield, and there have been multiple accidents ... car and murder that have occurred in very close proximity to my house ... I'm tied to this murder through my volunteer work.

Has this happened to anyone else? I'd love to hear your experiences about meditating and paranormal occurrences.
[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] [MENTION=2873]Serenity[/MENTION] [MENTION=4015]purplecrayons[/MENTION] [MENTION=4576]GracieRuth[/MENTION] [MENTION=5224]Sadie[/MENTION] [MENTION=4956]Asarya[/MENTION] [MENTION=1669]Cedar[/MENTION] [MENTION=4855]JGirl[/MENTION] [MENTION=3799]bionic[/MENTION]
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never really explored the paranormal. I'm not sure if I've ever had an experience with ghosts. I've been exposed to other things which are not good things, which I won't go into. That stuff will screw up you up if you indulge or dwell on it long enough. There's a period in my life where I experienced some things which caused depression, etc. So, I avoid thinking about those things too often or too much especially because of my sensitivity. If you engage with those things, it will tend to affect you but if you ignore it and not pay attention to it, it doesn't directly bother you. I've felt presences but I brush it off because it's not something I want to think about or engage in.
I mostly don't believe in the supernatural or paranormal.. rationally, because it doesn't make sense and could be myriad other explainable phenomena.
I have a hard time trusting things that can't be explained... even when they happen to me.
But, sometimes I wonder if I am going insane.. or if there is something. I have only had a handful of experiences.
One included laying in bed and being caressed by something bathed in silvery green light.. for only a second or two.. I was terrified at first, but then something in my mind said that I wasn't in any danger and it was gone, floating back and fading out of the room and through the doorway into the hallway. Again.. this all happened within a matter of seconds, though it felt like a few minutes. I remember each detail and sensation vividly.

Another was something more sinister in a dream that literally, mentally made me feel as if I had been assaulted... but I think if anything, that had to do with "exploring the paranormal" when I was younger.
I can relate to the white noise. I hear that when I'm alone and it is silent.. I often wonder if it is just the noisy thoughts in my head manifesting themselves without distraction... I've also heard whispers in those moments that I couldn't comprehend..
I also wonder if that is just my imagination trying to fill the silence during those moments...

I've felt presences while home alone...mainly in my old apartment. I don't feel it so much now that I've moved. This place feels safer.
I'm not sure what that's all about..But like @Cedar , I usually try to ignore these things because I feel like if I put them aside, then I can't and won't be bothered.
Notice that these sorts of things only happen when you're relaxed and your brain is operating on low alpha or theta waves. That's when you're most open to suggestions from your subconscious. When you've surpassed the conscious meditative state and border on nearly falling asleep, it's not unusual to sometimes experience hallucinations or sensations akin to those while under the influence of certain recreational drugs. It's not crazy at all. It's normal.

As for the paranormal itself, I personally approach it with a great deal of skepticism as these are matters of individual belief and interpretation of experiences created by the subjective mind. To some, that makes them quite real and significant nonetheless. For me, however, I prefer to attend to matters over which I have direct control and let what is and isn't paranormal sort itself out on its own.
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I mostly don't believe in the supernatural or paranormal.. rationally, because it doesn't make sense and could be myriad other explainable phenomena.
I have a hard time trusting things that can't be explained... even when they happen to me.
But, sometimes I wonder if I am going insane.. or if there is something. I have only had a handful of experiences.
One included laying in bed and being caressed by something bathed in silvery green light.. for only a second or two.. I was terrified at first, but then something in my mind said that I wasn't in any danger and it was gone, floating back and fading out of the room and through the doorway into the hallway. Again.. this all happened within a matter of seconds, though it felt like a few minutes. I remember each detail and sensation vividly.

Another was something more sinister in a dream that literally, mentally made me feel as if I had been assaulted... but I think if anything, that had to do with "exploring the paranormal" when I was younger.
I can relate to the white noise. I hear that when I'm alone and it is silent.. I often wonder if it is just the noisy thoughts in my head manifesting themselves without distraction... I've also heard whispers in those moments that I couldn't comprehend..
I also wonder if that is just my imagination trying to fill the silence during those moments...

I've felt presences while home alone...mainly in my old apartment. I don't feel it so much now that I've moved. This place feels safer.
I'm not sure what that's all about..But like @Cedar , I usually try to ignore these things because I feel like if I put them aside, then I can't and won't be bothered.

I had an interesting experience one time I couldnt explain, I believe it was coincidence, but hey who knows. Late one Xmas night I awoke to the sound of metal banging metal, I was maybe 9 or so. We lived in this old Colonial and it had those old skeleton key type doors with the holes, so you could look through them. The noise was coming from my parents bedroom. So I looked. my father was putting together a small bicycle for my brothers. I looked on for a few more moments then went to bed. Xmas was the next day afterall. Curiously, the following day my Memere came over (grandmother) and the 1st thing she said to me was, I had a dream last night, I saw your eye in a keyhole.

That was creepy.
Totally alone. As I was laying in bed with my eyes closed, just relaxing ... not even asleep and I was escaping to a life in my mind, I had a nice song playing in my head. Then I heard a woman say something in my ear. I immediately opened my eyes in a panic, b/c of the strange sensation of warm energy in my ear (almost like feeling warm breath.) I could not understand what she said over the music. At the time I remembered her voice and it wasn't a voice I recognized, but it was not anything with malevolence.

When I'm in a state of relaxation, almost meditative (and sometimes when I am sleeping very lightly) ... it is almost like I can hear white noise in my head. I barely hear it and it is part of the state of being relaxed. When I hear a noise, it creates a wave in this white noise. It is almost like the sound of a slight breeze going through trees and then the wind picks up for a moment. I'll feel a small jolt of energy sensation and open my eyes to the disruption.

I only had this happen one time before that I can remember clearly. I was on one of my morning walks a year or so ago. I always took my walks as a way to refresh my mind, thinking of positive things ... meditating and focusing on breathing with every step. The same thing happened, except the woman's voice said "I remember that." I don't exactly remember what I was thinking about at the time (I wish I wrote it down.)

Do I believe in paranormal? Absolutely, I have had several slight experiences in my house. By now I have become used to them, they do not bother me like they did when I first moved here. My house is on a civil war battlefield, and there have been multiple accidents ... car and murder that have occurred in very close proximity to my house ... I'm tied to this murder through my volunteer work.

Interesting experiences. Both times it was a woman's voice. Same woman's voice? You also said "not anything with malevolence" - that's important. Several things came to mind; spirit guide or spirit that needs help. Something to do with the murder - possible. A woman left over from Civil War times - possible too. I wouldn't rule out spirit guide either.

You can ask her questions. Write your questions down someplace and when you're in that lucid dreaming state or state of relaxation where you're open to those vibrations ask her. What she wants from you. Why she came to you. Can you help her. Her name. Is she here about the case you're working on. Time period she lived. Anything else you want to know. For me the answers don't always come in the form of a complete sentence, sometimes I'll get images, or even emotions, so pay attention to information coming in via all of the senses. Sometimes it's good to have a notebook so you can write down whatever comes to mind.

I was walking through the woods one time. Old woods that had a lot of travelers before me and woods where soldiers traveled also. I was calmly walking along and decided to take a picture of a fallen tree. I wanted to get a nice close up of the tree rings. Well, while I was kneeling over I heard breathing right next to my ear as if someone was standing right next to me trying to figure out what I was taking a picture of. Then in a voice as clear as if a person was standing right next to me, a man said, "why are you taking a picture of that?". I actually answered the question in my mind and he said, "oh, I see". Then this man walked with me for a short while. Telling me how much he loved these woods. He was a soldier in uniform. He stayed in those woods because he loved them so much and I loved them too, which is what I think attracted him to me.

I'm not sure if when we hear these spirits if we are supposed to help them, or if they are helping us, or maybe they're just hanging around. These kinds of things happen to me all the time. I have A LOT of stories like yours and mine. I spent years being terrified by these experiences. Now I'm trying to develop them more. A couple of things to remember are; one, make sure there is no malevolence, two, practice some form of shielding in case it gets weird so you can exit when you need to. This is just a different type of boundary to set. I use heart shields, there are a couple images on my blog. But you can use anything that's comfortable for you. Also, you can put yourself in those states of relaxation, you don't have to wait for them to come to you.

Good luck. What a cool experience. Keep us posted as to what happens. Very curious.
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I've only ever had one experience. I used to rent a room in my friend's house, and sometimes I would feel like someone was watching me from the corner diagonally across from the front door whenever I came in. One time I walked over and stood in that corner to look at some pictures on a shelf, and all of the sudden I felt some kind of weird, peaceful, calm energy come over me, like when I meditate. I told my friend about it and she said the former owner died sitting in his armchair in that corner. I'm sure it was just a coincidence, but it was strange.
I'm afraid I don't believe in the paranormal, chica. I do, however hear a voice when in a light sleep state at times. It usually startles me awake saying my name. I always figure it's my mind, though.
You're well passed the onset age of schizophrenia - so I wouldn't think you're going into a mental disability phase.

Don't're not going crazy. :w:
[MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] makes a very good point when she talks about how we can drift into a meditative/hypnagogic state which allows us access to our subconscious(unconscious). From there - things get a bit fuzzy for me. There are many who think we are all part of the collective unconscious and our subconscious has access to that field.

Then there is the fact our brain tries to make logic out of the incoming data it gets. The brain takes the information streaming into us and matches it to patterns we have mapped in our brains. An example would be how you see misspelled words and read them crortcley any way.

I am inclined to think you did hear something while in the "in between" states of consciousness and your mind interpreted it as a women trying to tell you some non malevolent statement.

There are many many people beginning to talk about their 'psychic' experiences. We live in interesting times....

Your intuition may be trying to get your attention. If I were in your shoes - I'd file this experience away in the back of my mind as a sort of clue. I'd continue on with practicing meditation: focusing on the sensations in my body and being relaxed and open to whatever experience comes. You will hear it more clearly next time.
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The fact that your house is over a Civil War battlefield stuck out to me. That is a very high energy place, especially since so many lives were taken suddenly there. There is probably also a lot of negative energy/feelings left over from that area. If it really bothers you, see if you can get an energy clearing done to your area, or sage it...The former is probably the best idea.

My opinion: You are NOT crazy and [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] and [MENTION=5224]Sadie[/MENTION] summed up everything that I wanted to say already on the matter.
there have been times in my work when i have felt things. standing at the person’s front door waiting for them to open i have felt stillness but there is no stillness in this house. i have smelt sweet stale air in the passage ways ---- it is a seductive sweetness but the air is thick. the people wear oppression on their faces. and i readjust my stance, for balance. i feel myself pushing into my feet, heavy, into the floor. and i leave the house and it’s in the front yard, sometimes the whole street ---- but it’s clever because you could easily miss it. if you wanted you could just see the car, the grass, the bike, a kid’s push car, the sun. that’s what makes it so heavy.
Ok, I don't know where else to put this. I know I'm nutz to a degree, but last night was the 2nd time something very strange has happened to me.

I hate to be in my house alone, it is difficult to sleep (b/c I hear every noise) ... other than being excited about my trip. Husband was working, kids are in Florida. Totally alone. As I was laying in bed with my eyes closed, just relaxing ... not even asleep and I was escaping to a life in my mind, I had a nice song playing in my head. Then I heard a woman say something in my ear. I immediately opened my eyes in a panic, b/c of the strange sensation of warm energy in my ear (almost like feeling warm breath.) I could not understand what she said over the music. At the time I remembered her voice and it wasn't a voice I recognized, but it was not anything with malevolence.

When I'm in a state of relaxation, almost meditative (and sometimes when I am sleeping very lightly) ... it is almost like I can hear white noise in my head. I barely hear it and it is part of the state of being relaxed. When I hear a noise, it creates a wave in this white noise. It is almost like the sound of a slight breeze going through trees and then the wind picks up for a moment. I'll feel a small jolt of energy sensation and open my eyes to the disruption.

I only had this happen one time before that I can remember clearly. I was on one of my morning walks a year or so ago. I always took my walks as a way to refresh my mind, thinking of positive things ... meditating and focusing on breathing with every step. The same thing happened, except the woman's voice said "I remember that." I don't exactly remember what I was thinking about at the time (I wish I wrote it down.)

Do I believe in paranormal? Absolutely, I have had several slight experiences in my house. By now I have become used to them, they do not bother me like they did when I first moved here. My house is on a civil war battlefield, and there have been multiple accidents ... car and murder that have occurred in very close proximity to my house ... I'm tied to this murder through my volunteer work.

Has this happened to anyone else? I'd love to hear your experiences about meditating and paranormal occurrences.

Hey Lovely,
At the risk of sound even whackier than I already do on this forum..

I can relate to what you are saying completely. As others have already mentioned, that state of relaxation that you were in is a place where your conscious mind and subconsious mind is very close. Its almost like the space between your mind and spirit. This is a place where you can communicate and freely exchange information between the conscious and unconscious. I do not know, but Im inclined to think that the voice you heard is that deeper part of your entity, or alternatively perhaps a kindred spirit that is guiding/protecting you.

Perhaps, if you are interested and feel sufficiently safe and comfortable, you can put yourself into a mediative state and conciously attempt to communicate with the 'woman'. Otherwise, you could give yourself a suggestion before you go to sleep that you will meet that woman and communicate with her in your dream. Try to imagine/create the setting you want to communicate with the woman in. It could be a familar room in your house or a brand new space. The most important thing is to not be afraid and to approach the situation with Love and open mindedness. This is a very exciting opportunity for you to connect with the deeper parts of yourself and 'remember'.

I do not believe in the true existance of maelovalence, as we are all created from the same source of Love. But if you think that you are experienicng any kind of maelovelence, simply send out strong feelings of love towards the entity, and any feelings of fear and maelovelence should disappear. if you concentrate on any feelings of fear and anxiety it will simply exasperate any negative experience that you may be having.

When I was younger, I had these experiences all the time. After a while, I learned through my family and others around me that these experiences were not 'normal' and were something to be scared of. I thought that I was not lucid and that i was losing my mind. I learned to close myself off for the most part. And then I proceeded to spend many years proving to myself I wasnt crazy and trying to understand the basis of my experiences.
I have come to terms with myself now, and for the past year I have been conciously opening up myself to these experiences. I am no longer afraid or ashamed. I have discovered that there are whole worlds and universes of possibilities out there. There is much more to the world that meets the eye. Every time I relax the guard on my mind and the ego, I am able to see just a little bit more. We only see what we allow oursleves to, and sometimes we need to learn more languages before we can understand the meaning of the new worlds that are available to us.
And I have also learned that these is no such thing as an 'objective' reality. This is simply a cultural delusion. We all see things as we are, not as they are. No two pecerptions are alike, and all perceptions are continuoulsy changing and evolving.
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As much I understand the fascination with these things. Just a word of caution. You may not be aware of what you're opening up yourself to if you make yourself accessible to these things or presences. However fun and easy or interesting it may seem to delve into these things, be wary. As innocent as it may seem, many of these things are not things you want to mess with.
Through meditation:

The angel of grace came to me and said: "Pray for me because I do not come to those whose voice I do not hear. I am sent to give you what you need for your journey. Now that you see me be equipped with the armor of God. Know nothing will harm you in this world or the next for this armor is eternal and invulnerable. Keep straight and stay aware for those who overcome is prepared something unimaginable. Keep hope and rely on me for you can do nothing by yourself, but I love to act in your place. I love all people and want them all to call on me so I can appear to them and show them the grace of God. Tell them I will come swiftly and happily, but only to those who call honestly. I do not like people to squander me and keep me to themselves, if I come to someone they must give to others what I give to them. I am invisible, but I am here if you see me. Peace to you, loved one."
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Through meditation:

The angel of grace came to me and said: "Pray for me because I do not come to those whose voice I do not hear. I am sent to give you what you need for your journey. Now that you see me be equipped with the armor of God. Know nothing will harm you in this world or the next for this armor is eternal and invulnerable. Keep straight and stay aware for those who overcome is prepared something unimaginable. Keep hope and rely on me for you can do nothing yourself, but I love to act in your place. I love all people and want them all to call on me so I can appear to them and show them the grace of God. Tell them I will come swiftly and happily, but only to those who call honestly. I do not like people to squander me and keep me to themselves, if I come to someone they must give to others what I give to them. I am invisible, but I am here if you see me. Peace to you, loved one."

I hear this in my chakra kundalini activation video: "May your life be infused with beauty - love - and grace". So is their name "Grace"?
[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] Whose name? Grace is unmerited divine love and mercy, so it illustrates undeserved improvement in life not by your own doing, but by divine powers. There is no way to earn grace through your actions, but it is given freely and abundantly. It plays on pride, because the prideful who dont need any help will not receive him; but to those who say "I am helpless, help me!" he will come swiftly and scoop them up and restore them to full strength and then some. They will be strong not by themselves and their own doing, but by God who sent the angel of grace. One cannot even take credit for calling on grace for grace tickled their ear with sweet whispers and made them beckon.
Kgal Whose name? Grace is unmerited divine love and mercy, so it illustrates undeserved improvement in life not by your own doing, but by divine powers. There is no way to earn grace through your actions, but it is given freely and abundantly. It plays on pride, because the prideful who dont need any help will not receive him; but to those who say "I am helpless, help me!" he will come swiftly and scoop them up and restore them to full strength and then some. They will be strong not by themselves and their own doing, but by God who sent the angel of grace. One cannot even take credit for calling on grace for grace tickled their ear with sweet whispers and made them beckon.

The name of the angel you called.
The name of the angel you called.
Yes, it is grace. I was meditating on grace and he appeared, then I was inspired and wrote. He is still here, but he has merged with me as a reminder to let him strengthen my vessel. I feel like crying for I know I do not deserve any of this, but he is exceedingly joyful to give me the grace of God. I know not what is in store for me nor shall I care, because I am in good hands; yet it was gutwrenching to see just a portion of what has been prepared for I could not have earned it.
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Yes, it is grace. I was meditating on grace and he appeared, then I was inspired and wrote. He is still here, but he has merged with me as a reminder to let him strengthen my vessel. I feel like crying for I know I do not deserve any of this, but he is exceedingly joyful to give me the grace of God. I know not what is in store for me nor shall I care, because I am in good hands; yet it was gutwrenching to see just a portion of what has been prepared for I could not have earned it.

You really made me smile when I read this. :D....and an image of an empty tea cup sprang to mind.

It makes sense to me that the ascended masters(angels) would choose someone who doesn't think they already know the answers and have expectations.

I told you your generation was going to be the one! In the book The Fourth Turning - yours is deemed the Hero generation - and I'm seeing evidence of it everywhere. :bounce: I get so excited when you one of you turns on the Light.

I may never get where you are - but I feel fine with that for I know I helped others get there - one way or the other. Perhaps all I'll ever be is a step upon a bridge.... but it is a worthy step. :love:
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Through meditation

An inspiration came and was translated "Grace is upon you for there is One who loves you more than His own life. Blessed are the coming days as He guides us to salvation. Be rested as He is within you and you within Him, your destinies are congruent.

Keep straight and stay aware since He is within you, your interaction with the world is with divine force. Your love is received divine love. Your mercy is received divine mercy. See! Even your wrath is received divine wrath! So be gracious as your grace is received divine grace and is with the greatest gift given to man.

Give up your worries, troubles and insecurities for this gift is not given because you deserve it. The gift of God is given out of love and grace for the sake of God and His Son. Know you are within the Son as the Son is within you and by the grace of God you will go to salvation with Him.

The end times are on us not only because of our temporary bodies, but because the kingdom of God is drawing closer. You will not get many more chances, but you will get just enough since He is with you. Stay in hope and revere the day He reclaims the earth, where earth will be restored to its natural perfection and man will live in harmony with each other and the earth. Blessed are you who love God and His Son for it will be shown to you just how much God can love His Son. There will be unimaginable things in the walk with God so rejoice you are going with Him!

Rest well, loved one. I am as an idea to return to God for strengthening."
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