Sadness and Fe


A thread in the relationships + sociology section got my brainstorming.
The thread about an INTP and his poor Fe
The OP was advised to come to INFJs to walk amongst the apparent masters of Fe.
You lovely INFJs

I came here for 2 reasons, one of which is a perceived lack of Fe
and the other is because people keep "accusing" ;) me of being an INFJ

Now here is my brainstorm.
I believe the reason people are suspecting I am an INFJ is because I am heartbroken and shaken. I am having an existential crisis. I have always
been an elegant speaker and writer and in possession of depth, emotionally and intellectually. In addition, I have always been melancholy and a bit "lonely"

But what is happening is something else.
This intense sadness has opened the floodgates of my Fe.
My Empathy,compassion,sympathy and all around general awareness of other peoples struggles and pain is off the charts compared to the norm.
perhaps to the point of being a life changing situation.

To me, the INFJ is generally a beautiful, yet sad and lonely soul.
being in a perpetual state of sadness could explain why their Fe is usually among the highest of people and sought out by others.

I am on to something with this?
Is there a link between sadness and Fe??
To me, the INFJ is generally a beautiful, yet sad and lonely soul.
being in a perpetual state of sadness could explain why their Fe is usually among the highest of people and sought out by others.

I am on to something with this?
Is there a link between sadness and Fe??

Uhh no. INFPs are the melancholy ones. Fe is about appeasing others and taking pleasure in doing so.

Really it just depends on the person, not the type.
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If you are an INFP, your Fi is sifting through your experiences to create an understanding of the world based on your value system. You are in touch with your emotions, experience them intensely and understand the nature of pain. You see it reflected in others, and it helps you to understand them. You are sympathetic, and value being sympathetic and compassionate because you can identify with others based on experiencing your own suffering. And so it appears to be Fe, but it is not.

Fi is not the selfish function as is commonly believed. It's more of an internal judging mechanism based on personal feeling. Melancholy feelings seem to touch us the most, and inspire us to learn and implement what we've learned in our relationships with others and ourselves. The INFP doesn't thrive off being sad or melancholy, in fact, a balanced INFP proactively works to understand the melancholy and make a positive change.

Fi seems to be a more empathetic function than Fe in that way.
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A thread in the relationships + sociology section got my brainstorming.
The thread about an INTP and his poor Fe
The OP was advised to come to INFJs to walk amongst the apparent masters of Fe.
You lovely INFJs

I came here for 2 reasons, one of which is a perceived lack of Fe
and the other is because people keep "accusing" ;) me of being an INFJ

Now here is my brainstorm.
I believe the reason people are suspecting I am an INFJ is because I am heartbroken and shaken. I am having an existential crisis. I have always
been an elegant speaker and writer and in possession of depth, emotionally and intellectually. In addition, I have always been melancholy and a bit "lonely"

But what is happening is something else.
This intense sadness has opened the floodgates of my Fe.
My Empathy,compassion,sympathy and all around general awareness of other peoples struggles and pain is off the charts compared to the norm.
perhaps to the point of being a life changing situation.

To me, the INFJ is generally a beautiful, yet sad and lonely soul.
being in a perpetual state of sadness could explain why their Fe is usually among the highest of people and sought out by others.

I am on to something with this?
Is there a link between sadness and Fe??

I'm not the best INFJ to talk to on this subject but being empathetic, sympathetic and aware of other people's struggles and pain maybe a Fe thing. A perpetual state of sadness is not. It's a two way street, if people can depress us then they can also uplift us as well; it depends on the individual. Lonely doesn't really fit either. Besides, INFP are supposed to be the moody ones anyway.
Fe is my most used function, but it rarely leads me to feeling sad/depressed. If anything, it's normally energizing. I don't really absorb other peoples suffering and turn it in to my own. I'm empathetic, but I can usually separate myself from others pain (unless I caused it). My sadness normally comes from within. I'm not sure what function, but definitely not Fe.
Any F type is prone to being ''moody'' actually it is neither an INFJ or INFP specific trait, feelings associated with depression, loneliness and such are typically associated with the IXFX type reason being is that we put a lot of emphasis on our feelings, INFJ's will do this, they will be constatntly analyzing them and trying to make sense out of it. other types on the other hand won't put so many emphasis on it.
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Some excellent responses.

So far what stands out is.. That a few INFJs I know are possibly mistyped INFPs.:m083:

If you are an INFP, your Fi is sifting through your experiences to create an understanding of the world based on your value system. You are in touch with your emotions, experience them intensely and understand the nature of pain. You see it reflected in others, and it helps you to understand them. You are sympathetic, and value being sympathetic and compassionate because you can identify with others based on experiencing your own suffering. And so it appears to be Fe, but it is not.

Fi is not the selfish function as is commonly believed. It's more of an internal judging mechanism based on personal feeling. Melancholy feelings seem to touch us the most, and inspire us to learn and implement what we've learned in our relationships with others and ourselves. The INFP doesn't thrive off being sad or melancholy, in fact, a balanced INFP proactively works to understand the melancholy and make a positive change.

Fi seems to be a more empathetic function than Fe in that way.

It is hard to understand the exact difference between Fi and Fe.

When I empathize with other people, it is like I feel the same emotion. I can't discribe it or put words on it or explain what they feel or why they feel it. My emotional state just changes. Therefore there are people i can't stand to be with because they make me feel akward. I don't now if these feelings are mine or that I thank theres over. I think the last one. I ones got an email from a friend complaining about a mutual friend of ours. The mail had one sentence: "help he is bugging me". And all the sudden I got this terrified and suspicious feeling about our mutual friend. It was so strong it made me feel sick. Half an hour later the feeling went away and I felt again the feelings I had before about this person. With the next mail of my friend, the same thing happene dagain.

I think Fi is more about feeling the same feelings as the other person. Taking them inside and than "analyse" them while (I think) Fe is more about going out and going in the other person and analysing there feelings. But I don't think Fi would do much to help the other person, it stays more inside, while Fe is all about counseling. I have been struggling with this. I want to be helpfull to other people but I can't do it, I can force myself to do or say something genius but it is never very helpful. I believe the only why I can help someone is to listen to there story, to empathize with there emotions and than maybe use Ne to widen there perspection and show them other options and visions...

I don't know about saddnes and INFJ but I think it can be discribed to INFP as well. I have been in a permanent state of sadness in my life and didn't know where it came from. I found that being true to myself and accepting was the key to open the door of sadness and let it flow away.
From my understanding, Fe is simply extroverted, it seeks to make connections with others. Fi is completely internal and usually either doesn't manifest at all to the external world or completely boils over.

Fe is much more about thinking about other people, their emotions, and influencing those emotions. Fe can be either good or bad towards others, and there is a LOT of potential on influencing others. Both Fi and Fe are very capable of the entire emotional spectrum and are not necessarily prone to a single emotion in itself.

Fi can be EXTREMELY giddy and EXTREMELY sad, and it is all internal, which can create a downward spiral if it is never expressed. Any type is more than capable screwing themselves over and entering a depressive state though.

As for linking extreme emotional capacity to a cognitive function, then Fi gets the award.

From a personal standpoint though, Fi is a bitch.

In daily life Fe would be more prone to show sadness to others before Fi.