Romance and You


Community Member
Describe what you think is romantic, and give an exmaple of the most romantic date that you can think of.

What do you think is the best way to pop the question, or how would you like to be asked to be married?
He was seeing her almost every day but he never told her how he felt in his heart.

One day he decided to write her an email and let her know how important she was in his life and how much he cared about her. He asked her in the email whether she would consider to become his girlfriend.

The next day he went out with the girl as usual but she did not say anything about the email.
Before they said goodbye to each other at the end of the day, he asked her whether she had received his email. The only thing she said was that she had left a message for him at her phone...

I think it'd be pretty romantic for a lass to give me a 2 hour long power point presentation on why we should get married, with the question proposed at the end.

This should happen after we both know each other well enough and long enough to do so.
He was seeing her almost every day but he never told her how he felt in his heart.

One day he decided to write her an email and let her know how important she was in his life and how much he cared about her. He asked her in the email whether she would consider to become his girlfriend.

The next day he went out with the girl as usual but she did not say anything about the email.
Before they said goodbye to each other at the end of the day, he asked her whether she had received his email. The only thing she said was that she had left a message for him at her phone...



I don't know what romantic is- I will have to think about it. How would I liked to be asked to be married? Well, it'd be a huge step against tradition if she did the asking, I think I'd prefer it to be at at a very scenic outdoor place, probably with us laying side by side.
I dunno what I would consider romantic. The typical stuff, I suppose. I just like being with someone, and if they like being with me, that's all that really is needed, I suppose.

I would like to proposed to in either a very casual way or a very creative way. I wouldn't mind being proposed to at the top of the Eiffel Tower, or just a casual agreement while watching TV. I don't think I'm very picky.

Two friends watching a movie together sitting close on the bed.

He looks into her eyes and kisses her and tells her of his love, she looks back and tells him "I love you".

That is Romance for me and that magic moment had already happened twice; One ENFP and one INFJ.
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Asking me to go out with them: Definitely, 100% NOT through text or email. Something that important needs to be done face-to-face. Ideally after knowing each other for a while as friends. Only asking if we both can have fun and be relaxed around each other alone.

Ideal date: Probably: Cinema, cafe or at each other's houses playing video games and talking, I get uncomfortable if I have to eat in front of people who focus on me, so no romantic dinners until I'm settled.

Marriage Proposal: Bit young to be thinking about that D: uhm, under a willow tree by a river in the evening, with no one else around. Preferably a short and sweet thing, very to the point but also meaningful.

I will never find someone romantic like that o-o"
I don't persay believe in romance, but the kind of things I think would be just super for a date:

Alright, so we wake up at the crack of fucking dawn. I'm so tired, but I get up anyway because I'm prompted and basically forced to get up. Get dressed, get into our mountaineer, or jeep or whatever we're taking and do one of the following things:

1. Drive up to the mountains and hike, beautiful hike through rivers and everything is green and it's not too hilly. Maybe climb to the top of a mountain cliff-- dunno, a flat hike or a mildy hilly hike I just don't want anything uber steep. That wouldn't be any fun unless we're seeing how strong our endurance is. After that, we're going to camp somewhere in the mountains. At night, it's cold, cuddle n shit like that and who knows what. I'd probably get a massage, as long as I gave one. And then in the morning we make breakfast and then head back home to go to work or whatever we have going on.

2. Drive up to the sand dunes. Get on our ATVs and just punch it. After a few hours that will probably get boring, so, I dunno, I guess this would be a few hour trip.

3. Drive up to a lake, either own a boat or have a friend who has a boat or rent water skiis. Do some water activites for most of the day, have fun, fall off and laugh at each other, finally get tired during the afternoon so make a campfire and sit around and laugh at each other telling weird jokes, then go to our tent or it would be even awesomer to sleep in a boat but hell I don't know if that would happen. It probably wouldn't be as cold so I might just sleep in my sleeping bag and they sleep in their own. In the morning, depending on how close we are to town, we probably don't make breakfast but we go and grab a bite or eat an energy bar and drive home.

Pretty much, anything outdoors that's fun.
Romance to me is anything spontaneous...Random flowers, heartfelt affection, suprize romantic dinners....

Of course I am a hopeless romantic married to a man with out a romantic bone in his body so my ideas are basic because I don't get even that...I dream small then i don't get disappointed.

Though for our anniversary this year he surprised me with a weekend away to Wendover...he didn't tell me anything not even on the drive...It was an awesome suite with a hot tub in it! I know not general romantic, but from him it was ALOT!!

As for marriage proposal..well I already got mine and it sucked...but at least i accepted...

we were living together and we wanted to be on the same insurance, he got a quote for a married couple and I told him he had to call back and get the single rate. It was a little fight and exasperated I asked, why would you get a married quote? his reply...
"well will ya?"

I don't think there is any right or wrong way to propose if the couple is in love, the setting is irrelevant...its the asking that counts!

Sure I would have liked a romantic setting with a ring and everything, but I didn't get one, and I still said yes. It was so adorable his defeated look when he realized the gig was up...He tried to make it special and couldnt keep up with the secret.
I once gave a girl flowers and she slapped me.

Granted, I took them from a wreath laid on the side of the road...
Flowers are lame.

Why do people think of romance as flowers and sweet talking and all of hollywood's buildup?

I want action, not a fucking movie D:
Well whose car is it? I don't want to mess up my oldsmobile--- I just waxed it, and it doesn't even go fast enough to be included in a car chase.
What type of car is it? And is it old enough to be called an olds mobile?

Oh no, nowhere near that old. It's 1991 though.

It's in pristine condition though because it was locked up in a garage for the past 16 years. It just sucks going up hills, fast on the freeway and the speedometer will randomly stop working. I also suspect that the gas meter is off, and sometimes things stick and it won't start. But overall, it's a good car. I take care of my baby.