Road trip dreams


Community Member
I'm sure load of people have a desire to do some sort of a road trip, but what would yours entail exactly?

Usually I want someone to go with, but a dog in the passenger seat would do. I love the idea of cruising down a long straight road on a warm sunny day with music blaring and my dog salivating out the window of my bright red VW Beetle. But I'd want a destination so as to not feel wayward.

That sounds nice, I can picture it perfectly :D
yeah i can relate.

my goal is to realize that dream this year.

if you know anyone who would lend me a vehicle... we can start ASAP

looking for a van so i can camp anywhere i please

vw van in perfect condition for under 5000 please
yeah i can relate.

my goal is to realize that dream this year.

if you know anyone who would lend me a vehicle... we can start ASAP

looking for a van so i can camp anywhere i please

vw van in perfect condition for under 5000 please

Gotta make sure the thing is sound though, I spent an age and a lot of cash making my initially cheap bug road-worthy.

My goal was to realise such a road trip every damn year for the past 3 or 4!

A big issue is actually finding someone suitable to go with, or someone who's free.
My friends and I have been thinking about road trips for ages, pretty much ever since we could drive. Our group used to consist of an iSFJ, an ESFP, my best friend the INTJ and me the INfJ. The two big introverts wanted to get away from it all, and the other two wanted to go to a big city.

My ideal trip would be in a GT car to the mountains in say Colorado.

Tomorrow, I'm actually driving down to Atlanta, GA (from Richmond, VA) for the Chick-Fil-A bowl... 8 hours of highway driving, BLEH!
My friends and I have been thinking about road trips for ages, pretty much ever since we could drive. Our group used to consist of an iSFJ, an ESFP, my best friend the INTJ and me the INfJ. The two big introverts wanted to get away from it all, and the other two wanted to go to a big city.

My ideal trip would be in a GT car to the mountains in say Colorado.

Tomorrow, I'm actually driving down to Atlanta, GA (from Richmond, VA) for the Chick-Fil-A bowl... 8 hours of highway driving, BLEH!
Still, I envy you! My daily drive consists of a 5 minute chug that barely warms up my bugs engine.
Me too. No known destination, though. Requirements: good music and good food. And a camera. It would be me and one or (max.) two other people. They would have to be willing to stop and let me take pictures of neat things without complaining, and would have to appreciate neatness of said "things." There would be no fighting, as I despise fighting. And they would have to be the kind of person who wouldn't get all pissy if the car died or something crazy like that. They would have to be able to just laugh about it and then fix it all quick-a-like. For gas and food money, we would wash dishes and sell art of some sort. I would also try to make the trip last as long as possible, because I hate feeling rushed. Hmm...I think I might also be describing my ideal relationship, now that I think about it. Heh.
I'm sure load of people have a desire to do some sort of a road trip, but what would yours entail exactly?

Usually I want someone to go with, but a dog in the passenger seat would do. I love the idea of cruising down a long straight road on a warm sunny day with music blaring and my dog salivating out the window of my bright red VW Beetle. But I'd want a destination so as to not feel wayward.

That sounds nice, I can picture it perfectly :D

I like this question! :D It would probably be alone, but I wouldn't mind my significant other being with me, as long as they're the one driving. ;)

My dream road trip would probably involve driving a car through the continent of Asia. During the daytime, I want to see the country and the countryside. It's beautiful nature and zen-like atmosphere. At night, I want to drive on roads through the amazingly beautiful cities like Hong Kong or Beijing. I imagine myself driving in the summer when it's warm, and I can open the windows and drive on the roads witnessing the scenery and it's landmarks as the warm breeze touches my face. Listening to the radio...maybe some calming music...oh man. I'd love that.
Trip through the mountains or countryside would be good. Outside the city.
It's not really a road trip...rather a 2000 mile hike through the Appalachian mountains.
I'm planning on going summer of 2011, or 2012. Any potential takers?
Me too. No known destination, though. Requirements: good music and good food. And a camera. It would be me and one or (max.) two other people. They would have to be willing to stop and let me take pictures of neat things without complaining, and would have to appreciate neatness of said "things." There would be no fighting, as I despise fighting. And they would have to be the kind of person who wouldn't get all pissy if the car died or something crazy like that. They would have to be able to just laugh about it and then fix it all quick-a-like. For gas and food money, we would wash dishes and sell art of some sort. I would also try to make the trip last as long as possible, because I hate feeling rushed. Hmm...I think I might also be describing my ideal relationship, now that I think about it. Heh.

Haha, nice checklist and I second loads of them, especially about people getting pissy if the car breaks down or moany whining people if they have to camp for the night.

I like this question! :D It would probably be alone, but I wouldn't mind my significant other being with me, as long as they're the one driving. ;)

My dream road trip would probably involve driving a car through the continent of Asia. During the daytime, I want to see the country and the countryside. It's beautiful nature and zen-like atmosphere. At night, I want to drive on roads through the amazingly beautiful cities like Hong Kong or Beijing. I imagine myself driving in the summer when it's warm, and I can open the windows and drive on the roads witnessing the scenery and it's landmarks as the warm breeze touches my face. Listening to the radio...maybe some calming music...oh man. I'd love that.

Now THAT sounds fun, Asia by car. I'd love the hunting of a suitable vehicle and then kitting it out so it's a moving fortress. Driving in Beijing hmm. I suggest you search youtube for beijing traffic lol, but it looks absolutely hilarious, I'd love to give it a go, could be a massive laugh. India too, insanity!

I'd really look forward to the bit in central asia, Mongolia and Kazakh areas, wide open steppes and vast expanses of nothingness, just the sunrise, the road and the sunset.

Would need ample fuel for that particular leg of the journey though.
bright red VW Beetle.

great choice :smile:

mine would be a classic mini, much like the kind Mr. Bean drives.. still deciding on a colour

any trip is good long as there is plenty of mountain, tree and ocean (and rest stops).. and without another car in sight for miles. i had a landlord who told me he used to bring a portable stove and he had some kind electrical outlet that would last for a long time. he and his friend would even bbq
Would you keep the padlock?
The mini isn't likely to have an electrical output :D
aww.. thanks. but very good to know. ^^

and no to the padlock (@_@ i've seen my teacher take big pincers and cut one off before.. on one of my lockers i couldn't open at school. i kind of want to have it 'auto-matized' :- P where you have a handheld button that you push and everything unlocks instantly
Ah, central locking :D Pretty cheap to install on a classic mini I'd guess! Are you in the states though, minis are hard to come by there I think.. And even in England they are getting more expensive as classics.
I'm in Canada.. I don't think I've seen minis here, but every once in a while I see an odd Japanese car.. the drivers on the right hand. They're adorable, look like toy cars, even the vans.. And nice colours too

LOVE this car hehe. Reminds me of the japanese cars (if i can't get a mini)..

I think Mr Bean's arch nemesis looks slightly different
I'm in Canada.. I don't think I've seen minis here, but every once in a while I see an odd Japanese car.. the drivers on the right hand. They're adorable, look like toy cars, even the vans.. And nice colours too

LOVE this car hehe. Reminds me of the japanese cars (if i can't get a mini)..

I think Mr Bean's arch nemesis looks slightly different
haha! Oh christ, these cars are hilarious. If you turn more than a 45 degree angle at anything exceeding 15mph you're guaranteed to have scraped wings. I'd love to try one out.

When did he have an orange mini?
I got several road trips in mind. They're not really dreams as I intend to realize them, which makes them goals.
Since I got several, I'll post one every once in a while.

Today, I'll start with my intent to one day go on a Motorcycle Trip North.


The Idea is to do this with my dream motorcycle, the Honda CB1100.
The priority though of my road trip north would be to see both Sarek National Park and North Cape.

Side goals would be:
- Scream my guts out where no one will hear and feel discomforted by it. (I've never screamed at my max.)
- See Capitals (some)
- Meet-up /w friends (who live along the way)
- Spiritual Journey

In the end this is what the overall route I want to take minus any side stops may look like: (google maps link ;p)
Whilst I am not entirely sure about the starting point, as life might throw me a bone internship wise, I envision this being a very long trip :p
though I'd possibly do some or even large parts of it by train if I do not see stages of this grueling track of it that truly interest me enough to drive it.
So it might end up being cut into shorter stretches like Stockholm>Sarek>Northcape>back.

The way back is optional, cost wise I may decide to just do the sweden<->norway track, and catch a train back to home to get some cheap flights to those capitals later.
The map I linked though, is what I would drive if I ended up driving the entire thing.
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Another motorcycle road trip I'd like to do is a capital city trip from my home to Vienna, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest. It would only be 17-18 hours road time between each city in total.
I'd probably crash in some cheap hostel for 2-3 days per location and take my time to explore each city a little and make some nice photographs.

Before going though I would make a list of nice stops for along the way, and places I wish to see at each destination.
(Yea, I'm a sucker for this kinda light setting in images :p)





ps. I did not list my own capital since I got family there and basically go there almost every year, still it's quite possible that I'd stop by on the way there.
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Since nobody seems like they have trips they want to make as they clearly aren't posting, I might as well post another one.
This trip that I want to make is to one of the Battle of the Nations, world championship HMB events.
The location is in a different historic medieval period European city / town each year.

Often the whole town gets into theme and other historical sports have events there too.
Thus some times during Battle of the Nations event's you also get to see Archery contests, Horse riding contests, Jousting, Medieval costume contests, the whole shebang all across town and the surrounding area.

Battle of the Nations itself is based on a historical high-contact sport (HMB - Historical Medieval Battle) basically you get to see knights fight 1v1 duels, group battles 5v5, and mass battles 21v21, sometimes the event is ended with a massive 50 vs 50 battle. In the 1v1 battles you also have different categories such as: polearms, 2h swords, sword and shield.

HMB is pretty hardcore though, its not uncommon to see swords, axes and pole-arms break.
The reason I want to see this though is because it is so are to see this part of european history these days.
If you wonder if your country has a national team, then be sure to check it on the website ^^!

A slightly detailed video that shows a bit of everything here:
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