Road Safety - A Conversation.

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Shai Gar

Shai Gar - Off to work. said (6:07 AM):
When driving, if I see a sign saying something like "42 deaths in last 2 years along next 3 miles", I immediately accelerate hard.
I'm not's obviously a dangerous stretch of road and I want to be in and out of the fucker as quickly as possible.

Random INFJ says (4:31 PM):

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:38 PM):
oh, the joke

Random INFJ says (4:38 PM):
is it?

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:39 PM):

Random INFJ says (4:39 PM):
oh, you wouldn't really.

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:39 PM):
oh hell no
i wouldn't take that road

Random INFJ says (4:39 PM):
no, it does make sense
if you had to

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:39 PM):
doesn't matter how fast you ride, there's probably a sniper there

Random INFJ says (4:39 PM):

Random INFJ says (4:40 PM):
since where in the joke...
did it mention sniper!

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:40 PM):
42 deaths in two years... that's not a fucking coincidence

Random INFJ says (4:40 PM):
the road, windy on a mountain edge
and titlted at a 45 degree angle!

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:41 PM):
you're thinking the incredible hulk?
throwing cars off the edge?

Random INFJ says (4:41 PM):
yeah, it just happens like in the comic books.

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:41 PM):
I knew it!

Random INFJ says (4:41 PM):
you knew..

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:42 PM):
well... not that in particular...
but i knew it had something to do with the hulk

Random INFJ says (4:42 PM):
no, it doesn't

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:42 PM):
i thought he was being a sniper

Random INFJ says (4:42 PM):
it's just comic book.
you can have the sniper

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:42 PM):
The Punisher?

Random INFJ says (4:42 PM):
i'll just have the mountain road...

Random INFJ says (4:43 PM):
i have a slight headache

Random INFJ says (4:44 PM):
would be riding the scooter or in a car?
you be

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:44 PM):
if the incredible hulk has a sniper rifle?
I'm riding a goddamn rocket car

Random INFJ says (4:44 PM):
if there was no hulk, but just an omni presence
did i speel that right

Shai Gar - Off to work. says (4:45 PM):

Random INFJ says (4:45 PM):
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You amuse me far too much.
she is the dark side
Posted via Mobile Device

Shai if you only knew the power of my juggernaut cock.

[Read my short story in the mature forums to find out]
When driving, if I see a sign saying something like "42 deaths in last 2 years along next 3 miles", I immediately accelerate hard.
I'm not's obviously a dangerous stretch of road and I want to be in and out of the fucker as quickly as possible.
My first reaction:
I laughed when I read this.

My second reaction:
My next thought was a little more sobering. I hoped that this doesnt mean we are going to see you in a tragic car accident.
Hell no. I'm driving a rocket car through there. No way the hulk will get me with a sniper rifle.
she is the dark side
Posted via Mobile Device

Preposterous, I am perfectly delightful. I am made of sunshine and rainbows.
lmao, I had a fun time reading through this, some INFJ's can be dumb xD

edit: well maybe she was not dumb, but still..reading through this I was like.........
When driving, if I see a sign saying something like "42 deaths in last 2 years along next 3 miles", I immediately accelerate hard.
I'm not's obviously a dangerous stretch of road and I want to be in and out of the fucker as quickly as possible.

This made me laugh too.

If I see that sign, I just think, "And?"
So was Darth Maul.

Not stupid, quite smart, she just had a busy day.

This made me laugh too.

If I see that sign, I just think, "And?"

Not believable, hey? Try more than 100 death in the next 40miles, etc, etc. What did it take "The most dangerous roads in the world" in google search.

True, they are longer stretches of roads. But it's per year, every year.

Hulk? I think not.