Ringtone breast enhancement.

Phoenix Down

Permanent Fixture
Talk of boobs in a certain thread reminded me of this.

Ringtone breast enhancement
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z30Z4iZSnJk"]YouTube- ディスカãƒãƒªãƒ¼ãƒãƒ£ãƒ³ãƒãƒ« 苫米地英人[/ame]
Those silly Japanese people
I knew this was from Japan before even clicking the thread.
I don't know if it's true - the test shown could have been imprecise - but I haven't researched about how much women's breasts change their state outside of pregnancy. Quite interesting!

That would explain why so many celebrities are being accused of having a boob job (just by comparing two photos), when maybe not all of them had - in some cases it could be just breasts in different condition.
Hmmm here's a thought...
I wonder if the same ringtone has an effect on the menstrual cycle?
Ooooh, maybe they can make mine smaller instead? :m197:
Lol Japan also has a ringtone to clear stuffy nose/allergies
Okay, if other women worldwide are attesting to its effectiveness, where did they hear about it? (because I feel jipped) XD
can I has ringtone?
Okay, if other women worldwide are attesting to its effectiveness, where did they hear about it? (because I feel jipped) XD
can I has ringtone?
Aww :D You can have some of mine if ya can't get a hold of the tone! Maybe I'll be able to see the ground again XD
It'd be funny if this worked on guys as well...

Wait, no... just no.
I walked past a special needs primary school this morning.
I had a similar enhancement.
if this is true then I'm afraid of the future
Photos of what you've got for reference point.
Scientific analysis, I swear.

*gets out tissues*
Just for you Shai.


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