Relations between different combinations of personality types


hi all,
i have a question:
in "Modeling Team Member Characteristics for the Formation of a Multifunctional Team in Concurrent Engineering" by Shi-Jie Chen and Li Lin
i found following relations between different factors

but there is no direct explanation of them so my question is could someone explain them to me or provide some sources where I can find such explanation?
thank you.
I'm a little bit suspicious of this.

I'm an engineer and I work with Es and Is. Most of us get along just fine. Problems with an INTJ, but what else is new.
I sort of agree with that, but quanitfying it like that just doesn't seem like an efficent or reliable way to group people off. Really, it just bothers me.

I have noticed several enigneers pop up here over the years, and many of them have commented on how their groups get tested with MBTI and get put into teams of some kind. Truly, this makes me quite glad that I am not going to be an engineer. I have had many people tell me since even before I came to college that I should major in it, never had the desire to (I am majoring in chemistry). These group idea seems like a good idea on paper, but I don't think in pratice it will help all that much.
hi all,
i have a question:
in "Modeling Team Member Characteristics for the Formation of a Multifunctional Team in Concurrent Engineering" by Shi-Jie Chen and Li Lin
i found following relations between different factors

but there is no direct explanation of them so my question is could someone explain them to me or provide some sources where I can find such explanation?
thank you.

Might want to try on intertype relations.
There is this theory called intertype relations, it's just another way to mess our
brains up like all typology theories. When you learn how it works you won't look
relationships with the same innocent eyes.:tongue1: Socionics present that it's predictable
how relationship between any two MBTI type will unfold. There is 16 relations,
something good and something bad in each. Because personality types vary due
to our life experiences and human mind is constantly changing there is no certain
way to predict anyones behavior or relationships, but I've found this to be quite
accurate and useful.

The most comfortable relationships for INFJ's would be
1. Relation of Duality (ESTP)
2. Identical Relation (INFJ)
3. Relation of Activity (ISTP)
4. Mirror Relation (ENFJ)
It's explainable since we share the same cognitive functions (Se Ni and Fe Ti)

NOTICE that in sociology the J/P axis is reversed for introverts.
IxxJ's dominant process is a perceiving function (INFJ - Ni)
IxxP's dominant process is a judging function (INFP - Fi)
-> INFJ is INFp, INFP is INFj, ISTP is ISTj, ISTJ is ISTp and so on.

Descriptions of relations
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^OP's diagram hardly has more relevance than the Mayan Calendar, imho.

In terms of Socion quadras, I'd call them:
Aristocrats: NFJ/STP = Se + Ti . . (ascetic)
Researchers: SFJ/NTP = Si + Ti . . (decorators)
Industrialists: NTJ/SFP = Se + Te . . (players)
Hardworkers: STJ/NFP = Si + Te . . (dreamers)
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