[PAX] realtionships with dieties


Time Lord
In class the other day we began our discussion of world religions and the thought came to me of how different religions relate to their dieties.

Sense my knowlege is limited to mainly my own god it would help me greatly if those who either have greater understanding of other religions or have their own relgious views they can comment on to understand. My goal is to creat a list (for personal reference) of the relationship between men and gods.

If I mistate any view that is mentioned in here please correct me.

-Christianity stands on the foundation of a intimate relationship with Our God (Father,Son, and Spirit) that is founded upon love that is of fatherly nature, in turn this is represented in the nature of refering to God as Abba father which means in a more modern sense that we call our God daddy. It should also be noted that the christian view of God is also that of a friend, a servant, and a King.

-Calvanism Christianity stands on the point that We as humanity due to our sinfull nature are incapable of seeking God and so the only way we are capable of having a realtionship with God is that he chooses to have a relationship with us.

-New Age has less of a relationship but instead an understanding that the universe and spirits have you in there best intentions to keep you from falling of track.The spirits know and trust you
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In class the other day we began our discussion of world religions and the thought came to me of how different religions relate to their dieties.

Sense my knowlege is limited to mainly my own god it would help me greatly if those who either have greater understanding of other religions or have their own relgious views they can comment on to understand. My goal is to creat a list (for personal reference) of the relationship between men and gods.

Christianity stands on the foundation of a intimate relationship with Our God (Father,Son, and Spirit) that is founded upon love that is of fatherly nature, in turn this is represented in the nature of refering to God as Abba father which means in a more modern sense that we call our God daddy. It should also be noted that the christian view of God is also that of a friend, a servant, and a King.

feel free to post if I don't respond, between 1:00pm-and 2:30pm U.S. EST. I have class during those hours

Yet, as Christians we recognize the Holy/Other-Worldly side of God and must endure the ever-present divide between us and God's unknowable-ness. Our intimacy and relationship with him is done entirely of his own willingness and work, and not of our own due to the very nature of the Divine.
Another Christian view...

I think God does respond to our openness...this has been my experience anyway. I also have run into the idea of "knowing" God by "unknowing" Him...presuppositions and assumptions can really be limiting. Things are never what they seemed initially...infinitely more deep, limitless.

I relate to God best in silence...there is a deep sense of knowing there. It is curious how that silence works...something happens...and I'm not sure what. The essential relationship is about connection...not achievement, or behavior, or intellect (although that does play a role on some level.) Connection covers all these.

I have been actively, intentionally on this journey for 40 years...it has been very meaningful and has made a huge difference in my daily life.
I am New Age

I don't really have a relationship with anything in the respect, it is more of a knowing/feeling. The closest thing I have to a relationship is having faith that the universe and spirits around me have my best interest in mind, and are there to make sure I don't fall off track. I feel like they know me and trust me, and that is conforting.
Yet, as Christians we recognize the Holy/Other-Worldly side of God and must endure the ever-present divide between us and God's unknowable-ness. Our intimacy and relationship with him is done entirely of his own willingness and work, and not of our own due to the very nature of the Divine.

this seems like a very calvinistic point of view.

I would disagree with the thought that our relation with God is soley one sided, but instead reactive. I would also say that Holy nature does not hinder our relationship with him, just as small child does not know everything about their father neither do we know everything about our God.
this seems like a very calvinistic point of view.

I would disagree with the thought that our relation with God is soley one sided, but instead reactive. I would also say that Holy nature does not hinder our relationship with him, just as small child does not know everything about their father neither do we know everything about our God.

^ Here, here.

You're right that Christianity is centered on the concept of a close relationship with God. But, you hear deviations from that, such as God is a mystery or unknowable. But, Christ, the ultimate christian himself, taught the exact opposite. Christ's purpose is to bring us to God, to bring us to a real knowledge of God, to bridge that gap that separates us from God.

John 17:2-3 as just one example.
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well I would not be one jump to conclusions or label anyone without there consent.

I don't blame you. But regardless, hooray for different perspectives!
There is not one specific entity that I worship and engage with, but rather the universe - the all and everything of which I am a part, is what I by virtue of my existence, resonate with.

I consider myself universalist, in the sense that I accept every possible interpretation of the world. All faiths and religions, regardless of their differences, are human constructs, and reflect a universal human desire to understand the cosmos and our place within it. Whatever leads people to Love is good, and righteous, but I am not concerned with details of proofs, as there is little point getting bogged down in trivialities and differences, when one can focus on universality and what we all have in common.

Two claims I make with some consistency: God and the universe are the same thing, and God is Love. How to define Love? Well there's a question, but suffice to say I feel it, and I feel that it comes from God, from the universe, and that it resonates through me. Everything that is not love comes from a failure to allow the resonance of Love - willful ignorance of the flow of the divine within us. That is how I understand it anyway, but as a universalist, I allow that every other viewpoint is also true and an equally valid interpretation of what is essentially unknowable.
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