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Dove has launched a lot of beauty campaigns regarding young girls' body image as well as women in general.
They have a series of photos dubbed "Real Women" That I would like to share with you:
I will also point out that despite the appearance that Dove might actually be a company that will advocate real women, during this campaign they were involved in a contraversey regarding the touching up of these images.
Dove is as close as I have seen any company, or any mainstream movement touch the idea that real women do not have fake tits and botox injected into their face. I think it's imporant to realise that the images you see in magazines, on television, in books, are fake , and hollywood celebrities have a lot of money at their expendure to retouch their body to look exactly how they want it to.
The reality is, when women age, they usually gain a little tummy weight. Obesity? No. But women are not always thin, and they do not stay young.
Society wants us to believe that a real woman is thin, white, blond, tanned, big breasted and in a bikini posing in the most seductive of all poses. These are the images that were are selling to our young boys as well. They are taught that this is how women look from magazines like playboy, from porn; all unrealistic depictions of how real women looks.
So we search for the people who look the most like models, and those who weren't born looking like models either come up with a plan to get the surgeries necessarily to look like one, or they live with the ideal implanted inside of themselves that they are somehow not 'beautiful enough'.
I'd like to hear you input; agree, disagree. You all have the right in the constitution.
And if you would, post some images of people who represent real women to you. Thank you very much.
They have a series of photos dubbed "Real Women" That I would like to share with you:
I will also point out that despite the appearance that Dove might actually be a company that will advocate real women, during this campaign they were involved in a contraversey regarding the touching up of these images.
Dove is as close as I have seen any company, or any mainstream movement touch the idea that real women do not have fake tits and botox injected into their face. I think it's imporant to realise that the images you see in magazines, on television, in books, are fake , and hollywood celebrities have a lot of money at their expendure to retouch their body to look exactly how they want it to.
The reality is, when women age, they usually gain a little tummy weight. Obesity? No. But women are not always thin, and they do not stay young.
Society wants us to believe that a real woman is thin, white, blond, tanned, big breasted and in a bikini posing in the most seductive of all poses. These are the images that were are selling to our young boys as well. They are taught that this is how women look from magazines like playboy, from porn; all unrealistic depictions of how real women looks.
So we search for the people who look the most like models, and those who weren't born looking like models either come up with a plan to get the surgeries necessarily to look like one, or they live with the ideal implanted inside of themselves that they are somehow not 'beautiful enough'.
I'd like to hear you input; agree, disagree. You all have the right in the constitution.
And if you would, post some images of people who represent real women to you. Thank you very much.