Real Age (Health)

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I'm impatient. This can’t be good for my stress levels.
I gained 1 year 1 month.

Was a long test and I couldn't answer everything plus the whole waiting for results part kinda sucked but they were very interesting once they came through :thumb:
Calendar 25.5
Real 18.7

Apparently, I sleep too much, work out too vigorously, and am too heavy (BMI is a dirty rotten liar). :m077:

But living with a dog makes me younger?
Calendar 25.5
Real 18.7

Apparently, I sleep too much, work out too vigorously, and am too heavy (BMI is a dirty rotten liar). :m077:

But living with a dog makes me younger?

Not sure how sleeping too much effects your health, but working out "too vigorously" prob puts a strain on joints, muscles, ligaments and wears them down faster. Ya, BMI means little if you work out consistently. And maybe dogs brighten one's mood and give company, which may be beneficial for mental health.
I had to fudge my results a tiny bit cause I am ALMOST 20 (4 months to go), but I got 27.2 o_O

I'll admit, I don't take good care of myself. Not so much with doing bad things, but not doing enough. I focus too much on school and skip meals... alot... Frequntlly deprive myself of sleep because I have DSPS and when I can sleep, I sleep too much (12+). and the olny exerize I get is skiing.
Calendar 25.5
Real 18.7

Apparently, I sleep too much, work out too vigorously, and am too heavy (BMI is a dirty rotten liar). :m077:

But living with a dog makes me younger?

BMI said the same about me, it totally is a liar! Actually I think I may have converted kgs to that weird ass measurement you 'mericans use incorrectly.

Pets reduce stress so yup. Even if they bark at night and keep you awake or requires constant discipline, they can lower the heart rate or something.

Test said I don't sleep enough but I already knew that. I found the nutrition one interesting, I got a gold star for not eating red meat, found that a little strange.

Hey, you're almost as old as me Indigo, welcome to the club *hi-five*
BMI said the same about me, it totally is a liar! Actually I think I may have converted kgs to that weird ass measurement you 'mericans use incorrectly.

Pets reduce stress so yup. Even if they bark at night and keep you awake or requires constant discipline, they can lower the heart rate or something.

Test said I don't sleep enough but I already knew that. I found the nutrition one interesting, I got a gold star for not eating red meat, found that a little strange.

Hey, you're almost as old as me Indigo, welcome to the club *hi-five*

Yes. Let's all join together to wage total war :m140: on(and eventually slay) BMI. And there ain't nothing wrong with the pounds. It is a quite effective measurement.

Not sure how sleeping too much effects your health, but working out "too vigorously" prob puts a strain on joints, muscles, ligaments and wears them down faster. Ya, BMI means little if you work out consistently. And maybe dogs brighten one's mood and give company, which may be beneficial for mental health.

Yeah, that's what they said about the working out, makes sense in a way, but if I don't train...then the crazy comes out, and that's no good. 9 hours of sleep isn't too much. Them folks be confused...

But i does love Sammy (the dog)