[PUG] Quinlan's Functions AKA the give Quinlan attention thread


Right the First Time!
So I have been on this forum since the dawn of time and I was wondering about my type and how I pretty much entirely typed myself on just what I thought and wanted to get some input from others as to how I come across. What functions do I seem to use the most (if you can tell from online posts)? Do you think I fit ISFP pretty well? What's up with my broken record approach to anything to do with obesity is that some kind of function loop thing going on? Do I ever seem like any other types?

Here is a gift:

ISFP has always seemed to fit for me. However, you score more often on the N side of things which has always seemed to make me scratch my head. I showed up pretty much right after you decided you were ISFP so I was not around for the questioning phase of things which likely would give some insight.

You should give us a point by point breakdown of why you feel you are this type or that type and explain the descrepancies that lie within those.
ISFP has always seemed to fit for me. However, you score more often on the N side of things which has always seemed to make me scratch my head.

Yeah I always wonder why that is, probably it is bias in the test. There is that SFP "gut feeling going with what feels right" kinda thing that could be mistaken for intuition. I pretty much never reason things out in my head but often have the right answer (apparently). One theory I have is that most of my "Se" traits were unappreciated by others growing up so I retreated into a mostly Fi and tertiary Ni state. I'm very introverted so most of my "extroverted sensation" isn't obvious even to myself.

You should give us a point by point breakdown of why you feel you are this type or that type and explain the descrepancies that lie within those.

I don't feel I am any other type, I'm interested in what others perceive though.
I have always get a vibe of you don't want to "rock the boat" and you seem somewhat detatched / distant in a sense. You don't share your vibe too much and this gives you an interesting air of mystery to me. I have always liked this about you. For me, I feel this is a sensor quality, so I do believe you are a gentle sensor type :)
But sometimes I do want to rock the boat, gently... :wink:

It's the contradictory nature of ISFPs I suppose.