President Donald Trump

This thread is to talk about the things President Donald Trump will need to accomplish to make America great again after he is sworn in. What are the perceived challenges he will face, what should he focus on first and what should be changed to correct the massive damage an 8 year Obama presidency has caused to this nation of ours. Can he do it, what do you feel his motivation is?
Can he take us out of debt regardless of political party?
Take note that during the AG interview today Sessions said he would remove himself from the investigations related to Hillary. Thats investigations with an s. As in still open and multiple.
Someone is deservedly going to jail.

Russia had compiled information potentially harmful to both political parties, but only released information damaging to Hillary Clinton and Democrats, in order to help the Trump campaign.

There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.

Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings have stated.

All kinds of questions. Did the Trump campaign conspire with the Russian government? What did the President know and when did he know it? What is the nature of the information that the Russian government knows about Trump and when will use it?
Trump's Nuclear Plan: It's Funny Because Nothing Matters Anymore

It's political from the beginning till about 8:30, but the nuclear talk starts around the 7:00 mark. While Colbert is trying to bring a bit a humor to this, the sad truth is that this is happening. We are fucked.

After the news conference today one thing is clear. For whatever his shortcomings are, Trump is more of a leader than Obama ever proved to be even before he's sworn in.
Hate him for whatever reasons you can conjure, America is only going to benefit under his leadership. That is my prediction.
Wow. Just WOW.

I am very concerned for your mental health.
Can he take us out of debt regardless of political party?
Doubtful. Obama increased the deficit by more than any other President in history combined. I'd like to think So, but I don't think it's rational to expect it.
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Decriminalize all and legalize all drugs, taking a cut from defense spending to instead spend on creating rehabilitation centers

Remove privatized prisons from existence in the united states; make them illegal.

Release everyone who is in jail for non-violent drug charges AND esponge their criminal records AND offer vocational training to help these people out who were unjustifiably locked up

End the federal student loan program and continue the forgivance program set in place by obama

Reverse Citizen's United- Corporations are not people

Put restrictions on monopolies and break up existing ones like he comcast empire

End indefinite detainment

Close down guantanomo bay and give people there a fair trial

Abolish mandatory sentencing

Increase taxes on middle class and upper class, reduce taxation on lower class, abolish tax havens for corporations and punish corporations that export labor to other countries for cheaper wages with heavy penalties for doing so

Pass some sort of act that forbids internet providers from slowing/speeding down the connections on certain websites unless website pays a toll and also ban any sort of government regulation over the internet beyond illegal activities

Reverse Patriot Act

Using money from increased taxation and reduced military spending, create one payer health insurance

Reduce and gradually cease all subsidies to non sustainable resources like oil, coal and petrolium. Invest money in research and funding of alternative sustainable energy sources including with vehicle, and give taxation incentives for citizens who switch to these in their homes/ car and businesses as well. Heavily tax corporations that resist.

Overhaul prison system to be rehabilitating rather than torture like it currently is. Prevent rampant crime such as shanking and pirson rape, from prisoners raping one another to guards abusing prisoners.

Come down hard on sexual offenders in the military with automatic dishonorable discharges upon proof and conviction. Sexual harassment punishable by stripping ranks of offending officers. Invest money heavily in anti-sexual harassment campaigns and provide psychiatric care for soldiers in base. Do not penalize soldiers for mental afflictions occurring directly as a result of war. Increase funding to veteran after-care for physical and mental health services.

Anti-discrimination legislation federally for transgender individuals, LGBTQ+ members for equal work opportunites, housing, marriage and adoption.

Ban privatization of pensions and retirement plans

Expand sexual assault laws to include things like lying about using a condom/birth control pills etc to be considered a sex crime. Increase funding for sex crime victims in the way of therapy. Harsh sentencing for sex offenders.

Teenagers sending each other selfies is not child pornography; remove these precedences, no longer prosecute teenagers or those close in age (16 year old and 18 year old) when sending selfies to one another of a sexual nature. Remove all persons who have been put on sex offender list for this crime. Put law in place, consensual sex of a 16 year old with 5 years of age legal, and discretion on situations where consensual sex occurs between like a 14 and 15 year old, etc. Also forbid sentencing minors for having nude pictures of themselves as child porn and remove those individuals from sex offender listings.

Keep federal records of those who have been charged with abuse of an animal as a precursor to possible violence to humans later on. If someone is charged with violence against a person and has history of abuse of an animal, have the precedence be a harsher sentence.
Expand sexual assault laws to include things like lying about using a condom/birth control pills etc to be considered a sex crime. Increase funding for sex crime victims in the way of therapy. Harsh sentencing for sex offenders.
I did not read everything you wrote, just this. You can't base laws on events you can't prove. People do shitty things in relationships I wish were illegal, but you simply can't place laws on these things.
I did not read everything you wrote, just this. You can't base laws on events you can't prove. People do shitty things in relationships I wish were illegal, but you simply can't place laws on these things.
Sweden has these laws in place
Sweden has these laws in place
We live in a global community.

Move to Sweden... until Sharia law, or US style law takes hold, then find another place you like.

The imposition of the laws you like only happens easily when a country is too rich, or too poor for the citizens to care enough to object.
Decriminalize all and legalize all drugs, taking a cut from defense spending to instead spend on creating rehabilitation centers

Remove privatized prisons from existence in the united states; make them illegal.

Release everyone who is in jail for non-violent drug charges AND esponge their criminal records AND offer vocational training to help these people out who were unjustifiably locked up

End the federal student loan program and continue the forgivance program set in place by obama

Reverse Citizen's United- Corporations are not people

Put restrictions on monopolies and break up existing ones like he comcast empire

End indefinite detainment

Close down guantanomo bay and give people there a fair trial

Abolish mandatory sentencing

Increase taxes on middle class and upper class, reduce taxation on lower class, abolish tax havens for corporations and punish corporations that export labor to other countries for cheaper wages with heavy penalties for doing so

Pass some sort of act that forbids internet providers from slowing/speeding down the connections on certain websites unless website pays a toll and also ban any sort of government regulation over the internet beyond illegal activities

Reverse Patriot Act

Using money from increased taxation and reduced military spending, create one payer health insurance

Reduce and gradually cease all subsidies to non sustainable resources like oil, coal and petrolium. Invest money in research and funding of alternative sustainable energy sources including with vehicle, and give taxation incentives for citizens who switch to these in their homes/ car and businesses as well. Heavily tax corporations that resist.

Overhaul prison system to be rehabilitating rather than torture like it currently is. Prevent rampant crime such as shanking and pirson rape, from prisoners raping one another to guards abusing prisoners.

Come down hard on sexual offenders in the military with automatic dishonorable discharges upon proof and conviction. Sexual harassment punishable by stripping ranks of offending officers. Invest money heavily in anti-sexual harassment campaigns and provide psychiatric care for soldiers in base. Do not penalize soldiers for mental afflictions occurring directly as a result of war. Increase funding to veteran after-care for physical and mental health services.

Anti-discrimination legislation federally for transgender individuals, LGBTQ+ members for equal work opportunites, housing, marriage and adoption.

Ban privatization of pensions and retirement plans

Expand sexual assault laws to include things like lying about using a condom/birth control pills etc to be considered a sex crime. Increase funding for sex crime victims in the way of therapy. Harsh sentencing for sex offenders.

Teenagers sending each other selfies is not child pornography; remove these precedences, no longer prosecute teenagers or those close in age (16 year old and 18 year old) when sending selfies to one another of a sexual nature. Remove all persons who have been put on sex offender list for this crime. Put law in place, consensual sex of a 16 year old with 5 years of age legal, and discretion on situations where consensual sex occurs between like a 14 and 15 year old, etc. Also forbid sentencing minors for having nude pictures of themselves as child porn and remove those individuals from sex offender listings.

Keep federal records of those who have been charged with abuse of an animal as a precursor to possible violence to humans later on. If someone is charged with violence against a person and has history of abuse of an animal, have the precedence be a harsher sentence.
Big list.
You constantly say reduce military spending. Can you elaborate on why you think this is a good idea?
Will they let him file bankruptcy for the United States of America over and over and over and over again? If so, then maybe.

I don't know what's worse judging people for what they have done or judging people for who they are? That's what I thought as I voted on the ballot. Its hard to weigh big money on both sides.