Online courses | INFJ Forum

Online courses


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2009
I figure some you may not know and would be interested in free online courses over at

I'm planning to sign up for a couple of them.

You can find specific details about each course on its page. They usually involve a final (open book) exam and you will get a signed certificate of completion. While they don't count as official credits from the University they can be used to bolster your resume, and not to mention your knowledge.
Oh Mer Gawd! Lernning fer the sake of lernning?

A Witch! A Witch! Burn Her....Burn Her!
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Interesting. I checked out their website. Although the courses offered are a bit limited it would be a good supplement if I wanted or needed more information about a particular subject. It's nice to see people moving in the direction of free higher education. It would be nice to see this concept go further and offer free classes that can be used towards advanced degrees. It's always nice to see stuff like this, thanks for sharing :becky:
Interesting. I checked out their website. Although the courses offered are a bit limited it would be a good supplement if I wanted or needed more information about a particular subject. It's nice to see people moving in the direction of free higher education. It would be nice to see this concept go further and offer free classes that can be used towards advanced degrees. It's always nice to see stuff like this, thanks for sharing :becky:

I haven't looked into this site, but it could be another step forward to what you're suggesting.
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MIT has had free online courses for a while now:

I think it's a great idea, and can be a productive way to spend some free time.

^ not courses, but tons of information regardless

Many thanks to [MENTION=751]Peppermint[/MENTION] for this thread, it could turn into a repository.
I like Coursera. Taking a few classes and signing up for more. I like the pace of some of the courses. And those which are nicely paced split up the video lectures in shorter segments which makes it easier to digest the material rather than 30-45 minute or longer lectures which are a bit much if you're new to a topic or just learning. I like the weekly quizzes, exercises, and video lectures which are clearly structured. Much better than classroom in some ways. Although it's structured like a normal course, it's more about learning than the grade, which takes some of the stress away. I can focus on understanding for myself rather than rushing to get the work in. The courses are also challenging. Topics you never think you'd be good at or even understand can be explained by the right instructor in clear and easy to understand terms. I do think though that since as a student you're working every week, submitting assignments, solving problems, or writing papers, that you receive some credit. If you do the work, should at least get some credit for it, even if it is 1/2 or 1 credit which can receive academic recognition beyond a "certificate of completion" especially if you aced or did well in the course.
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crap, I can't stop bookmarking these sites and classes. How is anyone going to get me to go outside now? :m040:

Thanks for links. I'm currently taking genetics and python on coursera. I love both classes :m124:
they are called MOOC's and you can find various short classes on youtube also

i've started taking Latin thru the TuTubusLatinus Tutor videos
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I'm looking at the 'Introduction to Mathematical Thinking' course, and I see that I've already done 9/10ths of what it covers. That is surprising.
Anyone knows good free sites that could help me to learn Spanish? I know Russian and English, some German but the sound of continental Spanish gives me shivers!!
So many interesting courses, so much to learn. How can I justify spending so much time on topics that probably won't give any advantages to my career. I need to channel my inner INTP.
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