On your death bed...

Which of these memories/experiences will you treasure the most?

  • The places you've been

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Right the First Time!
As in?

I will add it.
I'm damn near asleep right now, so fug it.
I already love all the people I've met. I think I'll treasure the things I've gotten done.
ShaiGar said:
I already love all the people I've met. I think I'll treasure the things I've gotten done.
damn, we could have kept the 100% without you :twisted:
I don't think I'll honestly care a whole lot about any of those. The last time I was trapped outside in a thunderstorm all I could think about was the people... but it was only because I'd just figured something out that I felt like one of them needed to hear.

I'm not sure I'll treasure any memories at all... but I am still pretty young, so there's plenty of time for that to change I guess.
Gonna vote ‘things I’ve seen’ although that’s not quite right, more like I’ll remember experiences, going away on holidays with friends, jumping out of a plane and such, doesn’t matter what experiences it's the strong positive emotions that I'll remember.
Interesting results so far, seems to be a bit of an F-T divide (with F's saying people and T's other things) which I suspected might happen.

I think a poll of the general public would have similar results, which is interesting compared to how most people's priorities seem to involve money. I wonder if people who chase wealth all their life end up regreting not developing relationships further?

When I think back over my life my positive memories mostly involve good times spent with others, which might be strange for an introvert.
True wealth has nothing to do with money...
Actually, wealth has everything to do with money, in that money is just a counter in the game of capitalism (ownership accumulation).

wealth Audio Help /w?l?/ Pronunciation Key
1. a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches: the wealth of a city.
2. an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount: a wealth of imagery.
3. Economics.
a. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
b. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
4. rich or valuable contents or produce: the wealth of the soil.
5. the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence: persons of wealth and standing.
6. Obsolete. happiness.
[Origin: 1200—50; ME welth (see well1, -th1); modeled on health]

–Related forms
wealthless, adjective

–Synonyms 2. richness, amplitude, fullness. 3a. possessions, assets, goods, property, money. 5. opulence, fortune.
–Antonyms 5. poverty.
Your dictionary has its own meaning of wealth...And I have mine...
Your meaning is wrong. You more than likely mean a different word, and are substituting that meaning for this word in order to make society seem bad.

Well, society IS bad. Doesn't mean their definition is wrong, it just means that the word you REALLY mean needs to be brought forward as an ideal.

What's your meaning? I'll tell you the word you're after.
I know what I mean and yes I am using the proper word for it... You can have a Wealth of knowledge you can have a Wealth of Love you can have a Wealth of money...but with out ALL of these you are NOT TRULY wealthy..
entyqua said:
I know what I mean and yes I am using the proper word for it... You can have a Wealth of knowledge you can have a Wealth of Love you can have a Wealth of money...but with out ALL of these you are NOT TRULY wealthy..
Wealth as means of counter... That was listed.

"True Wealth" seems to be a philosophical (subjective) term.
Definitely not money. I would say people, then the things I've achieved, which hopefully have made a positive difference in people's lives.

Reminiscing depresses me, even if didn't achieve anything great I can't imagine myself to be all angsty about it in the end. What's the point? I would focus on possibilities of rebirth... that's how I would console myself about mortality and regret, wondering if it's possible to reunite with the people I've outlived, and trying to convince the people I'll outlive that this won't be the end for me. Even if it is, when I'm dead it won't make a difference, so why not believe it while I'm consciously anticipating? Same goes for any relative belief I hold; as long as it makes me happy in this life, I've been blessed with the function and purpose of personal truth.
For me achievements are a huge part of my life. I'm actually not terribly social however I am sure I will reflect on all the interactions with people I've had especially the few very good/close relationships I've had (will have had)
This one was a tough one for me. I mean, it's because of the people that I meet IRL and imaginary that I want to achieve so much...But also at the same time, if no one existed, wouldn't I still want to achieve lots of things? So I put my achievements because I can imagine achievements without people, but I cannot imagine people without achievements.

Seems sort-of a lame way to look at it, but...IDK...
I wasn't sure whether to choose "The Things I've Achieved" (my eventual choice) vs. "People You've Met", because really, on my death bed I expect to be thinking about my children, who are more something I brought into the world and helped nurture rather than people I've met, and I view them as gifts I've been able to give to the world and therefore an achievement... although... at any rate, I decided to perceive the word "Things" to include emtional, spiritual, artistic, etc. "things".