No More Oprah!

There is a rumor that she will announce a 2011 ending date tomorrow.

I guess it's time to finish that novel and get into her book club.
Meh. Good. She's an ESFJ Moralist with a large audience who shoots off her mouth without knowing what the fuck she's talking about.

Then she popularises pop psychology morons who haven't the slightest idea how to deal with people.
I will be having a full out celebration when it ends.

An Oprah effigy will be burned.
Meh. Good. She's an ESFJ Moralist with a large audience who shoots off her mouth without knowing what the fuck she's talking about.

Then she popularises pop psychology morons who haven't the slightest idea how to deal with people.

actually most mbti websites typed Oprah as ENFP or even INFJ xD
I'm a little nervous about someone trying to replace her...better the devil you know and all that.
actually most mbti websites typed Oprah as ENFP or even INFJ xD

Most MBTI websites are run by morons, amateurs and people trying to get laid.

Has a psychologist given Oprah the KBTS?


I guess my opinion is as good as, or better than, those other morons.
She is not ending the show, she's getting her own tv channel.
Yup. Oprah of Borg upgraded. You will be assimilated.
Her own channel?!?!?! Well since I have never watched her show (never brought anything from Starbuck's either...related, but different story) I will now be able to care less about even more!!! Yay!!
I went to Starbucks twice... my mate liked meeting there for the free internet.

Can't stand their weak as shit coffee.
Luckily I don't watch tv or much care about Oprah.

I do drink Starbucks though, so I suppose I'm not totally off the hook.
i was pretty sad about it, I like that show. or at least I did like it back in the mid 1990's, it's become something different now.
Meh. Good. She's an ESFJ Moralist with a large audience who shoots off her mouth without knowing what the fuck she's talking about.

Then she popularises pop psychology morons who haven't the slightest idea how to deal with people.

Well said.

I watched Dr. Phil talk to a teenager, it seemed pretty retarded to me. But then again, I haven't studied psychology.
Well said.

I watched Dr. Phil talk to a teenager, it seemed pretty retarded to me. But then again, I haven't studied psychology.

I don't think you have to study psychology to know that Dr. Phil shouldn't be taken seriously. He's a glorified Maury or Springer. Nobody can solve life-long issues within a ten minute (twenty minutes for "very special shows") segments with that many commercial breaks.

I could do the same thing. "Person X, I'm telling you, you're fat. Stop eating junkfood and get your ass to the gym" / *audience applauds, people get tears in their eyes*/ "Wow, thank you Dr. TDHT, I didn't know that! You've changed my life!"

Give me a break.

... By the way, what DID happen to Dr. Phil? He's been replaced by some Oz dude.
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I don't think you have to study psychology to know that Dr. Phil shouldn't be taken seriously. He's a glorified Maury or Springer. Nobody can solve life-long issues within a ten minute (twenty minutes for "very special shows") segments with that many commercial breaks.

I could do the same thing. "Person X, I'm telling you, you're fat. Stop eating junkfood and get your ass to the gym" / "Thank you Dr. TDHT, I didn't know that! You've changed my life!"

Give me a break.

... By the way, what DID happen to Dr. Phil? He's been replaced by some Oz dude.

This was a conflict between a mother and a daughter, he denied the daughter any acceptance while glorifying the mother.

I was just thinking to myself, the housewives at home must be eating this shit up by the bucket.