Ni Fi confused AGAIN!!!!!!


defective wisdom
INFJ again
would you say this is

Fi - to know what you feel insight, who you are, feelings of a deep love and wholeness that sparkle to the surface of your existence. Looking inside and going through all layers of emotions to go to the core of what it is you are.

Ni - to know the path you have to take to expressing Yourself in the real world. Although there are many possibilities, this one option is highlighted in your mind and you just know/feel that it is the correct one. Seeing the pattern of your future path and knowing which steps to take to get there

or are they both Fi or both Ni?

both sentences together explain how I am at base mode. First I labeled it as Ni, then I labeled it as Fi and now I don't know anymore. Ni is seeing patterns, seeing the endpoint with the path highlighted like a lightening bolt. I just know what step to take, I don't know it know all the way to the end, but on every crossing road I know which direction to take. So I guess I use Ni. But there is more, there is also the first part of going inside, feeling deeply, searching for autenticity and who am I? Isn't that then Fi? And how can I use both Ni and Fi at the same moment, working in tandem. Ni mostly doesn't work untill I get into Fi modus and settle down in myself. Then I Know what to do. But according to MBTI you can't have Fi dominant with Ni secundary, that makes no sense

what are your thoughts guys? :frusty:
I'm glad you always ask the questions I'm pondering but never write down, Morgain. :)
Fi, to me, is knowing self first and knowing what self wants. It's not about knowing situations.

Ni is about knowing the situation and getting an idea of what is happening around you. You might not even be in the picture. You just "know" and emotions may have nothing to do with it (if that makes sense). Ni, to me, is a moment. I can't "feel" anything I just "know" something.
Fi is a judging function therefore it is responsible for making a decision for internal affairs. "Aha, this is the path I should take, because it feels right" is an example of Fi in action. In that light both of your definitions point to Fi.

Ni is like a big integrator but it does not produce a decision. It works when looking at a complex system with hundreds of variables and seeing the big picture behind it. Yet knowing this does not tell what actions should be taken. INTJ would then decide using logical reasoning, while INFJ would choose a solution that feels best for all involved parties.
Especially in the case of an INFP, a combination of Ne+Fi could give some Ni-ish insights. While Ne generate possibilities behind occurrences, a dominant Fi can judge those possibilities to what you feel is right.
thanks guys!!!!!! :hug:

Fi, to me, is knowing self first and knowing what self wants. It's not about knowing situations.

Ni is about knowing the situation and getting an idea of what is happening around you. You might not even be in the picture. You just "know" and emotions may have nothing to do with it (if that makes sense). Ni, to me, is a moment. I can't "feel" anything I just "know" something.

that is kristal clear!!!!!!! The best explanation of the difference between the two I have ever read! thanks!