Neuro Law


Regular Poster
The problem with our laws today is that they do not tell us what crime is. Not everyone agrees which actions are good or bad. A criminal to me is a hero to another. What laws do is give us a baseline that creates equilibrium between apposing view so that we can dismiss our differences and work towards shared goals.

But what if in the future we discover the neuroscience of why people disagree so much. How will the law be affected by this discovery? Extremists politicians could use neuroscience to impose laws that everyone share the beliefs they want them to. They could use Neuro Propaganda on the weak minded for devious purposes. On the other had the non-extremists could help the weak minded to have strong minds to resist the extremists.

I see two scenarios that could happen. A global Orwellian dictatorship or a global Age of Enlightenment.

Question: How do we define extremism, how "should" we eliminate it with neuroscience?
I hope I'm not alive when/if such technology becomes available. Just because we could do something like that doesn't mean we should. We as a species evolved and survived for thousands and thousands of years. Playing with things like this are just bad joo-joo in my book.

Disagreement is good. Eliminating disagreement is not the right course of action. A lot of crimes are committed because of the situations people find themselves in; situations that are caused by social-economical differences, and a lack of social mobility.
thought police... I do not like...
A lot of crimes are committed because of the situations people find themselves in; situations that are caused by social-economical differences, and a lack of social mobility.

What about the crime of mind control. Do we allow it.
I'm with mf. We all are never going to see eye-to-eye on everything, especially because of moral relativism: Everyone has their own beliefs that are true to them. For instance, in America abortion isn't as looked down upon as it is in Ghana, or Fornication, for that matter.

On the other hand, there's moral objectivism. Name me one country that says murder isn't a crime. Name me one country that says that lying and stealing isn't wrong. Laws like these, are laws that for thousands of years, we have all agreed on
The good thing is that the speed of development is getting so fast that there's no time for any mistakes to even last long enough to matter. And of course, trying any form of dictatorship is always a mistake. It would be overthrown before we could learn to spell it correctly.
1. Laws tell us exactly what crime is.

2. The reason for number one is that what crime is has little or nothing to do with what is or is not good or bad (at least for the people subject to the laws).

3. Neuroscience is already used to impose upon individuals, specifically psychiatry. Prisons have become de-facto mental hospitals, and you could make the case that the societal endorsement of psychiatry is also oppressive.

4. You can't eliminate extremism through neuroscience, and you can only define extremism by taking a position that others would characterize as extremist. The best we can probably do at this point is try to maintain pluralism.
Careful Kav, that sounds dangerously insubordinate. Just get yourself some victory gin and don't rock the boat...'cuz we'll know if you do.


Oh you will know alright... I'll go out as quietly as a nuclear bomb
They don't need to know your thoughts, All they need is your obedience.


You are the trigger man on who you submit you you obedience to...