My take on Ni (experience, and its archetypes)

I consider myself challenged to write everything that is hard to explain. Ni is not exception to this. I think i have it, but even if i don't have it as dom, i'm temped to share what (i think) are my observations so far. Note that most things i say are based on myself.

To me saying that Ni is focused on the future and predicting it would be an over-simplification. To me Ni comes in many archetypes, but one of them is definitely a 'guide' archetype. Wherever i go, i feel like some 'force' is guiding me, and i can rely on this 'feeling' alone and end up somewhere, and it feels like i don't even need to think, like it's automatic.

Another main characteristic of this function (to me) is that the core of it is not verbal. In fact, most of the time, i feel like i have to translate my thoughts into words rather than just externalize them. So talking tends to be harder than you'd think for me.

The other archetype of Ni is 'tunnel vision' in my opinion. This is how Ni differs from Ne. Ni tends to self-identify with their ideas, then try to organize them and seek clarity, then believe in them with every fiber of their body, sometimes excluding everything else. This is what they call hyper-focus. People don't realize Ni doms tend to be obsessive about their ideas.

There's another aspect of Ni. It's a hazy and dreamy process. But the ending of it is clarity. I have no idea how i got to the destination in my head that i got to. But i am almost sure of it, because it's crystal clear, and based on extremely thorough contemplation. Usually the ending of it also releases a certain feeling.

And the last main part of Ni that i'd like to mention is that, for Ni doms especially, the world tends to be full of special meanings with special significance, and they tend to pick experiences that seem like there's more to them, then analyze them and try to reach a useful conclusion. This is the 'teacher' archetype of Ni. It can even go to the past and try to pick experiences that seem significant and then try to find the introspective value of them and meaning. Even a single sentence someone said could be unusually valuable. Even a benign experience can have a special significance to the person.

What do you people think?
I consider myself challenged to write everything that is hard to explain. Ni is not exception to this. I think i have it, but even if i don't have it as dom, i'm temped to share what (i think) are my observations so far. Note that most things i say are based on myself.

To me saying that Ni is focused on the future and predicting it would be an over-simplification. To me Ni comes in many archetypes, but one of them is definitely a 'guide' archetype. Wherever i go, i feel like some 'force' is guiding me, and i can rely on this 'feeling' alone and end up somewhere, and it feels like i don't even need to think, like it's automatic.

Another main characteristic of this function (to me) is that the core of it is not verbal. In fact, most of the time, i feel like i have to translate my thoughts into words rather than just externalize them. So talking tends to be harder than you'd think for me.

The other archetype of Ni is 'tunnel vision' in my opinion. This is how Ni differs from Ne. Ni tends to self-identify with their ideas, then try to organize them and seek clarity, then believe in them with every fiber of their body, sometimes excluding everything else. This is what they call hyper-focus. People don't realize Ni doms tend to be obsessive about their ideas.

There's another aspect of Ni. It's a hazy and dreamy process. But the ending of it is clarity. I have no idea how i got to the destination in my head that i got to. But i am almost sure of it, because it's crystal clear, and based on extremely thorough contemplation. Usually the ending of it also releases a certain feeling.

And the last main part of Ni that i'd like to mention is that, for Ni doms especially, the world tends to be full of special meanings with special significance, and they tend to pick experiences that seem like there's more to them, then analyze them and try to reach a useful conclusion. This is the 'teacher' archetype of Ni. It can even go to the past and try to pick experiences that seem significant and then try to find the introspective value of them and meaning. Even a single sentence someone said could be unusually valuable. Even a benign experience can have a special significance to the person.

What do you people think?

I think its a decent starting point since i still have to read a lot about the cognitive functions. It feels quite abstract to me.
But i'd love to see more theory debates :grinning:

I wouldn't go as far as you, defining a typology, but i see where you are coming from.

@ force is guiding me:
Yes thats one aspect. Force sounds a bit strange since you are not forced. For me it feels like following a trail.
There is also the "it pops out of nothing". A sudden blink and i get an answer to a question or a point of view / a place / theory / book where i find an answer or the next step i need.

This reminds me of a lecture centuries ago. A biology prof told us we all possess the power to slow down time. He had examples where accidents happened and people experienced it slower than others in the same room or on tv.
His conclusion was that we're trying to act in this situation but we have problems doing it in realtime. I wonder if this is somehow connected.

Anything known about the biological basis? Mirror neurons or whatsoever?

@non verbal:
Sure its an emotion based language aka gut feeling. I wonder if there is more known about the "vocabulary" and "grammar" of this language. Any hints where to look?
Is there a systematic in the variety of feelings? Anything known from cross cultural studies? - eg. like cultural related syndroms when it comes to illness?

@ Dreamy process:
Can't say much about this relation here but a kinda liminal state is often used to come to a conclusion. Think of trance or lucid dreaming in healing techniques and religious rituals.
Even dowsers(?) could fit into this. Would these things be comparable or are these clearly different topics?

Anything known about mental states / brainwave activity during such processes?

@teacher archetype:
hehe i'd call it researcher. Man i hated coding interviews. I usually scanned the text or took a short note while listening to the recordings and i had the interesting parts already.
I made the rest up so everything looks legit and like scientific craftsmanship, well others did too :kissingclosed: Tbh i think every (business) consultant is capable of these things since its bread and butter to get the
important data fast, so they can waste weeks on the powerpoints :joycat:

What is the "special" you mentioned and can you differ this from what consultants or researchers do?

In Sociology one talks about definatory power. But who defines importance? Are classic categories important like class, peer group, etc.? Emotional bonding with certain topics?
And how is it verified as "true" or "important" inside a person? Especially since someone (John?) mentioned elsewhere that there might be just reflections, a mirror of one own what we see in another person.
Are there viable techniques to reflect these gut feelings?
I consider myself challenged to write everything that is hard to explain. Ni is not exception to this. I think i have it, but even if i don't have it as dom, i'm temped to share what (i think) are my observations so far. Note that most things i say are based on myself.

To me saying that Ni is focused on the future and predicting it would be an over-simplification. To me Ni comes in many archetypes, but one of them is definitely a 'guide' archetype. Wherever i go, i feel like some 'force' is guiding me, and i can rely on this 'feeling' alone and end up somewhere, and it feels like i don't even need to think, like it's automatic.

Another main characteristic of this function (to me) is that the core of it is not verbal. In fact, most of the time, i feel like i have to translate my thoughts into words rather than just externalize them. So talking tends to be harder than you'd think for me.

The other archetype of Ni is 'tunnel vision' in my opinion. This is how Ni differs from Ne. Ni tends to self-identify with their ideas, then try to organize them and seek clarity, then believe in them with every fiber of their body, sometimes excluding everything else. This is what they call hyper-focus. People don't realize Ni doms tend to be obsessive about their ideas.

There's another aspect of Ni. It's a hazy and dreamy process. But the ending of it is clarity. I have no idea how i got to the destination in my head that i got to. But i am almost sure of it, because it's crystal clear, and based on extremely thorough contemplation. Usually the ending of it also releases a certain feeling.

And the last main part of Ni that i'd like to mention is that, for Ni doms especially, the world tends to be full of special meanings with special significance, and they tend to pick experiences that seem like there's more to them, then analyze them and try to reach a useful conclusion. This is the 'teacher' archetype of Ni. It can even go to the past and try to pick experiences that seem significant and then try to find the introspective value of them and meaning. Even a single sentence someone said could be unusually valuable. Even a benign experience can have a special significance to the person.

What do you people think?
I think you did a fantastic job of verbalizing your experience! I am currently trying to put my own into words and find it still, mostly beyond grasp. However, a lot of what you said feels relatable. I really want to mull over this description. Another thing I’ll mention, is I don’t usually see anyone include examples of possible archetypes that play within intuition. This is an essential aspect of Carl Jung‘s definition that has been hard for me to contend with, even though in an abstract sense And instinctually, it has felt like it’s probably true. Like I said, I haven’t heard other people expound on it though.Either way, I find what you wrote useful and wonderful food for thought. Thanks for sharing!