My Life for Auir (07-27-10)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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I used to play zerg in SC1, and am also kindof really bummed out about the lack of effective antiair until t2. Yes you have queens, which work well against void rays, but MMM balls are troublesome. If you go mutas and try to micro FF can easily kill them even if you come in from behind, hydras... well are hydras :( Has anyone found a good zerg antiMMM strat?
Well I mean bnet random games with people.... it just seems like they all either turn into something vs Terran MMM ball. Or occasionally something vs stalkers. You never see any variety in unit composition like you used to.

(And don't get me started on zerg, who have all sorts of issues midgame since the roach nerf).

On Edit: its much more hardcounter then SC1

All stuff I don't really care about. But don't you think that this stuff will be sorted out over patches post release? As the original SC was patched constantly years after release it seems like a pretty bad reason to use for not getting the game, especially since you seem to be as into it to even care about this stuff.

As for hardcounters, that's actually an argument for variety. With softcounters you can generally get away with the same tactics if your management is good enough. With hardcounters you'll need to adapt quickly to the situation regardless of your resource and micro management capability.
As for hardcounters, that's actually an argument for variety. With softcounters you can generally get away with the same tactics if your management is good enough. With hardcounters you'll need to adapt quickly to the situation regardless of your resource and micro management capability.

As zerg the problem is that early game you don't have enough macro to switch units like that. Against terran etc you get one chance and if you've built the right units you win and if you didn't game over. If you survive to midgame then I agree with you. Playing as zerg I can pretty much win against much higher ranked players if I survive the first 15 min... which seems to come down to a crap shoot. Yes you are supposed to scout, but that is not very effective when terran and protoss bunker in. If I scout them correctly its usually game over if I can get to infestors before they get MMM ball up. And even then MMM vs some sort of mech army looks the same in the first 10 min for most players who go 2 barracks no matter what. Protoss are easier to scout so they arn't as bad.
As zerg the problem is that early game you don't have enough macro to switch units like that. Against terran etc you get one chance and if you've built the right units you win and if you didn't game over. If you survive to midgame then I agree with you. Playing as zerg I can pretty much win against much higher ranked players if I survive the first 15 min... which seems to come down to a crap shoot. Yes you are supposed to scout, but that is not very effective when terran and protoss bunker in. If I scout them correctly its usually game over if I can get to infestors before they get MMM ball up. And even then MMM vs some sort of mech army looks the same in the first 10 min for most players who go 2 barracks no matter what. Protoss are easier to scout so they arn't as bad.

You've clearly played it quite a bit. How many games have you bought and got less playtime out of? C'mon there has to be a few.

So the game isn't perfect. It's still one of the most balanced RTS's out there. Of course SC1 is more balanced, it's had 12 years to get to the state it's at.
You've clearly played it quite a bit. How many games have you bought and got less playtime out of? C'mon there has to be a few.
Er honestly I think SC2 is the last game I've bought since UT2004. I don't play many video games.
Players are bad, the game's not. But players are bad on BW ladders too. It's very boring (and cheesy) to ladder up on iccup too. However there's a ton of micro on the higher levels, hardcounters matter much less, and you get to see all kinds of builds. (eg: rax-fact-rax; rax-fact-port-rax etc)
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Players are bad, the game's not. But players are bad on BW ladders too. It's very boring (and cheesy) to ladder up on iccup too. However there's a ton of micro on the higher levels, hardcounters matter much less, and you get to see all kinds of builds. (eg: rax-fact-rax; rax-fact-port-rax etc)

So you are saying figure out what it will take to hard counter the cheese crap and then get past it and it will stop sucking so much? :D
No, I didn't say that. But unfortunately, I have to agree that after the release the average skill will get much, much worse, leading to more annoyance.

edit: BEST nerd comment ever:
"I haven't been this excited since I was about 17 lol

Except getting married maybe (don't tell the wife)"
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[ame=""]YouTube- Starcraft 2 - Infested Flatley's Hydra Lord of the Dance[/ame]