My Expectations are Higher Than You

Motor Jax

randomness included
Retired Staff
earlier tonight, me and my brother had a good all-night discussion on what was wrong growing up together, and why we always seem to have been fighting...

he called me out on it, and then the pieces fell into place...

he told me his honest opinion about me (which i thoroughly enjoyed)... and he simply stated that "you are a dick. even to work with"

i have been called an @sshole before, but never that... even other people that i have worked with has called me @sshole before...

and i figured out that perhaps because of the J type, i hold higher expectations that i expect others to adhere to...

i told him that he made my day 'cause that had me smiling the rest of the night... i felt good and comfortable in that fact... i told him i guess i am doing my job...

do others, as an INFJ, hold higher expectations to others? and has anyone been called an @sshole (or any other derogatory) before?
I generally don't work with others, and avoid it when I can. Simply because I want to do things my own way, without having others interfear with things. I have been told though that I am great to work with. I am very careful not to upset others when I have to work with others, and only take charge of stuff when nothing is getting done. My dad (ESTJ) is a horrible person to work with, as I would imagine working with nearly SJ would be. I don't think INFJ's are particulary bad to work with, because they will take your feelings into concideration, and listen to your opinions.
It's sort of the opposite for myself currently. I don't expect much from others nor do I expect many people to care.

However I have noticed when I talk about my goals of helping others, achieve better wealth through money and spiritual means people are usually offended in some way. I think it offends them because they realize they haven't any dreams at all and are actually working towards nothing in life; usually wrapped in a firestorm of drama they invite and create.

It feels as if they're mentally telling me "who do you think you are to have those kind of dreams?"

But that is the truth, I am greater than them at that point because they subscribe to those ideas. The fact they do mentally ask "who do you think you are to have those kind of dreams?" is already giving up on the idea of dreams altogether. In so they are in submission to those that do believe in their own dreams.

When you have to ask yourself if you're worthy of your dream you've lost it. Anyone should have the right to pursue their dreams no matter how far fetched. Now how people will react to the realization of your dreams or if they even come true is another thing altogether.
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pretty good, i started looking around cause i don't think i can do too much of this... working the same job with family kinda sucks in its own way...
Simply because I want to do things my own way, without having others interfear with things. I have been told though that I am great to work with. I am very careful not to upset others when I have to work with others, and only take charge of stuff when nothing is getting done.

he also told me that it wasn't all the time, but that i can be a dick to work with.. i have been told by a few others the same thing... but i know for the most part, i work well with others... especially if the other person knows their job...

when i am not at work though, i am the laid back kinda person with the strict but fair policy...

it could also be that i am a bit of a perfectionist...

but... its not me, its them that's the problem...... (j/k)
People usually enjoy working with me. I know this because some of my teachers in high school told me so.

I think I do have high expectations, but when I work with other people who have high expectations it runs smoothly. If I am with a bunch of people who don't care, it is very annoying, but I try to take it strides and not lose my mind.

I'm sure there are people who think I am an a-hole, but they don't (or mostly didn't) tell me to my face.
Why is one body part worse than the other?

and i figured out that perhaps because of the J type, i hold higher expectations that i expect others to adhere to...
I read that's common with infjs. But who knows.
I have never been told that i was an @ss.... simply because I am a kind soul.

I haven't work with anyone much because I just feel uncomfortable about it.