Mutliple Intelligences test for adult literacy and education

I took the test twice. Both times I scored highest in the intelligence of Self, which after reading their descriptions, makes a whole lot of sense to me. Second is logic/math. I lean far more on the logic-side than the math itself side, though. My third highest was listed as Kinesthetic the first time and Spatial the second.
I scored the highest in musical intelligence. My second was Social intelligence and my third highest was Self.
Music and Linguistics were my top two, and it definitely makes sense to me.
Self, nature, then social.
I agree, but think it should be a more objective test to see if I actually have those strengths rather than if I just think or feel I do.
My top 3 were: Nature (4.71), Spacial (4.57), Self (4.43), followed by Musical (4.29), Language (3.71), and Social (3.71).

No surprise to me, Math/Logic and Body Movement were the very lowest at 1.43 each.
Music 4.29, Self 4.29, Language 3.57, Logic/Math 3.43, Social 2.86, Nature 2.71, Body Movement 1.86, Spatial 1.57
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How accurate do you think that is?

I don't know? The musical intelligence is accurate. I've always been strong in that area. I'm not so sure about the Self. That one surprised me. So, having said that I agree with [MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION]
[MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION] & [MENTION=4871]CindyLou[/MENTION]

What would make the test more objective? I don't understand what you mean.

Also, Cindy, why would it surprise you to be intelligent in Self? Do you think that you are not very self-aware?
[MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION] & [MENTION=4871]CindyLou[/MENTION]

What would make the test more objective? I don't understand what you mean.

Also, Cindy, why would it surprise you to be intelligent in Self? Do you think that you are not very self-aware?

I think I am, but I'm not so sure that it means that I actually AM intelligent in that way compared to someone else if that makes any sense?

I think if I was actually tested on what areas I was legitimately intelligent and not on what I thought about myself I might score differently. Not in the music though. ;)
I think I am, but I'm not so sure that it means that I actually AM intelligent in that way compared to someone else if that makes any sense?
Sorry, it does not make sense to me. In what way are you specifically comparing? Some are more or less self-aware, but that does not mean that you are not intelligent in it. My original score was 3.xx in Self and that was my highest one. Regardless of score or what other people get, I have no doubt that I am extremely self-aware. My struggle with my awareness is being aware in the moment. I am only really aware of my thoughts & actions in fore/hindsight. I apologize if that is not what you meant.

I think if I was actually tested on what areas I was legitimately intelligent and not on what I thought about myself I might score differently. Not in the music though. ;)

Like testing logic/math ability with logic/math problems? Although I would think that self-reporting would be a good measure of intelligence of self! :D NOTE: Not teasing. The idea of the comment is funny to me.

NOTE: Sorry if this sounds like an inquisition. I am trying to understand.
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This order is definitely accurate.

You remember things visually, including exact sizes and shapes of objects. You like posters, charts, and graphics. You like any kind of visual clues. You enjoy drawing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your spatial intelligence include creating and/or using pictures, maps, diagrams, and graphs as you learn things.

You are sensitive to nature and environment. You probably know the names of rocks, flowers, birds, and trees. You love to be outdoors.

You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person.
I find it interesting that an introvert would score higher on social intelligence than self. I also find it interesting that INFPs tend to score high on natural intelligence. I wonder what the correlation is...
Sorry, it does not make sense to me. In what way are you specifically comparing? Some are more or less self-aware, but that does not mean that you are not intelligent in it. My original score was 3.xx in Self and that was my highest one. Regardless of score or what other people get, I have no doubt that I am extremely self-aware. My struggle with my awareness is being aware in the moment. I am only really aware of my thoughts & actions in fore/hindsight. I apologize if that is not what you meant.

Like testing logic/math ability with logic/math problems? Although I would think that self-reporting would be a good measure of intelligence of self! :D

NOTE: Sorry if this sounds like an inquisition. I am trying to understand.

That is exactly what I meant. :) I have more doubt on my perceptions of myself. I just have more doubt overall. I still measure and compare who I am using things outside of myself to determine who I am and what I'm good at doing. I think that makes me less self-aware, but I scored pretty high in Self which surprised me. It is also why I question my type so much. I have a hard time trusting my perception of myself because of how easy it's been to lie to myself! ;)
That is exactly what I meant. :) I have more doubt on my perceptions of myself. I just have more doubt overall. I still measure and compare who I am using things outside of myself to determine who I am and what I'm good at doing. I think that makes me less self-aware, but I scored pretty high in Self which surprised me. It is also why I question my type so much. I have a hard time trusting my perception of myself because of how easy it's been to lie to myself! ;)

Funny enough, in Psychology we learned that a large part of building one's Self-concept is formed by comparing to things outside yourself. I know I do it. ;)
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1.) Language (Linguistic) - 4.29
2.) Self (Intrapersonal) - 4.14
3.) Spatial - 3.71
4.) Nature (Naturalist) - 3.71
5.) Logic/Math - 3.57
6.) Social (Interpersonal) - 3.57
7.) Musical - 3.43
8.) Body Movement (Kinesthetic) - 3.43

-- Balanced, for the most part.
@acd & @CindyLou

What would make the test more objective? I don't understand what you mean.

Also, Cindy, why would it surprise you to be intelligent in Self? Do you think that you are not very self-aware?
One could delude themself into believing they possess a certain intelligence.
I love music and singing, for example I almost answered that I could mimic a certain pitch or whatever-- but then I decided to be honest with myself and took other people's opinion who have actually heard me sing into account.
Maybe if you had to listen to certain chords or pitches and reproduce them..
more for the mathematical questions, if you had to answer certain equations and logic questions correctly instead of just selecting, "I enjoy this."
One could delude themself into believing they possess a certain intelligence.
I love music and singing, for example I almost answered that I could mimic a certain pitch or whatever-- but then I decided to be honest with myself and took other people's opinion who have actually heard me sing into account.
Maybe if you had to listen to certain chords or pitches and reproduce them..
more for the mathematical questions, if you had to answer certain equations and logic questions correctly instead of just selecting, "I enjoy this."

One could delude themself into believing they possess a certain intelligence.
I love music and singing, for example I almost answered that I could mimic a certain pitch or whatever-- but then I decided to be honest with myself and took other people's opinion who have actually heard me sing into account.
Maybe if you had to listen to certain chords or pitches and reproduce them..
more for the mathematical questions, if you had to answer certain equations and logic questions correctly instead of just selecting, "I enjoy this."

Yeah, that was my thing. I love music and it's certainly an integral part of my life, but I'm not really a creator of music - I just appreciate it. Thus, for that mimicking pitch question I was like "lol no." That's possibly why it was way down on my list, but I don't know.

I do like art and draw/paint all the time, but could that really be considered a manifestation of spatial intelligence? *shrug* It's an interesting idea, in any case, multiple intelligences.