Multiplication tables


Capitalist pig
So, I took the GED test today and despite getting an above average score in every category, my math skills are at a 4th grade level. The reason why is because I never learned my times table. 4th grade is usually when you'd learn stuff like that. My math theory and ability to implement formulas are above average, but my actual calculation skills suck.

So my question to you is....

how did you memorize your multiplication table? I have a really hard time memorizing numbers.

If people don't give me answers--- that's it. I'm going to the fourth graders for help!!!
Flash cards=good and quick rote knowledge.
do a S**T TON of problems that involve multiplication (and I do mean a royal s**t ton). Have the table beside you, and do so many that you no longer have to look.
I'll do that, but I think the reason I failed multiplication memorization before was because the flash cards didn't work for me. That or I didn't practice. I don't remember which...
And what was your method?

I can't do math without knowing them I always get the calculations wrong.
I'll do that, but I think the reason I failed multiplication memorization before was because the flash cards didn't work for me. That or I didn't practice. I don't remember which...
My guess would be you didn't practice enough (and I don't mean anything by that).

Just break it down into pieces, don't try and learn them all at once.
I'd bet you know your 1's so start off with your twos. Just keep doing these over and over until you have them down. Then move on to your 3's, then 4's and so on. They get easier as you go because you have already learned some of them in previous sets.

It's not going to happen over night or even in a week. If you do it every day you'll have them down in probably 2 weeks tops, if not before then.
well I tend to multipy by 2 over and over and then start adding or subtracting to reach my goal

example: 8 x 7

(in my head)
+ 2
56! yay I know math! >.>

I do it fairly fast though.

For me 12+19 in my head
- 1

Somehow I score high in math ability doing this.

EDIT: other stuff I do:

7 x 6
autoconvert to 14 x 3

count up 4
42! I don't know why I do it this way, but I can not memorize the tables, so I had to do something!
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Im a maths teacher! and people who don't know their tables from 1x1 to 10x10 usually struggle. Its a matter of learning them off over and over and over again however there are learning difficulties where it is not possible to learn the tables off.

I think that if you know the alphabet of by hard you can learn tables however there are exceptions. I have to look them up again

I believe the tables are to maths as the alphabet is to English.

How hard in the past have you tried to learn them
I don't remember, for some reason in fourth grade I didn't learn them and I haven't attempted it since.
I'd memorize the key solutions, those being 5 x Y, 10 x Y and Y x Y, and so if I was ever stumped, I'd just add or subtract Y from any of the solutions in my head.

Example: What is 6 x 7?

Well, I know that 7 x 7 = 49, so I subtract that 7 from 49 and get 42. Voila. 6 x 7 = 42

But honestly, if its just the multiplication table, you just need to go through it at least a couple hundred times for each combination. Quiz yourself. Mentally put together some practice equations everywhere you go.
I don't remember, for some reason in fourth grade I didn't learn them and I haven't attempted it since.

ok well! you know what you need to do! it can be a pain but its worth it, it should be like asking you what letter comes after e,

so if your asked 5+8 or 7x6, it should be pre programed in your brain,

with that in mind if you cant learn them off by hard and there are many students who cant, look into learning support.
I know my 1's, 5's and 10's and partial 12's but everything else I have no clue,

oh and I know my 2's.

Also, 5+8 is not programmed into my brain- I have to count.
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I know my 1's, 5's and 10's and partial 12's but everything else I have no clue,

oh and I know my 2's.
I don't know your learning style but I'd suggest trying flashcards for a while. Start with your threes and skip the ones you know. Just build up from there. An hour a day will most likely do you wonders.
I am a verbal/spatial learner.

I'm a bit of a visual learner too sometimes.
I am a verbal/spatial learner.

I'm a bit of a visual learner too sometimes.
Try saying them out loud as you run through them and you'll get to the point where you hear them inside your head. Combining the flashcards with the vocals might make it easier for you.

It wouldn't surprise me that you didn't learn them earlier if you didn't see a reason in learning them. Intrinsic vs extrinsic. Now that you have a desire to learn them it will probably come a lot faster for you.

(And maybe I'm wrong but isn't spatial learning=visual learning?)
ok well! you know what you need to do! it can be a pain but its worth it, it should be like asking you what letter comes after e,

so if your asked 5+8 or 7x6, it should be pre programed in your brain,

with that in mind if you cant learn them off by hard and there are many students who cant, look into learning support.
See, I can't learn it this way. I have to count. I can count by any table though 100 and some tables endlessly (like 4s, 20s, 5s, etc.).

On the other hand I can do a quadratic equation in my head, as well as formulate and solve single variable proportions.
Also an idea, if you sometimes respond well to visual learning, make flash cards and color code the multiplication sets. Just make sure that 3x5 is color coded with the colors for 3 and 5. When you're running through them don't pay any attention to the colors, it's more of a subconscious thing you'll pick up on (if it works for you that is)