Mom Drags Kid Through Store By Harness


Captain Obvious
Retired Staff
Type me.

Also an article:

A few factual clarifications:

  • The title of the video is wrong. The child was in a harness attached around the torso, not a collar around the neck.
  • The mother's explanation was that the child refused to walk, and she claimed she could not carry him because she was suffering from lupus and pneumonia.
  • It is rumored that she dragged him out into the parking lot as well, but there is no footage of that and I have not been able to find a news source with that information.

So, opinions? I think there is too little information for solid judgments at this point, but most everyone else seems to be taking a sides, so those who are interested may have at it. While this particular case is fuzzy, I know many have strong opinions on the general use of harnesses.
What was she supposed to do? I mean really?
Not allowed to belt the kids anymore, or they get taken away by the government. This seems like a good alternative.
Not allowed to belt the kids anymore, or they get taken away by the government. This seems like a good alternative.

I'm not going to say I agree with it. But if she can't pick him up and she can't get him to walk what is so supposed to do?
I don't know.. Anything but drag her child on the floor by a dog leash? :m035:
It wasn't a dog leash. The kid had some marks on his neck afterwards, but nothing was looped around his neck (no strangulation risk). The force was spread over his torso.

I find the mother's claims suspicious, though. I haven't had lupus or pneumonia, but would those have prevented her from walking through a store in the first place? She didn't look very frail or sick.
So it's okay to grab a struggling child who might then slip and fall out of your arms and manhandle them and drag them out of a store, but doing the same with a harness is zomgbad? I don't get it.
Wow, way to look like an idiot. She has no control over her child at all, except the harness and leash, of course.
Also, do you think that this is likely indicative of a history of abuse (as brought up in the video)? Was the child spoiled, terrified, or otherwise?
Terrified kids don't need to be dragged. They'll comply willingly out of fear.
It wasn't a dog leash. The kid had some marks on his neck afterwards, but nothing was looped around his neck (no strangulation risk). The force was spread over his torso.

I read that, but does that make it less worse? Uhm I don't think you should treat a human being this way. Your dog? maybe. Your child? No. Well she could have also tied him at a fence at the entrance of the store, as they do with pets.. What do you do with a child that doesn't want to listen? Well as I don't have children myself I wouldn't know, but I've never seen this for sure.

No the woman did not look as if she was very sick. But even so, I don't really know what to say about this, the information we get here is all kind of vague..
One of my friends in high school (who I had a huge crush on) wore a dog leash and was being led around by another friend all day. It was actually kind of a turn-on.

I guess that's not what happened here. :(
Terrified kids don't need to be dragged. They'll comply willingly out of fear.

Why do you think so?

I read that, but does that make it less worse?

I see a pretty significant difference between a collar around a biped's neck and a harness that distributes the force around the torso. The latter is no more uncomfortable than a backpack. (In this case, it actually was a kind of backpack.)
Hmmm.....well I understand how she feels when a kid is pulling that sort of tantrum.
I do think it's just possible that the culmination of things just caused Mom to snap. I've been in those situations before.

As for the stipulation about if shes doing this in public...are there more serious things going on in private. IMO, in the worst cases of child abuse, NO one knows (and in a lot of cases suspects) what is happening behind closed doors. And the kids aren't talking because they are terrorized and afraid.

I do wish that as a society we haven't gotten so uppity about physical discipline. There are many occasions where I'd love to haul one of my misbehaving kids to a bathroom and tan their asses.

But since I can't do that , and not get cops called on me, I have to settle for alternative disciplinary tactics.

But sometimes a good old fashioned ass whooping is what is actually necessary to get the point across.

However, considering that she has to resort to a leash to keep her child 'with' her, I think that is indicative that shes never worked with her kid on proper shopping behaviors. This is probably another situation where by the mom was only doing what she knew. Hopefully a child developmental or psychology class will help her to know better how to deal with recalcintrant children.

What I don't understand is why no one in that store stopped her. They all let her drag her child the length of the store and rather than step in they video taped her.
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I see a pretty significant difference between a collar around a biped's neck and a harness that distributes the force around the torso. The latter is no more uncomfortable than a backpack. (In this case, it actually was a kind of backpack.)

Okay it's true, I realised it as I said it :). If it had been around the neck well it would have been.. could have been murder. I don't even want to think about that. Okay, she was not killing him, the fact remains that she dragged him along. I don't really care how she did it.
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