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There are three "figures" in the pic. The Red dressed figure, and a sitting figure on the rocks with a hooded or black headed figure standing behind the seated figure in the upper left of the frame. ;) Can you see them @sprinkles and @Skarekrow ? I wonder if the author of the photo missed seeing them in the excitement of capturing the red-cloaked figure?

I can see something there...but it’s hard to discern.
I’m sure it’s filled with many such creatures all the time...we just don’t actively look for such things and so we usually don’t see them.
I think if you went to the woods and actually looked for something you may see some curious things!
There was a sense of familiarity without having actually met before. I don't think we knew each other per se but somehow we weren't exactly strangers either.

Past life?
Soul partner?
A guide of yours perhaps.
Maybe even some past ancestor of yours.
Very cool!
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Past life?
Soul partner?
A guide of yours perhaps.
Maybe even some past ancestor of yours.
Very cool!

Yeah I'm wondering about that. She didn't seem like an old soul, and didn't seem like a guide. She seemed nice enough but I didn't get the feeling that she's a helpful type. She seemed more curious than anything else.
There are three "figures" in the pic. The Red dressed figure, and a sitting figure on the rocks with a hooded or black headed figure standing behind the seated figure in the upper left of the frame.

Wow, I cant see them for the life of me. I wish you could outline those figures so I could see it better. Interesting.
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Yeah I'm wondering about that. She didn't seem like an old soul, and didn't seem like a guide. She seemed nice enough but I didn't get the feeling that she's a helpful type. She seemed more curious than anything else.

Hmmm....then maybe she was just another wayward astral traveller perhaps.
Maybe you both just caught the other’s attention.
Very interesting AP/lucid dream/whatever!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Vacuum Metastability Event

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have completed „certain operations“ and are now intensively dissolving the head of the Yaldabaoth entity.

The head is positioned within the plasma anomaly accretion vortex close to the surface of planet Earth with its outer edge about 3 Earth radii from the planetary center, as it is described here in detail:

Mainstream science has „discovered“ that outer edge a few years ago:

Now NASA has openly admitted that man-made low frequency radio waves are forming that outer edge, efficiently creating the outermost barrier of the Veil:

If you change „VLF transmitters for submarine communication“ in the above article to „ELF transmitters of the HAARP and similar programs“ you will get a clear picture how the outermost barrier of the Veil is generated.

Anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth head together with toplet bombs are coupled with the black stone, a top quark-antiquark condensate. Black stone is a big hadron made of top/antitop quarks that were created by the Chimera millions of years ago in huge particle accelerators (Dyson rings) that were able to produce temperatures above the critical temperature of 2 trillion Kelvin, needed for black stone creation.

For about 7 million years, the black stone was located on a planet orbiting Rigel star system (which was the center of the cosmic anomaly during that time) and was then brought to Earth from Rigel through the Taurus cloud plasma filament in 1996:

It is now located in the Chimera underground facility near RHIC collider on Long Island.

Interaction of anomalous plasma with the back stone creates a huge negative plasma vortex about 1000 miles in diameter with its center on Long Island:

This vortex is the purification station for remaining primary anomaly on the surface of the planet. Top members of the Cabal and many members of the Chimera are using the anomaly of this vortex as a shield against the Light and this is why the East Coast has the highest concentration of the Cabal on the planet.

Positioning Cintamani stones in a flower of life pattern inside this vortex will serve as a vectoring grid for the energies of Sirius and will accelerate the transmutation of this anomaly. It is also beneficial to flood that vortex with the Violet flame:

It is interesting to note there are Atlantean underwater pyramids built by the Pleiadians located not far away from Long Island:

These pyramids serve as the positive anchor point that counteracts the negative effects of the Long Island plasma vortex.

The Light forces are now working directly to disable the black stone and remove the remaining toplet bombs and the progress is going according to the plan.

The removal of the black stone will tip the cosmic equilibrium and the current metastable state of false vacuum will cease to exist:

False vacuum we are currently experiencing is a metastable sector of the universe where the interaction between the Source and the primary anomaly creates conditions that are pro-entropy and anti-life and are the underlying reason why quarantine Earth status and the existence of evil is even possible.

Removal of the black stone will create the vacuum metastability event that will allow the penetration of bubble nucleation front across the Veil boundary towards the surface of the planet and will effectively trigger the Event. The Event is the moment of instating true quantum vacuum conditions inside the Veil and thus the removal of the part of the primary anomaly that is directly responsible for the existence of evil. The underlying force that was allowing the existence of the Cabal and suffering will cease to exist.

Meanwhile, Operation PrisonBreak continues with soft Disclosure about extraterrestrial life:

And with public space program initiatives that will put humanity beyond the Veil:

Victory of the Light!

Just keeping you up to date with what is going on out there.

If you were hoping for one of Skare's amusing gifs, you got a surprise this time. :D
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Wow, I cant see them for the life of me. I wish you could outline those figures so I could see it better. Interesting.

Yes, it’s hard to tell what is just pareidolia (our minds tendency to make faces out of background shapes and shadows) and what is actual phenomena.
I don’t doubt that there could be many things in this’s just not as defined as the main subject.
Can you give a better description of where you are seeing the other things?
I think I know what you are speaking of...but like I said above, it’s hard to say that it’s not just pareidolia or not.
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Yes, it’s hard to tell what is just pareidolia (our minds tendency to make faces out of background shapes and shadows) and what is actual phenomena.
I don’t doubt that there could be many things in this’s just not as defined as the main subject.
Can you give a better description of where you are seeing the other things?
I think I know what you are speaking of...but like I said above, it’s hard to say that it’s not just pareidolia or not.
Yes...i changed the area to black and white to contrast better. I think y'all will see them clearer now. ;)
gnome image.jpg
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Pennywise, this clown of Stephen King's, gets a surprise now that the global Schumann resonance is higher.​
Are We All Living In The Future Now?

~New Studies Suggest...~

by Jon Rappoport

A recent Bonn University study suggests we may all be living in a virtual simulation.

If a pixel-lattice that forms the background of this universe is presenting us with an all-encompassing “television picture” of reality, then the whole space-time continuum could be a rigorously designed artifact.

But another study, this one using a small number of meditators, pushes our understanding even further.

Dean Radin, the author of two groundbreaking books on controlled paranormal experiments, The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds, spoke at a January conference, Electric Universe, in New Mexico.

He described his recent pilot study on time and precognition.
A small group of advanced meditators who use the “non-dual” technique, were tested.

While meditating, they were subjected to random interruptions: a flash of light and a beeping sound.

Measuring their brain activity, Radin found that significant brain changes occurred BEFORE the light flashes or the beeps.

A control group of non-meditators were tested in exactly the same way, but their brain measurements revealed NO such changes. In other words, the brains of the meditators anticipated the timing of the unpredictable interruptions.

The future was registering now.
This, of course, opens up another way of thinking about time.

Serial time, the idea that, in this continuum, we experience a smooth progression of moments, with the present becoming, so to speak, the future, is the conventional view.

But suppose that is a grossly limiting and sketchy premise?
Suppose that, for those who can be aware of it, the future is bleeding into the present?

It is making an impact “before it happens.”

The non-dual method of meditation seeks to eliminate walls between “now and then, you and I, here and there.”

It has also been studied by Zoran Josipovic (New York University).
In 2012, Josipovic and colleagues found that, for non-dual meditators, two areas of the cerebral cortex, loosely labeled “external” and “intrinsic,” shifted their operating basis.

These two areas of the brain, long known for their independence from each other (if one is switched on, the other is switched off), both began operating with significantly less “antagonism.”

If time is deeply rooted in perception, Dean Radin’s study indicates that this even extends to the future.
If people can register the impact of the future now, then our notions of time are up for grabs.

So are conventional concepts of cause and effect, which rely on chains of events moving like trains from the past to the present. We need to consider that causes can sit in the future and produce their effects in the present.

In which case, what is the future?
It certainly is an expanded territory that extends beyond our normal view of it.

In correspondence with me, Dean Radin offered further information about his study:
“All participants knew that they would receive a light flash, an audio tone [beep], both, or none. In one condition they didn’t know when these would occur or what type of stimulus. In another condition they knew when it would occur but not what.

In all cases no one, including experiment[ers], knew what the next stimulus would be because we used a true random number generator to select it on the fly.

“The conclusion of the study was that the reported subjective experience of exceptional spaciousness, or timelessness, reported by some advanced meditators, appears to be objectively correct.

That is, their subjective sense of ‘now’ appears to expand substantially, and our experiment indicates that this was not an illusion.”

I then asked Dr. Radin how closely correlated the light flashes and audio tones were to the brain changes in the meditators.

His answer was stunning.
The brain changes occurred 1.5 seconds before these interruptions.

And the changes obviously occurred even though the meditators didn’t know when the interruptions were coming.

Radin’s remarks offer us a major point: these meditators were expanding their consciousness of the present moment, so that it included the future.

Therefore, we would be interacting with far more than this continuum is supposed to represent.

Such a framework of understanding travels far beyond modern ideas about the makeup and laws of the physical universe.
It implies more than merely a holographic or pixel-based cosmos.

It speaks to titanic capabilities on our part.

Of course, having sunk to a state in which we navigate in an amnesia about ourselves, we look at these ideas with skepticism.
We pretend we are trapped in a container-continuum of space and time, as Einstein and others have fleshed it out.
  • What if this is not the case at all?

  • What if we are trying to resolve our problems within a highly narrow context, when in fact the ultimate solution - the only one that will finally satisfy us - depends on us waking up to what we are?
Like recovering our political freedom, the journey to re-establish our greatest hidden capacities is a magnificent enterprise.
We no longer need to consign ourselves to dreams of comic-book heroes.

We would be the heroes.

When I first read Dean Radin’s breakthrough book, The Conscious Universe, I was floored.

Far from merely recounting anecdotes of paranormal phenomena, Radin was proving that decades of well-formed and well-conducted published laboratory studies, in the areas of telepathy and psychokinesis, revealed that these human capabilities exist.

He had performed a staggering feat.
He had shown the science was valid.

It remains for other branches of the scientific community to catch up, to admit their consensus about reality is provincial, distorted, and pathetically behind the times.

They are now the Roman Church of old, denying Galileo and Bruno.

They are the flat-earthers, fearing that to sail in a straight line too far will drop them off the edge of a giant dinner plate into emptiness.

Consider what could be the most astonishing extension of Dean Radin’s work:

Suppose that for those elements of the future that aren’t yet planned or on the drawing boards at all, people can still register their presence in advance.

Then we would be talking about the human capacity to reach out into a vacuum, a nothing, and still “bring back” what is going to happen.

If we all added up those moments in our lives when we suddenly and inexplicably knew what was about to occur, and then it did, we would have a significant number.
  • What if we were foreseeing events not scripted on any possible chart?

  • What if we were going beyond time altogether and correctly discovering “something in nothing?”

Dean Radin holds a masters degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate in educational psychology.

He has done extensive research in the field of parapsychology, psi phenomena and exceptional human capabilities. In this interview he shares some of his insights about consciousness and psi effects.

Time stamps for this interview

0:00:10 - Why do you research anomalies of consciousness?
0:01:08 - Why are psi effects on random number generators significant?
0:02:55 - What are remote staring experiments about?
0:04:35 - Why are psi phenomena ignored by mainstream science? (interesting answer)
0:10:30 - Why is there a taboo about researching extended properties of consciousness?
0:12:40 - What are presentiment / precognition experiments about?
0:21:40 - Do experiments show that participants have awareness about the future?
0:24:10 - Where do you see the future of psi research? (interesting answer)
0:27:10 - What are the philosophical implications of consciousness research?
0:28:20 - Is there an observer effect to the manifestation of physical reality?

Consciousness, Reality and Science

- Dr. Dean Radin and Tom Campbell -

Dr. Dean Radin started out as a professional concert violinist, lateron graduated with a degree in electrical engineering, magna cum laude and continued his education in the field of psychology in which he received his PhD.

After working as an engineer for many years he finally became Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in California.

Dean is a true pioneer in the field of parapsychological research.

His experiments particularly regarding telepathy and advanced knowledge of future events show clearly that a lot of phenomena we observe in our reality can not be explained satisfactorily by a purely materialistic model of the reality.

Tom Campbell is a physicist who used to work for NASA.
Over the last 35 years he developed his "My Big Toe"-theory which can unite physics and metaphysics into one holistic model.

Tom started out doing experiments on human consciousness together with Bob Monroe in the 70s.
Through these experiments he learned how he can use his own consciousness to leave his physical body.

His "My Big Toe"-theory is his approach on bringing together his rational knowledge as a physicist with his personal experiences regarding consciousness.

In this interview Dean and Tom talk about a variety of topics regarding consciousness, reality and science.

Besides a discussion on various insights and research results from the fields of quantum physics and parapsychology they continue to discuss experiments which could be done to verify Tom's theory.

Finally they agree on collaborating and actually doing some of these experiments jointly.

Time stamps for Part 1 of this interview

0:00:45 - Introduction
0:01:50 - What is consciousness ? Individual consciousness & consciousness as an information field
0:07:20 - Research on paranormal experiences and ancient holistic wisdom
0:15:35 - Tom's MBT theory and its application to the measurement problem of quantum physics
0:21:00 - Individual data streams within a virtual reality
0:24:10 - Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment, particles as probability distributions
0:26:50 - Why is the speed of light a constant ?
0:28:45 - Are we living in the movie Matrix ? Plato's allegory of the cave, conscious computers
0:33:15 - Free will, video lag in virtual realities, readiness potential
0:39:15 - How does advanced knowledge about future events work, life goals, nudging, synchronicity
0:46:10 - Falsifying Tom's MBT-theory through "reverse causality" experiments
0:52:10 - Dean's ideas on using double slit experiments to falsify Tom's theory
0:57:25 - Bill Tiller's experiments to modify the PH level of water by intent
0:58:45 - Experiments to modify a probability distribution by intent
1:00:30 - End of Part 1

Time stamps for Part 2 of this interview

0:00:45 - Planning of a collaboration between Dean and Tom to do experiments together
0:05:55 - Dean's research results, scientific "evidence" for paranormal phenomena
0:08:00 - Physical laws, scientific theories, PEAR Labs experiments
0:13:30 - Where will science be 10 years from now with respect to paranormal phenomena ?
0:15:50 - Tom's prognosis for 2 upcoming paradigm shifts in science with respect to reality
0:22:20 - Wise usage of modern technology instead of self-destruction
0:24:10 - This cultural shift will be faster than earlier shifts due to the internet
0:26:30 - End of interview

Monday, June 12, 2017
Vacuum Metastability Event

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have completed „certain operations“ and are now intensively dissolving the head of the Yaldabaoth entity.

The head is positioned within the plasma anomaly accretion vortex close to the surface of planet Earth with its outer edge about 3 Earth radii from the planetary center, as it is described here in detail:

Mainstream science has „discovered“ that outer edge a few years ago:

Now NASA has openly admitted that man-made low frequency radio waves are forming that outer edge, efficiently creating the outermost barrier of the Veil:

If you change „VLF transmitters for submarine communication“ in the above article to „ELF transmitters of the HAARP and similar programs“ you will get a clear picture how the outermost barrier of the Veil is generated.

Anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth head together with toplet bombs are coupled with the black stone, a top quark-antiquark condensate. Black stone is a big hadron made of top/antitop quarks that were created by the Chimera millions of years ago in huge particle accelerators (Dyson rings) that were able to produce temperatures above the critical temperature of 2 trillion Kelvin, needed for black stone creation.

For about 7 million years, the black stone was located on a planet orbiting Rigel star system (which was the center of the cosmic anomaly during that time) and was then brought to Earth from Rigel through the Taurus cloud plasma filament in 1996:

It is now located in the Chimera underground facility near RHIC collider on Long Island.

Interaction of anomalous plasma with the back stone creates a huge negative plasma vortex about 1000 miles in diameter with its center on Long Island:

This vortex is the purification station for remaining primary anomaly on the surface of the planet. Top members of the Cabal and many members of the Chimera are using the anomaly of this vortex as a shield against the Light and this is why the East Coast has the highest concentration of the Cabal on the planet.

Positioning Cintamani stones in a flower of life pattern inside this vortex will serve as a vectoring grid for the energies of Sirius and will accelerate the transmutation of this anomaly. It is also beneficial to flood that vortex with the Violet flame:

It is interesting to note there are Atlantean underwater pyramids built by the Pleiadians located not far away from Long Island:

These pyramids serve as the positive anchor point that counteracts the negative effects of the Long Island plasma vortex.

The Light forces are now working directly to disable the black stone and remove the remaining toplet bombs and the progress is going according to the plan.

The removal of the black stone will tip the cosmic equilibrium and the current metastable state of false vacuum will cease to exist:

False vacuum we are currently experiencing is a metastable sector of the universe where the interaction between the Source and the primary anomaly creates conditions that are pro-entropy and anti-life and are the underlying reason why quarantine Earth status and the existence of evil is even possible.

Removal of the black stone will create the vacuum metastability event that will allow the penetration of bubble nucleation front across the Veil boundary towards the surface of the planet and will effectively trigger the Event. The Event is the moment of instating true quantum vacuum conditions inside the Veil and thus the removal of the part of the primary anomaly that is directly responsible for the existence of evil. The underlying force that was allowing the existence of the Cabal and suffering will cease to exist.

Meanwhile, Operation PrisonBreak continues with soft Disclosure about extraterrestrial life:

And with public space program initiatives that will put humanity beyond the Veil:

Victory of the Light!

Just keeping you up to date with what is going on out there.

If you were hoping for one of Skare's amusing gifs, you got a surprise this time. :D


This Chinese video on Youtube explains what I was saying about Yaldabaoth.


This is what will happen at the time of the Event. :)
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This Chinese video on Youtube explains what I was saying about Yaldabaoth.


This is what will happen at the time of the Event. :)

Can we have a serious time-line for the goddamn “Event” please?
I’m getting tired of people saying this or that is going to happen but can’t tell me when...the closest we got was 2012...and nothing happened but an unfortunate movie was made with the same name.
Just saying.
It’s frustrating, and creates a block for me giving it more credit.
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Can we have a serious time-line for the goddamn “Event” please?
I’m getting tired of people saying this or that is going to happen but can’t tell me when...the closest we got was 2012...and nothing happened but an unfortunate movie was made with the same name.
Just saying.
It’s frustrating, and creates a block for me giving it more credit.

They are planning one big meditation event that will clear the Yaldabaoth entity (?) that suppresses Source energy from reaching the Earth. That is the best hint that I can tell you that something is happening.

These are the local times:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Please join us for a Unified Global Meditation at the moment of the Summer Solstice, which is on June 20th at: 9:24 PM Pacific Time (USA) and June 21st at 4:24 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

If you are in New York, this will be at 12:24 AM on June 21st.

If you are in Taiwan this will be at 12:24 Pm on June 21st.

If you are in Japan this will be at 1:24 Pm on June 21st.

If you are in Central Europe this will be at 6:24 AM on June 21st.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And it will be daytime when it is taking place for you in the big US of A. It will be night in Europe. :m050:

Maybe that I will join anyway. :m114:
They are planning one big meditation event that will clear the Yaldabaoth entity (?) that suppresses Source energy from reaching the Earth. That is the best hint that I can tell you that something is happening.

These are the local times:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Please join us for a Unified Global Meditation at the moment of the Summer Solstice, which is on June 20th at: 9:24 PM Pacific Time (USA) and June 21st at 4:24 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

If you are in New York, this will be at 12:24 AM on June 21st.

If you are in Taiwan this will be at 12:24 Pm on June 21st.

If you are in Japan this will be at 1:24 Pm on June 21st.

If you are in Central Europe this will be at 6:24 AM on June 21st.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And it will be daytime when it is taking place for you in the big US of A. It will be night in Europe. :m050:

Maybe that I will join anyway. :m114:

It will be 9:30pm for me on a Tuesday...but I will try to take part.
I am interested to see if anything feels differently from my normal meditations...and to add my bit of light to the whole.

I was speaking more “the shift”...I still have yet to really notice a shift.
And I do give a shift.
It will be 9:30pm for me on a Tuesday...but I will try to take part.
I am interested to see if anything feels differently from my normal meditations...and to add my bit of light to the whole.

I was speaking more “the shift”...I still have yet to really notice a shift.
And I do give a shift.

There are weekly meditations every Sunday at 4 PM GMT, 10 AM in (the state of) Washington. If you curious about the Maharishi effect, you could try that before the Summer Solstice Meditation.

Each meditation has its own particular Youtube video that you are supposed to use. Clink on the links. :)
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An interesting article.

by Evy King

Managing Director
Oldfield Systems Limited
Extracted from Nexus Magazine
Volume 14, Number 3 (April - May 2007)
from NexusMagazine Website


The revolutionary imaging systems developed by biologist Dr Harry Oldfield offer practitioners a means of seeing the condition of a patient's bio-energetic field prior to diagnosis and treatment.​

About the Author

Evy King is the Managing Director of Oldfield Systems Ltd. She has accompanied Dr Harry Oldfield on his lecture tours of the world over the last two years and is working to support the diversity of his research and inventions.
Born in New Zealand, Evy King is also an accomplished classical pianist now based in the UK.

In the production of this article, Evy King drew on Diana Holland's article "Harry Oldfield and His Invisible Universe", first published in the December 1999 edition of Share International.

For more information, visit the websites and

About Dr Harry Oldfield

Harry Oldfield, DHom (Med), qualified as a homoeopathic physician in 1982 and received an Honorary Doctorate (Citation of Honour) from the World Peace Centre in Pune, India, in 2000.

He was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Medicine at Grenada University in 2001, is a Professor Honoris Causa in the Department of Alternative Medicine, Zoroastrian College, Mumbai, India, and is a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford.

He is a regular speaker at international conferences.

More than 100 articles have been published on Dr Harry Oldfield's research in the UK and overseas, including in publications such as the British Medical Journal, Medical News Weekly, the Times, Guardian, Daily Mail and New York Times and in all the major complementary medicine and healthcare magazines.

His work has been featured in television programs in the UK and overseas, most recently in a 15-part television series on complementary medicine, shown worldwide on the Discovery Health channel in 2001.

Harry Oldfield's earlier research, especially on Kirlian photography, can be found in The Dark Side of the Brain, co-authored with Roger Coghill (published in 1988 by Element Books, it is currently out of print but copies can sometimes be found via the Internet).

Dr Oldfield is the subject of the book Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe by Jane and Grant Solomon, published in 1988 by Thorsons (ISBN 0-7225-3652-6).

Dr Oldfield's forthcoming schedule includes:
  • a presentation on Electro-Crystal Therapy and PIP in Sarajevo on Friday 27 April 2007

  • a one-day workshop for PIP users, including a presentation of his latest theories, in Kent, UK, on Saturday 2 June 2007

  • a one-day workshop with Dr Brian Dailey on "Visualization of the Energy Field with Insight into Multi-Dimensional Reality" at the ISSSEEM 17th Annual Conference in Boulder, Colorado, on Friday 22 June 2007.


In 2006, the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) awarded Dr Harry Oldfield The Alyce and Elmer Green Award for Innovation for his work, noting that it "allows us to experience our multidimensional existence through his extraordinary images".

Harry Oldfield, British biologist turned energy-field researcher, developed his imaging system, Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP), in the 1980s.

He perfected this application after many years of research into Kirlian photography, which captures changing patterns of light energy emanating from all living things (including humans, animals and plants) and even from crystals.

His original research with Kirlian photography focused on the phantom leaf effect: a leaf from a tree or bush is set up for Kirlian photography, but a portion of the leaf is removed.

In more than 50 per cent of cases, the energy outline showed the whole leaf, i.e., including the portion removed.
Thus the Kirlian system shows a natural energy field corresponding to the physical structure and molecules of the leaf.

Using his PIP technology, Oldfield subsequently found that this effect occurs with people, e.g., with arm, hand or finger amputees. In rare examples, phantom legs have been observed.

In his PIP scans of people with missing limbs, there have been images showing a phantom limb.
PIP images have also shown a phantom arm and hand-not visible to the naked eye-associated with a spiritual healer.

Electro-Scanning Method (ESM)

Harry Oldfield then developed a technique that he called the Electro-Scanning Method, or ESM, after observing while working with Kirlian photography that sound and radio frequencies, as well as light, emanated from the subjects.

He decided that there must be information about the subjects in these as well as in the light frequencies.
By lowering the voltage and increasing the frequency, he was able to introduce recognizable signals into the whole body of a human or an animal (or certain other objects).

Measurements of the energy field taken at many locations enables the build-up of an image in three dimensions (and effectively real time), rather like the sonar image built up to show the ocean floor.

Kirlian photography is limited to giving a two-dimensional view, but ESM is able to give 3D numerical information in decibel levels about a subject's energy field, both at the surface and at a short distance.

Electro-Crystal Therapy (EleCT)

The energy field of humans and animals is complex and it varies with the mental and physical states of the individual.
The variations in this energy field are measurable by ESM and other techniques.

Harry looked for a method for restructuring the energy field and restoring it to normal.
Indeed, a subject whose body is helped nearer towards a state of healthy equilibrium is more able to begin a self-healing process.

His studies of the energy emitted by his subjects led him to check whether applying such energies externally might induce changes in such natural energy fields.

He found that this was indeed possible.

As a result of following up a friend's suggestion and with more than a touch of "divine inspiration", Harry went on to develop a method for making the necessary energies available.

Called Electro-Crystal Therapy (EleCT), it involved the linking of electronic oscillator equipment with certain crystals.
The crystals employ the piezo-electric effect, meaning that when the shape of some crystals is altered they emit electricity, and vice versa.

Tiny signals sent to the crystals result in equally tiny acoustic energies being emitted by the crystals.
These energies are harmless and barely detectable but are just right for interacting with human and animal physical body energy fields.

Crystals have had natural healing properties associated with them for thousands of years.
They also have their own natural abilities to focus energy, and in fact are energy transducers.

Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP)

Much is explained about PIP in the book Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe, by Jane and Grant Solomon.
PIP instrumentation can distinguish between many different grades or qualities of light.

The innovation is in the computer program, and the end result is an image on the computer screen shown as pulsating bands of color and light.

When PIP images are recorded, there is no need to make special preparations or to disturb anything.
PIP imaging shows variations in energy fields, and some practitioners can achieve accurate assessment of energy fields from the images.

Harry found that all PIP images of the human body show close correlations with two healing systems that have been known for thousands of years.

The energetic eddies and clusters graphically represented are similar to the chakras described in Ayurvedic medicine and to the energy meridian pathways in traditional Chinese medicine.

Here, at last, was a non-invasive tool that depicted visually the state and movement of force-fields, using not much more than a Tesla coil, a computer chip and a video recorder.

With the PIP system, we can see leaks and blocks in the energy flow, and this information can be very useful in natural medicine assessment, perhaps for choosing a regime for the Oldfield EleCT equipmentor another form of alternative medicine (e.g., acupuncture, homoeopathy, reflexology).

Many of these modalities have been practiced effectively for centuries, but until now have lacked a methodology for demonstration and verification.

In certain circumstances, Harry Oldfield's PIP technology is able to pinpoint disturbed energy states before they become evident by standard diagnosis, allowing practitioners and healers the chance to nip problems in the bud.

People at risk could be screened regularly so that hereditary or common diseases could be detected and remedial treatment given while it is still swift, cheap and easy to carry out.

This pioneering technique was developed to help improve health, but it soon became clear that it could be used for investigating paranormal phenomena, because minute energy changes seem to accompany these.

Harry was meeting people who believed that some health problems came from psychic origins, so it was appropriate to look at those potentially psychic environments where people were becoming ill.

"Some objects radiate light, but mostly we 'see' an object because light reflected from it is seen as an image in our eyes," says Harry, quoted in the Solomon's' book.

"A photonic interface set-up was required with which to detect light of varying energy from varying environments, leading to an image of the energy differences that was meaningful, i.e., PIP."

Harry was a self-confessed "Newtonian" biologist 30 years ago, interested only in the concrete evidence of hard scientific fact. However, through thought, meditation, life experience and probably an element of luck, he stumbled upon PIP and later on discovered how certain crystals can be used to alter the aura and promote conditions under which energy disturbances can diminish or disappear.

"I have always aimed to invent instruments that will help more people to experience more of the invisible universe," he says.

In the course of his research, he may have discovered a new form of complex energy on Earth.
While PIP-scanning various crystals, Harry discovered that about 10 per cent of them have undulating within, on or about them a previously unreported entity with its own aura.

It looks like a slug!
The first one he discovered "disappeared" back into the crystal, seemingly when it realized it was being observed, and the PIP computer crashed with the message "unidentified instruction”.

states that other researchers have independently confirmed the same phenomenon.

Multidimensional Energy Fields

Harry Oldfield's work with energy fields has opened the door to much wider fields of research and broached the previously undocumented and unfathomable: the afterlife and the space-time continuum.

The imprint of history does in fact live on, he believes.

According to Harry, again quoted from the Solomon's' book:

"The proposition is that other energy-universes may exist on what are often called 'interrelated planes of reality', other dimensions where matter is vibrating at higher frequencies than matter in the physical plane.

"I believe when we die we go into another realm (an altered state of consciousness, if you like), another octave up in the musical scale of the universe.

I believe these other realms are just as real as the one we are occupying now, which we call physical reality.
It is a higher level of vibration that a lot of us can't see.

I also believe in the mind-brain non-locality theory where mind and brain function can work independently.

To take the point further, another analogy often used is the 'ghosting' effect that sometimes happens when we watch television.
We may be on a particular channel, but, due to signal interference, the broadcast from a second channel may also be visible on screen.

In effect, there are two broadcasts, representing two different 'realities', occupying the same space."

This correlates with research Harry has conducted in mortuaries, specifically PIP-scanning the bodies of people who had died suddenly, unexpectedly and violently, as in car accidents.

In such cases, there was often evidence of an energy field above or near the body.
Harry states that in his experience, some pathologists, coroners and mortuary personnel sense a presence near the corpse, which prompts them to be extremely respectful in their intervention.

He personally experienced a situation where the energy field above a recent accident victim pulsated dramatically in response to an assistant praying in sympathy over the body.

From this, he approves of the common practice of many religions to allow a three-day "settling period" before burial or cremation.

Harry has scanned energy fields surrounding elderly people, whose deaths were expected and were likely to be peaceful and who were surrounded by supportive family members.

The quality of the scans is quite different from those following violent death, validating the work of hospice volunteers and terminal-ward personnel, and begs the development of an "art of dying".

Harry has on record an image of a "soul harvester", an entity his research group nicknamed "Angelos”.
He believes there is a class of discorporate beings, Angels of Death as it were, whose purpose is to comfort and guide disoriented people who have died.

He has found several such entities while scanning graveyards and mortuary rooms.
A classic film called A Matter of Life and Death (one of Harry's all-time favorites) bases its plot on the "error" created by such a messenger.

In Oldfield's early years of research, one of his most significant psychic encounters happened in 1979 while he was attached to the Dragon Project, a scientific and natural-energy investigation into ancient megalithic and Neolithic sites, in particular the Rollright Circle in Oxfordshire.

Harry was asked to monitor a winter solstice with his testing equipment.
He and others on the project were hoping that when the Sun rose and the first rays of daylight hit the stones, electrical anomalies might appear.

In his enthusiasm and youthful inexperience, Harry arrived at approximately 2.00 am, many hours before sunrise, to set up his detection equipment in the stone circle.

He was the only one there and decided to go into the circle.
As he walked to one of the largest east-facing stones, the grass underneath him was crisp and frozen.

As he was tapping his electrodes into the crevices of the standing stone, he had the feeling he was being watched.
He caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye, and then in the torchlight he saw a large, dark shape approaching him very quickly.

He realized it was a large dog/hound of Great Dane size but much more muscular in stature.
It was completely black except for its eyes, which reflected the torchlight.

Harry, being very fond of animals, took off his glove and greeted him by patting him on the head.
But as his fingers went through the fur to what should have been warm skin and flesh, Harry's hand recoiled as if it had been plunged into an icy freezer.

Harry was afraid that his fingertips might stick to the dog's skin because it was so cold.
He remarked in a sympathetic voice,

"What are you doing out on a freezing night like this, boy? You should be in front of a nice warm fire."

He was still presuming that this was a farm dog that was taking a nightly walk by himself.

He carried on assembling his detection array.
One particular electrode was very stubborn and would not adhere properly, so he used slightly more vigour to attach it in the crevice, producing some audible scraping noise.

This immediately brought the hound, moving silently and with white fangs exposed, right up to his face.
Harry, although startled, kept his cool and made a remark which went something like:

"Don't worry, boy. I'm not hurting the stone. I am here to learn from it."

Harry related afterwards that he did not know where those words had come from, but in retrospect they probably saved his life!

When looking back at the stone and then at where the hound had been a second before, he suddenly thought, "Gosh, he moves very silently for a very big animal.”

He then looked down at the grass where the animal had been.
Harry's own footprints had made big impressions in the frozen grass stems; however, where the hound had been, not a blade of grass had been disturbed.

He also realized that when pointing the lamp between him and the creature, his own breath condensation was clearly visible, but he did not remember any such condensation coming from the creature.

Harry hastily made a tactical retreat back to his vehicle, which was an Austin Maxi in those distant days, and he wound up the windows and locked the doors.

He listened to the radio and drank hot coffee from his flask, while trying to convince himself that his imagination had been working overtime in the early hours of the morning.

A couple of hours later, he was joined by colleagues and began to feel much better.
He observed a beautiful sunrise and collected some interesting electrical and sound anomalies as light hit the stone circle.

When commended by the head of the project for being the first man in the Rollright Circle that day, Harry said,

"I may have been the first human in the circle, but I wasn't the only one because I was joined by a black hound".

The project leader's astonished face confirmed to Harry that something unusual had indeed happened.
A local historian was called over and Harry was asked to repeat his story.

Harry was then told that he had been the latest observer of the spirit guardian of these local sacred circle sites.
The guardian is known locally as Black Shep, and is sometimes also known as the Black Hound of Hell.

Harry was declared afterwards to be the only person to have touched the Hound of Hell and live to tell the tale!

A fatality had been associated with Black Shep in the late 1920s or early 1930s.
One evening, a local village drunk was seen to be relieving himself against one of the stones of the site.

His companions shouted to him that Black Shep would get him and he shouted back in no polite terms for them to go about their own business.

The next morning he was found in the middle of the Circle with his throat torn out and other injuries.
Local officials ruled that a wild animal, maybe one that had escaped from a zoo, had been the culprit in his demise, as no local wild indigenous animals such as wolves or bears, capable of inflicting such horrendous injuries, were now to be found in the English countryside!

Investigating Spiritual Photonic Interference

Another method Harry uses when investigating psychic and paranormal phenomena is photography with filters or gratings.
The filters split light into different frequency components which are seen in multiple colors.

This set-up, in experienced and sensitive hands, can yield extraordinary images showing entities otherwise invisible.

Harry's theory about these images centers on mind-brain non-locality: although in living beings the mind and the brain work together and through one another, in certain circumstances (e.g., near-death experiences and episodes with anesthetics in operating rooms) they may work independently of one another.

On recovery from such events, some people recall remote sightings and observations outside of their bodies and sometimes conversations or events in which they could not have participated through normal mind/brain function.

There are reports of people who have seen deceased relatives and friends and sometimes even pets under these circumstances. Harry goes on to speculate in his theory that consciousness might even survive complete dis-corporation, i.e., death itself.

He has looked further into this theory and other interdimensional theories that speculate that there are parallel dimensions and universes that can interact with our own in certain circumstances.

He believes that information, possibly "photons" of higher frequency, can cross over into, interface with and cause interference with our own reality.

He has coined the term "spiritual photonic interference", and uses the filter to investigate such phenomena.
This theory also has implications for breaking the "light barrier", the scientific criterion that alleges that nothing can exceed the speed of light.

He believes that in other universes, the speed of light is different.
Also, there is evidence emerging with the help of researchers such as Captain Bruce Cathie that even on Earth the speed of light is not constant.

The Oldfield Microscope

Dr Harry Oldfield is a member of the Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford, and of the Quekett Society (based at the Natural History Museum in London).

The Oldfield Microscope, granted its US patent in 2006, utilizes Harry's ideas about the selection of appropriate light waves to reveal hitherto-unseen information, this time at the microscopic level.

A major feature of this imaging technique is that bacteria, cells and other micro-organisms can be studied in a living, moving state without the need for staining or killing the specimen.

The micro-organisms, cells and tissues are stained with light with his system.
With a standard student-level microscope fitted with Dr Oldfield's special adaptation, the resulting images are of extraordinary clarity.

For those wishing to know more about this significant invention, please log on to, where some very special images await you.

This is only a fraction of the research that has gone on over the years.

Harry Oldfield was asked in recent years by an eminent professor of pathology to use his microscope to show hyaline cartilage, which is an extraordinarily difficult subject to stain and differentiate for the light microscope.

This took place in the professor's laboratory, and afterwards the professor showed Harry a book showing stained specimens of cartilage.

He asked Oldfield the question,

"How do you think your images compare to the ones you see here in this reference book?"

After a short hesitation, Harry said without any doubt in his mind that the Oldfield Microscope images were far superior to those in the book.

The professor replied:

"Yes, indeed, you are correct. Also, these are pictures from one of my own books on pathology. Congratulations! You have made a big breakthrough."

Research Collaboration in the USA

Some of Dr Harry Oldfield's more recent work has taken him to the USA, where he is working closely with
Drs Brian Dailey and Harry Oldfield first met in Iceland in 2005 at a Healing the Healers conference, during which time they discovered a common direction in their work, including crystal healing and psychic research, especially in the area of investigation of the nature of mind and consciousness and how these could survive the death of the brain and the body.

One thing that fired Brian's interest was experimentation in remote viewing (RV), where the mind, in detached mode, can travel to another location, sometimes through space and time, and come back with information which can be verified later.

This goes a long way to support the mind-brain non-locality theory.

Their collaboration and investigations have continued at every opportunity.
Brian organized a tour for Harry to the Gettysburg battlefields of the American Civil War in order to find any evidence of reported sightings of ghosts and manifestations in that troubled area.

While roaming the battlefields, not only did they observe and record discarnate entities left over from the Gettysburg battles (using PIP and Harry's still camera plus filter), but also unknowingly captured on PIP video three saucer-shaped vehicles hovering in a clear blue sky that were not observable to the naked eye.

On these travels, Brian took Harry unofficially to The Monroe Institute in Virginia where he was introduced to a large crystal in the middle of a field.

This crystal, standing over seven feet tall and more than four feet wide, is one of a pair and is reported to be one of the largest single crystals of quartz outside of a museum.

Its effect was so powerful that if they were within 30 feet of it with their laptops, the crystal would interfere with the programs, causing them to crash.

Staying out of its circle of influence, they were able to use PIP to observe Brian's energy interactions with the crystal, including his "charging" the crystal with energy using Reiki techniques and special breathing.

They then observed the crystal glow with white light at its tip.
When Brian released this energy, it caused strange interactions in the sky above.

These energy patterns could only be seen with their apparatus; the naked eye saw only a clear blue sky.

Faraday Cage Experiment

The two researchers were later taken to a laboratory site inside The Monroe Institute where they met one of Brian's research colleagues and gave a demonstration of the apparatus.

It was then suggested that a further experiment be conducted using a Faraday cage, to exclude the possibility of extraneous electromagnetic and/or infrared influences, and there just happened to be one available in the laboratory at the time.

A Faraday cage is designed to block out electromagnetic and radio frequencies.
Without any time for preparation, Harry was conducted into the Faraday cage room, with all its monitoring equipment and observational apparatus.

Inside it was a flotation bed filled with a heated solution of magnesium sulphate, or Epsom salts, on which a subject is laid for experiments into sensory deprivation or out-of-body experiences.

After he had set up his PIP camera, Harry was asked to take pictures of the empty Faraday cage.
This showed up nothing special of interest, and definitely no infrared signature coming from the flotation device.

It was a very "quiet" set of control pictures, which was ideal for the experiment to come, the content of which he had no idea beforehand.

Brian then sat centrally in the chamber in clear view.
Harry was then asked to take another control picture of Brian in the chamber.

After a short period, Brian looked up and said, "Is it alright if I call in a few friends?”
Harry nodded in the affirmative and looked towards the door, where he was surprised to find nobody present.

He was thinking "Where are these few friends going to come from?", when certain light anomalies started to appear within his viewfinder.

One was a circle of light above Brian, inside which a face began to appear.
This was captured and recorded.

Also, to the right in the Faraday cage, another light, amorphous in nature, started to appear and was duly recorded.

On post-analysis, coupled with an explanation from Brian, it seems that when he asked if he could call in a few friends for the experiment, he forgot to mention that these friends were not from this world.

In fact, they were Brian's two departed brothers, whom he had asked to join him.
Brian was not surprised at all that the two light anomalies had appeared because he said later that he had felt the presence of his two brothers as they joined him for the experiment.

All of this was only disclosed to Harry after the whole episode.

The recordings were handed over immediately to Brian and his colleagues.

Harry Oldfield Meets His Mentor, Bruce Cathie

In the latter half of 2006, Harry Oldfield was overwhelmed and delighted to meet his mentor, Captain Bruce Cathie, in his native New Zealand.

Harry was inspired by Bruce's early books Harmonic 33, Harmonic 288, etc.
Bruce Cathie's theories helped Harry form his harmonic and, he hoped, harmonious theories in his own mind in the 1970s.

They also helped him understand his early work in Kirlian effects, fractal geometry and Earth energy projects.

While in New Zealand, Harry discussed with Bruce many new, enlightening and unifying theories that could possibly benefit mankind in the future.

Harry recommends any past, present or would-be researcher to obtain copies of Bruce's books because they are invaluable in theory and application.

Harry Oldfield's research work continues unabated. With more funding, he could finish the work he has started on his many studies which include:
  • fractal investigations into the make-up and geometry of nature

  • ways to break down certain plastics safely in the environment with the help of micro-organisms

  • his vortex energy theory that he believes could be applied to tornadoes to develop ways to disperse their destructive power
He also has ideas and theories that he would like to apply to re-ozonise the damaged ozone layer and, using ocean technologies, to reverse greenhouse gas effects.

Harry's respect for the universal pulsation and presence of life is paramount.

He believes that conscious intent and awareness can keep negative patterns of thought in place, but can also be used positively to influence and change these energetic patterns for the better.

In effect, what you think matter does, really does matter in the invisible universe.

Harry Oldfield - Energy Fields Revealed
Extended - Kirlian Technology - Beyond Visible Spectrum

Dr Harry Oldfield is another amazing teacher, Inventor, author, pioneer and investigator of technology and many areas of research. Realms yet to be truly comprehended, still making their way into our reality.
In a very entertaining way.

This is another of my favorite lectures.
Packed with so much wisdom.
Offering the possibility our reality goes well beyond what most presently are able to sense.
What I offer as a whole with many things i share that in my opinion what will be more possible going forth.
The subtle energies of the universe.

Demonstrating many different concepts including, Phantom Limb Energetic effect, The Life Force content comparison of Organic and Non-Organic food, The Energetic Disease that sets up for the physical manifestation later, Cancer Analysis, PIP Energy Balancing, Human Meridian Energy, the Human Chakras visualized, The pureness of a new born baby's energy field, Marcel Vogel Crystal Healing analysis, Crystal Life forms detection, The Monroe Institute Crystal visualization, Mobile Phone negative radiation effect on our energy field, The Effect of Drug Abuse, Energetic Parasite detection, Live Blood analysis, Paranormal Entity Detection (Ghosts and Spirits), Medium Spiritual Interactions, Healing Animals Energy, Orbs, Tower of London and Graveyard site analysis, Hauntings, Healers with their Guides, Love between family members visualized, Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull activation, Gettysburg Battlefield analysis, UFO Detection, Niagara Falls Energy Vortex,
Stonehenge Energetics to name many things covered.

'You Can't bury love in a box.
It's Eternal’

- Harry Oldfield
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It will be 9:30pm for me on a Tuesday...but I will try to take part.
I am interested to see if anything feels differently from my normal meditations...and to add my bit of light to the whole.

I was speaking more “the shift”...I still have yet to really notice a shift.
And I do give a shift.


Keep talking! I am listening.​
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Keep talking! I am listening.​

He was a Magician in his own right.
This article has waaaaay too many pictures to post and I would have to break it up into four parts or some shit.
So I will just link everyone who may be interested.

The Laughing Gnostic —
David Bowie and the Occult

by Peter–R. Koenig
First publication: 1996, recent update: 2016


So were you involved in actual devil worship?
"Not devil worship, no, it was pure straighforward, old–fashioned magic."
The Aleister Crowley variety?
"No, I always thought Crowley was a charlatan. But there was a guy called [Arthur] Edward Waite who was terribly important to me at the time. And another called Dion Fortune who wrote a book called 'Psychic Self–Defence' [1930, republished 1971]. You had to run around the room getting bits of string and old crayons and draw funny things on the wall, and I took it all most seriously, ha ha ha ! I drew gateways into different dimensions, and I'm quite sure that , for myself, I really walked into other worlds. I drew things on walls and just walked through them, and saw what was on the other side!"

What is art?
What is rock music?

It's difficult to describe its codes, gestures, aestethics and its perception for the most part it is something that must be experienced, and only as an expression of culture — it being in a constant movement of restlessness and mirroring all graspable parts of society.

How can the feverish emptiness of endlessly repeated ecstasy be transformed into something that can be felt and understood, something heard and seen and be purchased?

After all, music is not only qualified through the consciousness of its creator but also through the states of mind created by its perceptors.

Frank Zappa expressed it in 1974 when Fido (a 'modified dog'?), was questioned about "conceptual Continuity" and answered thus: "The crux of the biscuit is the Apostrophe(')" ('Stinkfoot').

However, in this essay I am not so much concerned with the audience but with the performer/persona known as David Bowie. Bowie is not a single character, but rather a host of Bowie–personæ: A wealth of possibilities that exists behind costumes, symbols and concepts.
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This Chinese video on Youtube explains what I was saying about Yaldabaoth.


This is what will happen at the time of the Event. :)

Here is a better video that explains the Event in detail.

A couple of notes:

* Source determines the timing of the Event. Since Source is the only intelligence (according to spirituality) and we are aspects of it, not separate from it, nobody will know in advance. Benevolent ETs, who are involved in the Event, will tell us in top-down fashion via the media. The Matrix run by malevolent ETs will be crashed on purpose. Everyone will feel a shift of planetary vibration and instinctively know that something is happening.
* Cruelty to animals will be banned after the Event. It will still be possible to eat meat though because of replicators, I think. Adjustment to a higher vibration and changes in lifestyle are an individual thing.
* Corey Goode is talking about a transformation that will happen to the sun. There is going to be a big solar flash in the future. This will take place sometime in 2020-25 and is not the Event. People might mix this up.
* Nostradamus's writings from the Middle Ages are out of date. There is going to be no global war. This has been the case since the late forties: people were reluctant to endure another global war, whether conventional or thermonuclear. We are now on a different timeline than the Nostradamus scenario. My apologies. :D

Why the heck am I writing this? Am I sane? I will not strictly believe in anything until after the so-called Event has occurred. I know that politics and society are shaped by psychopathic people. They are one percent of the population but influence more than 50 percent of politics. That is not sane mathematics and should not be the case. That is where I want to start.
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