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This is a (partial) list of alleged psychic abilities that have been attributed to real-world people.
Many of these abilities are also known as extrasensory perception or sixth sense.
Superhuman abilities from fiction are not included.

(Click on word for an expanded definition)
  • Apportation – Materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object.
  • Aura reading – Perception of energy fields surrounding people, places and things.
  • Automatic writing – Writing produced without conscious thought.
  • Astral projection or mental projection – An out-of-body experience in which an astral body becomes separate from the physical body.
  • Bilocation or multilocation – Being in multiple places at the same time.
  • Clairvoyance or second sight – Perception outside the known human senses.
  • Death-warning – A vision of a living person prior to their death.
  • Divination – Gaining insight into a situation, most commonly through a ritual.
  • Dowsing – Ability to locate objects, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.
  • Energy medicine – Healing by channeling a form of energy.
  • Empathy – The ability to feel others' emotional or physical feelings.
  • Faith healing – Diagnosing or curing diseases using religious devotion.
  • Levitation – Bodily levitation and flying.
  • Hydrokinesis – Manipulation of water.
  • Mediumship or channeling – Communicating with spirits.
  • Precognition, premonition and precognitive dreams – Perception of events before they happen.
  • Psychic surgery – Removal of diseased body tissue via an incision that heals immediately afterwards.
  • Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to manipulate objects by the power of thought.
  • Psychometry or psychoscopy – Obtaining information about a person or object, usually by touching or concentrating on the object or a related object.
  • Pyrokinesis – Manipulation of fire.
  • Remote viewing – Gathering of information at a distance.
  • Retrocognition or post-cognition – Perception of past events.
  • Scrying – Use of an item to view events at a distance or in the future.
  • Telepathy – Transfer of thoughts, words or emotions in either direction.
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The Big Wave Of High Dimensional Frequencies Is Now Coming Through!
In5D October 1, 2016 Spiritual Awakening

by Romeo Baron,

The Big Wave will unleash the Truth and this will stir Chaos in the old paradigm. However, the chaos is good because it will mark the end of the false reality and outdated modalities. It will be the beginning of the new Earth reality in the unified field of consciousness.

This Fall 2016 will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality. We will separate from the third dimension and it will not seem as if reality is quite right. There will be a strange Feeling that we have moved some place and the world will seem brighter.

Ultimately, we will see a complete collapse of the current governmental/political and monetary system. ‘Money’ will be rendered obsolete because it will no longer be relevant to the new Earth reality. After this Collapse has become obvious is when we will be plugged in to the Greater Consciousness and the new Photon Energy of new Earth will emerge. No one will be able to suppress the free use of the photon energy. This will change our entire existence in to complete Universal Knowledge, including Travel and Education over night. The inner Earth people will introduce technology that will remove all radiation and impurities from the ocean. There is technology that makes everything clean instantly.

We are almost at the time of the most exciting experience you will ever have. For those of us who are ready, it will be more like a Huge Miracle appearing before us. It will be the most wonderful of all occasions. All will be redeemed and reformed in miraculous ways. It Has Begun!

Nice to hear. All those plastic items that are polluting the ocean, and choking and poisoning the fish will be gone. It will take much less than 100 years, which I would think otherwise.

Great Pacific garbage patch' far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows
Giant collection of fishing nets, plastic containers and other discarded items called a ‘ticking time bomb’ as large items crumble into micro plastics

‘We opened the door and we saw the debris everywhere. Every half-second you see something.’ Photograph: Ocean Cleanup
Oliver Milman
Tuesday 4 October 2016 18.02 BST Last modified on Tuesday 4 October 2016 18.30 BST

The vast patch of garbage floating in the Pacific Ocean is far worse than previously thought, with an aerial survey finding a much larger mass of fishing nets, plastic containers and other discarded items than imagined.


The heart of the garbage patch is thought to be around 1m sq km (386,000 sq miles), with the periphery spanning a further 3.5m sq km (1,351,000 sq miles). The dimensions of this morass of waste are continually morphing, caught in one of the ocean’s huge rotating currents. The north Pacific gyre has accumulated a soup of plastic waste, including large items and smaller broken-down micro plastics that can be eaten by fish and enter the food chain.

According to the UN environmental programme, the great Pacific garbage patch is growing so fast that it, like the Great Wall of China, is becoming visible from space.

It is huge. My country, Sweden, has an area of about 450,000 sq km (176,00 sq mi). After a clean-up operation that is mentioned in the first article, hope is that the garbage patch will become invisible in a microscope.

I have always likened Ronald McDonald to Stephen King's IT. With GM food, it is close to reality.
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by Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach



Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach are a mother and daughter team who have interviewed and researched numerous multidimensional experiencers,

catalogued evidence of the experiences, and extended their research into historical, multicultural backgrounds.

Alice Bryant has had articles published in COLORADO WOMAN DIGEST, UFO MAGAZINE, FYI, and SACRED SITES
and has had interviews published in magazines in Australia, Mexico and Iceland.
She has co-authored two books: THE MESSAGE OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL (Llewellen Publications, St. Paul, Minn., 1989).
With her daughter, Linda, she co-authored HEALING SHATTERED REALITY: UNDERSTANDING CONTACTEE TRAUMA (Wildflower Press: P.O. 726, Newberg, Oregon 1991).

She has traveled extensively in all of the United States, Canada, Peru, and Easter Island visiting ancient sacred sites.
Helping to bring understanding of exceptional phenomena and what they mean to future generations has become her life's work.

Rev. Linda Seebach earned her B.A. degree in Social Science from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and her Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Denver. During twenty-five years of working in social services, she achieved in-depth experience with Vietnam veterans and parolees with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

She early encountered experience of anomalous events of people awakening to their psychic abilities and
experiencing other space-time continua.
In 1994 she was ordained a Minister in The Universal Church of the Master,
a non-denominational Christian Church founded in 1908.

We are grateful for the authors' kind permission to reproduce the following paper with the stipulation that copyright and all other rights are reserved to them. For further information, please be directly in touch with the authors at the address included in the paper.
-- Ingo Swann


Profound evidence exists supporting the concept that human potentials are not confined to third-dimension realities of height, breadth and depth, or of matter, energy, space and time.

New scientific models for space-time transcendence are being researched.
But human culture is rich regarding multidimensional and hyperspace phenomena experienced by the human psyche which are analogous to some of the new scientific models.

Cultural and experiential evidence is strong indicating that multidimensional types can "travel" between and have conscious visualizations and perceptions of hyperspace dimensions.

A technology is possible regarding transmission and access of hyperspace information.
This technology could restructure human focus and activity.

The most incredible journeys ever taken have been made within the realms of the human mind.
Perhaps for some, these journeys are simply pleasant day dreams, mental travels to the far-away places on earth.

But for people who can mentally access other space/time continuums, people called "multidimensionals," their journeys consist of far more than just imaginings.

The implications of multidimensional experiencers for the future of mankind are staggering -- for their mind journeys allow remarkable amounts of very different, advanced technological information to be brought into our third-dimensional realities.

Research has shown that multidimensionals can actually travel into hyperspace and have conscious visualization and perceptions of other time/space dimensions, including accessing information through their own DNA.

Often they speak of formulas, mathematical equations and atomic structure in ways quite different from current scientific thought.

Hyperspace is defined as the spatial dimensions beyond time and the reality known as the three dimensional world, defined by height, width, and depth of space.

It is also referred to as subspace or multidimensionality.

The third dimension, which humans experience, exists within hyperspace as a subset or one of many dimensions.
This reality, according to theoretical physicists, may also be one of many, many parallel universes.

In his book HYPERSPACE [1], Michio Kaku ably demonstrates that the existence of higher dimensions and hyperspace is well grounded in scientific principles.

Today's theoretical physicists have clearly defined hyperspace, introduced the existence of "wormholes" or tunnels between dimensions, alternate universes and, again theoretically, have postulated access to both the past and the future.

Most of these physicists are searching for ways to access hyperspace by a mechanical, third dimensional means.

But history relates that there has been an abundance of people who, through their minds, have had the potential, sometimes developed into ability, to access higher dimensions.

These people have been called prophets, seers, diviners.
Even science fiction writers, such as H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, have shown uncanny knowledge of the future in both their inventions and their writings.

Multidimensional experiencers, with their long history, may truly represent a new evolutionary development of the human species, forerunners on the evolutionary path.

Although many more multidimensionals will be born beginning in the 1990s, many born in the 1940s are now reaching their full potential.
Perhaps the most renowned multidimensional of this century was Albert Einstein.

His apparent ability to access regions beyond the third dimension brought in a new physics and opened the door to the development of much of today's technology.

One multidimensional we interviewed explains,

"The message I related to you was given to me by these impulses that are difficult to perceive, as our current condition and language interfere with meaning. As I visualized the need for a new energy source, it was shown visually, interpreted poetically and named in linear fashion for integration into third dimensional use."

Multidimensionals know that they see, feel and experience dimensions in addition to, and very different from, the every-day third-dimensional world. Advanced concepts often come to multidimensionals in the form of a universal communication system, carried by light frequencies, seen as visions, symbols, colors, numbers, or heard through unusual and not yet understood sound mechanisms.

Once properly understood, nurtured and cultivated, multidimensionals have much to offer humanity.
They are the forerunners of a new world.

But being on the frontier often has pitfalls.

Their experiences are often difficult to verbalize for there is little common ground with third dimensional reality.
The translation of these experiences is one of the most difficult challenges encountered.

Yet, those multidimensionals who could interpret their findings, such as Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, were considered the geniuses who changed the world.

Once multidimensionals understand that they are, indeed, accessing information which exists outside known reality, the second, and perhaps largest, challenge comes in mastering their abilities.

is so incredibly vast that there is no limit to the number of space/time continuums that can be accessed.

A multidimensional might access, say, the fifth or higher dimensions, or, they could travel inside the very atoms of the third-dimensional reality.
The complexities of knowing their exact location within hyperspace are overcome with training and diligent effort.

The position in hyperspace dictates both what will be encountered and how it should be interpreted.

Many multidimensionals see other beings, intelligences in hyperspace, and worlds different from Earth - as well as seeing symbols, equations, machines, colors.

Due to the high strangeness of hyperspace, each will interpret what they see in terms of their own past experiences and knowledge.
The dimensions are teeming with life forms of all descriptions, from balls of light to very concrete civilizations.

Carl Jung, in his work on interpretation of dreams identified the symbolic archetypes of the collective unconscious which frequently appear in the dream world.

Time-space has not yet had this type of study.
While the mind can comprehend known objects and familiar landscapes, it cannot easily comprehend something that is totally unknown.

When multidimensionals see something that is previously unknown to them, they must expand their concepts to integrate the new information and also be able to correlate this new knowledge to the third dimension.

Because so much is unknown regarding the phenomena encountered in hyperspace, it is advisable, regardless of religious persuasion, for people to utilize an affirmation when accessing the higher realms.

An affirmation is used as a means of protection for the individual, to attract the right vibrational frequencies and repel the wrong ones.
Setting up the right vibrational frequency is important.

Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences, utilized an excellent affirmation in which he stated that he was more than his physical body, and asked for guidance from higher beings.

Until much more is known about the inhabitants of hyperspace, it is not wise to be open to any and all energies which could be encountered.

In addition to learning how to locate themselves in hyperspace and to interpret what they are experiencing, multidimensionals integrate these aspects with their third-dimensional selves.

Many multidimensionals are extremely advanced when they are born.
Others lives normal, almost ordinary, lives in their early years, until one or more events open the doors within their minds, and they are whisked, totally unprepared, through the dimensional doorway.

They have entered the next step in their ability to access hyperspace.
People who are born with the awareness of hyperspace capabilities have a much easier time with integration of the experience than those who come into awareness later in life.

Changing mental focus between dimensions can occur rapidly and is often the result of outside stimuli - a harmonic resonance which can trigger the change of focus, and which can also act as a guide.

This harmonic resonance may come in the form of any number of things (a sound, a word, a flash of light, a sentence, or an event) which acts as the opening key to a specific range of knowledge in hyperspace.

The shift of mental focus between dimensions and into hyperspace can be random and specific words or key phrases seem to delineate given areas. Large amounts of information can result when a multidimensional is directed in a definite way to a given area.

The harmonic resonance, or activating mechanism, serves the same function as a query into a computer.
Although there may be unlimited data available, the query sets the parameters for specific information concerning a given topic.

These activating mechanisms (or "triggers") can come at any time from anywhere - such as from emotions, written material, TV, other people, etc.

Tones are one of the most common mechanisms for causing or enabling a person to switch dimensions.
Monroe, for example, was a pioneer in exploring the effects of tones on the human brain and hyperspace experiencing.

He discovered that the brain will respond or resonate by producing similar electrical signals when certain types of sound frequencies are heard.

Alternate or special states of awareness - sleep, tranquility, etc. - can be produced by hearing a certain sound pattern.
A tone is heard with which the brain will resonate, and a corresponding state will ensue.

Monroe discovered that both sides of the brain could be brought into synchronization by the introduction of two tones, one in each ear.
He termed this Hemi/sync. [2]

Spontaneous, or random forms of remote viewing will probably occur in certain multidimensionals.
People with natural remote viewing abilities can go to specific locations, but the information they receive is at times random.

often need to interpret what they are seeing and the meaning of the information they obtain, otherwise the information may remain random, incomplete or garbled.

This differs from Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) methods which are very clearly defined and strictly adhered to, requiring CRVers to have a high degree of discipline.

Dr. H. E. Putoff, Ingo Swann, and others, while working at Stanford Research Institute, researched and developed Controlled Remote Viewing as a model which produced high increases in accuracy and could be taught.

There is no interpretation in CRV. Information obtained by CRV can be corroborated by duplication of results by different viewers and information gained by "on site" inspection.

Remote viewing always focuses on obtaining information concerning a specific place, event or person and CRV was not designed for viewing things which cannot be independently verified, such as the existence of certain discarnate beings.

Those multidimensionals who can incorporate the discipline of Controlled Remote Viewing can benefit greatly from this particular type of remote viewing which takes a year or more of intensive training.

For multidimensionals, validation of their information is one of the greatest rewards, for validation is one of their most intense needs.
To be a multidimensional is to have very powerful inner resources.

But their resources are placed in an awkward and confusing situation when nurturing and subsequent validation is withheld, denied or not possible.
They tend to spend hours in telephone conversations with people who are experts in a given field in order to obtain validation of the material they are obtaining in hyperspace.

It is vital to understanding that there are many, many multidimensionals in the world and that this is a human capability.
Society has been very reluctant to validate the existence of "paranormal" abilities on any level.

Until the world accepted his theories of highly advanced physics, Einstein was considered "mentally deranged" by his scientific peers.

The social reluctance to validate multidimensional phenomena has resulted in little knowledge regarding common hyperspace experiencing.
The knowledge vacuum has also left many of the phenomena unidentified and unknown.

Research regarding human potential conducted (to mention but a few) at Stanford Research Institute, the Monroe Institute, and in many parapsychological research centers, has confirmed that humans possess enormous super-capabilities of all kinds.

Because the human-capability spectrum is so enormous, many of these super-capabilities have not yet begun to be identified, studied or explored.

Multidimensionals have many well-developed psychic abilities, but not all psychics have developed hyperspace skills.
Multidimensional experiencers differ from people who receive telepathic or mechanically forwarded information from various sources.

They access, by direct experiencing, philosophical and technical information, mathematics, and advanced concepts within all the known sciences.

Gifted psychics are very highly evolved people who are beginning to come into the next stage of evolution, that of multidimensionality with greater awareness.

Multidimensional children are often born into families who do not, in any measure, understand or appreciate their abilities.
As a result, the young are confused and often rebellious.

They are disoriented because they are aware of a world that present society insists does not exist.
As indicated by many accounts, they are put on tranquilizers, or even stronger medication through conventional medical treatment to quiet, among other things, the "inner voice" they insist they hear.

The knowledge and talents of each child differs.
They tend to speak in terms of mathematics, angles, equations, geometric forms, biological and atomic structures.

They have a grasp of very technical knowledge, especially energy to matter to energy technology.
Their abilities often conflict with third-dimensional education systems - and because of this, they sometimes abandon their multidimensionality.

They are of the future, doing futuristic work.

As they get older and begin to understand their nature, there are natural methods which enable multidimensionals to ground and control themselves. Grounding and control are vital tools for integration of the multiple realties.

Often multidimensional children have a heightened interest in people of other cultures, the environment, nature and wildlife, space and the universe.
They have an advanced sense of the working and order of things, a precocious knowledge generally only obtained in higher education, if available there at all.

As they mature, they are filled with a knowledge that comes forth without any visible external source of input.
Parents and peers may not understand the source of this information, and that is part of what sets them apart and makes them feel so strange.

When multidimensional children start talking, it is sometimes evident that they have memories they cannot make others understand.
One such child born in 1993, began speaking at a very early age.

However, the language she used was not the language of her parents.
Her unknown language had definite form, recognizable sound patterns, and it was very clear she understood that what she was saying had meaning.

By age three she was still slow to form sentences in English, her mother's native language, and mixed in words with her earlier unknown language.

Multidimensional children often will express themselves in wonderfully colorful and interesting ways.
Andrew Thomas Weaver, who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, at the age of six and a half, wrote and illustrated a book so remarkable his parents printed it in 1994.


"When Asteroid Andrew dreamed at night, he transformed into a photon-blue interplanetary explorer, named FREEFALL. FREEFALL'S aeroballistic hyperbolic navigation guided him to the planet ECHO in the Galileo Galaxy." [3]

Tomorrow's children will need more public awareness of who they are and what their purpose will be, for there will be many more of these extraordinary individuals coming into the world.

Tomorrow's children will need societies' understanding and support of their very special gifts and talents.

Some multidimensionals have stated that they would rather live a quiet life secluded in the country than to go through the agony of multidimensional experiences.

It is difficult for others to understand how anyone could make that kind of decision.
But there is a high percentage of multidimensionals who want this.

They do not want to be hassled, do not want to go through the struggle and the agony of the experiences in a social environment which does not accept them in the first place.

Because of their lack of intellectual understanding of what they experience, many turn to the self medication of alcohol in order to numb the sensations, both mental and physical.

Others utilize drugs to justify or "normalize" the experience.
If others are experiencing something of the same thing, then the feeling of being different or abnormal is lessened -- i.e. everyone "trips" on drugs.

There is often misdiagnosis by the mental health profession.
This is especially true of multidimensional children whose parents, teachers and peers do not understand them at all.

On the other hand, multidimensionals who do not shut down their experiences and perceptions go to higher dimensions and seem to be able to tap resources of knowledge that would normally be identified only with genius -- such as understanding the finer structure of everything around them, whether it be human, biological, nuclear, atomic, or energy.

In general, our extended research seems to indicate that a statistical increase of multidimensional and hyperspace experience types is taking place. However, this increase is difficult to determine because our sample is limited (as all samples are) and because past assessments of this kind are absent.

Many multidimensionals we have interviewed seem to be aware that an increase of this kind of awareness is taking place - and also that the current influx of multidimensionals is part of a greater plan to help correct the many ills now afflicting planet earth.

A new breed of highly sophisticated scientists, incorporating a spiritual awareness and fully utilizing the potential of the human mind, is the greatest hope of salvation from nuclear holocaust or complete environmental collapse - and possibly of future problems unknown today.

In essence, multidimensionals represent:
  • A revolutionary paradigm shift in what constitutes "reality"

  • An evolutionary leap for humanity

  • An opening of doors to advanced human mind potential

  • An unlimited potential for new, pure energy, technology
Most importantly, multidimensionals are living examples of the ultimate paradigm shift from materialism to mentalism because they have consciously converted material, third dimensional, controlled and limited, information transmission systems to unlimited, cosmic information transmission systems.

What multidimensionals are NOT is NON-human beings.
They are fully human in all regards, but have accessed levels of awareness in themselves others are discouraged from discovering and experiencing.

In other words, they are prototypes of larger human potential.
They are examples of the old adage, "Anything is possible, if you know how.”

The multidimensionals know and share the "how" of tapping in to cosmic information transmission systems.

Although challenged by many scientists, the "100th monkey" syndrome was documented and theoretically established when simultaneous, spontaneous behavioral changes in monkeys occurred across distinct island chains after the 100th monkey "learned" the initial behavior.

In his book YOUR NOSTADRAMUS FACTOR, Ingo Swann indicated:

"In short, so the theory goes, if a hundred monkeys learn something, all monkeys will soon acquire this knowing even in the absence of any sensory contacts with the learned monkeys. [An] Unknown form of 'learned transmission' is thought to exist, which would explain all this. Such learning transmission is presumable PSYCHIC, since it is some nonsensory quality.

"Critics say this all bunk, but the facts remain. With a wide expanse of ocean separating them, monkeys learned something in a way that no standard or prevailing explanation can account for. It is rather well known that humans possess psychic states that influence those around them. And there is also a phenomenon of people separated by vast distances 'having the same idea at the same time.'" [4]

Swann further observes that,

"...the hundredth monkey syndrome appears operative in negative as well as positive respects. If a lot of us forget or ignore one of our powers, eventually the rest of us, by 'dis-learning transmissions,' may do so also." [5]

Multidimensionals CONSCIOUSLY receive information as energy frequency information transmissions.
By so doing, they provide information pertaining to higher (or cosmic) knowledge transmission systems -- as opposed to materialistic, third-dimensional, hardware requiring transmission systems containing and perpetuating only third-dimensional information and knowledge.

Multidimensionals have shown that "cosmic" light, including sunlight, is the ultimate cosmic information transmission system.
Earth has always received cosmic information transmissions.

Humans have always received cosmic energy knowledge transmissions, but have repressed this knowledge from conscious awareness, relegating cosmic information input to deeply buried mind dynamics of the subconscious.

Successful multidimensionals have simply eradicated the barriers between conscious and subconscious inputs.
They have opened pathways between the two mind centers and expanded their 5 to 15 per cent conscious awareness factor by an untold amount.

Human minds (conscious awareness) have been stuck or blocked into a "dis-learning" mindset which has short-circuited the potential of human mind functioning.

Successful multidimensionals make adjustments necessary to unlock the mindset, and, once free from that state of non-awareness, can access higher dimensions.

Their abilities to do this formulate a knowledge transmission system characterized by different mind frequencies.

Another mind-dynamic associated with the 100th monkey syndrome concerns qualitative phenomena as contrasted to only quantitative phenomena.

Perhaps it was not that 100 monkeys projected a particular learning transmission frequency.
One clear frequency, accompanied in concert by supporting frequencies with the same information loads, would be capable of being received across great distances and synchronizing the thought patterns of others, bringing the learning transmission to conscious action.

Conversely, accomplished multidimensionals, emanating learning transmission frequencies could effect individuals they come into contact with, and, in concert, could reach millions, who, acting in the learning transmission themselves, could also access the dimensional pathways.

Individual conscious awareness of mind blocks incorporated with a conscious internal search for the learning transmission - rather than the dis-learning transmissions - are keys that allow the mind to expand.

The importance of breaking free of the third-dimensional mind blocks is, very simply, that humans have radically altered the planet's environment without radically altering themselves on a conscious mental level.

The result is a quest for material comfort and the irrational utilization of earth's resources in this pursuit, and it has already caused irreparable damage.

If humanity continues in perpetuating the current destructive mindsets, the earth CANNOT continue to support human life.
The blocked mindsets do not allow this knowledge of earth's inability to support burgeoning human life to become readily apparent - due to an inherent belief system that "life will always continue this way."

According to statistics published by the National Audubon Society and the Overpopulation Committee International, the human population was about 2.5 billion during the 1950s, and which was near the top end of earth's healthy carrying capacity.

World population will exceed 10 billion by 2010 and reach 15 to 25 billion somewhere between 2020 and 2040, an increase of over 75 per cent beyond earth healthy and safe carrying capacity. [6]

Whether multidimensional or not, those who have escaped the mind blocks can see the rapidly approaching end of material resources.
Humans are decimating those resources at an astronomical rate.

When earth's resources are exhausted, all that will be left is the damage.

The obvious question now becomes:

"How does a multidimensional vantage point contribute solutions to the many environmental and human ills (disease, starvation, war)?"

It must be comprehended that the environmental and human predicaments are a product of blocked mindsets which cause the lack of knowledge of MATTER FIRST BEING PURE ENERGY; of the human mind effects on pure energy; a mis-utilization of pure energy; and ignorance of the effects of the energy created when the energy of matter is changed.

    Everything which exists was first an idea (pure energy). Then material matter (formed energy) was acquired, with the (energy formed idea of) money, work, time and effort.

    The creation was then "made" by assembling the matter in a certain structure, with the structure being "the end product", without regard to the potential of the transformed energy, except as more matter (i.e. profit or consumer goods).

    The third-dimensional dynamic is matter to matter, not energy to matter to energy.


    Humans constantly create energy forms in their minds by means of their thoughts.
    Mind blocks misinform that these thoughts are self-contained within the mind and "go nowhere”.

    This constitutes the greatest fallacy of the mind blocks.
    It has been proven over and over again in all the scientific disciplines from nuclear physics to astronauts sending messages from the Moon to earth that thoughts have a definite physical impact on and over matter.


    Because of the belief system that thoughts "go nowhere", the prevailing thought forms of a negative nature are negatively impacting all of Earth. Negative thought output adversely effects all life forms because of information exchange frequencies of which most humans remain unaware, but are constantly producing.


    Massive experiments and testing of weapons has occurred world wide.
    Scientists DO NOT KNOW the long-term effects these experiments and tests will have on the planet and all life forms.

    These tests continue - despite vast amounts of scientific documentation and research on the detrimental effects of nuclear radiation, electromagnetic pollution and the admitted depletion of the ozone layer.

    The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) on the northern slopes of Alaska includes experiments in ionosphere heating of hitherto unknown magnitude and the bouncing of dangerous electromagnetic waves off the ionosphere to earth. [7]
The mindset of materialism - which has been the one-dimensional method of information transmission causing so much destruction - can be reversed.

Access to a technology not locked into third-dimensional realities, a technology not blocked by third-dimensional mindsets, could restructure human focus and activity and work to restore earth environment.

Consider the following two charts representing multidimensionality and non-multidimensionality (3-D dimensionality only).

Access to........> Unlimited........> Clear........> Clear........> Future
pure access to vision action positive
information higher of on results:
transmissions. order energy energy Positive
information. to to utilization
matter matter of energy
to to to matter
energy. energy. to energy.


Generated......> Limited...........> Vision.......> Status Quo.> Short term
3-D access of what action focus
material controlled control of depletion
information by deems fit matter of existing
system. blocked to fulfill to matter.
mindsets. self matter. Negative
Mind lock interest. environment
"Secrets" Denial of human
kept. existence impact.
pure energy
and thought

By having unlimited information ACCESS, successful or developed multidimensionals can view energy working and can also trace the energy paths from source to end results.

Thus they can determine positive or negative outcomes of material creation and the procession of the energy-matter change dynamic.

For example, among the many multidimensionals we have interviewed was a man named Rory who described in several ways the procession of the energy-matter-change dynamic he experienced in healing.

"For example," he indicated, "when working with a horse with a damaged leg, I mentally saw a triangle from the back through the hip area -, through the right leg - going down - with circles at the top and the bottom of the triangle.

"There was puffy flesh around the circles, with three different shades of colors, green, light blue, off-white.

"When I am focusing my healing energy, as the healing takes place, the colors change, turn a different color and it is done.

"I have never associated a particular disease with a particular shape, because there never was any exactness. You have a broken bone, another person has a broken bone, I would see two completely different shapes, colors. Never any similarity. Never exactly the same shape and color.

"But the spontaneous healing takes place when the energy is mentally applied.

"Each healer visualizes differently, the energy transfer dynamic is the same. Energy to matter to energy (wellness)."

This is not futuristic science fiction, as Rory and other multidimensionals have demonstrated.

It is the reality available by breaking free from the mind blocks, by being able to access mental energy technology and then applying that technology in third-dimensional physical space.

Mental energy concepts and multidimensional potentials are every human's innate birthright.
To activate that birthright, it must be dug from the graveyard of his own deeply buried, third-dimensional mind blocks.

The multidimensionals have opened the gateways.
By their examples, they have set up the information transmission frequency on the highways of the mind - the highways which can lead to freedom from a destructive mind blocks toward a much higher quality of life for all.

  1. Kaku, Michio. HYPERSPACE. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

  2. Monroe, Robert A. FAR JOURNEYS. New York: Doubleday, 1985.

  3. Weaver, Andrew Thomas. FREEFALL'S FANTASTIC JOURNEY. Self- published, 1994.

  4. Swann, Ingo. YOUR NOSTRADAMUS FACTOR. New York: Simon & Schuster (Fireside), 1993, p. 27.

  5. Ibid., p. 28.

  6. WHY POPULATION MATTERS (booklet and charts). The National Audubon Society and the Population Crisis Committee, 1990.

  7. Begich, Nick and Jeane Manning. Angels Don't Play This HAARP. ADVANCES IN TESLA TECHNOLOGY. Homer, Alaska: Earthpulse Press, 1995.
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If you have never watched this one you should.

Reality and the Extended Mind - Full Documentary

This is a video in a two part series that explores the scientific evidence of the
interconnected nature of consciousness.

It features leading researchers and thinkers in the field of consciousness and psi phenomena including prominent researcher Dean Radin, Roger Nelson from the Global Consciousness Project, Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory.
Physician and author Larry Dossey and biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

This is a non profit film produced for the purposes of journalism in the public interest and education.​
Journeys Out Of The Body
Full E-Book!

By Robert A. Monroe


PDF Here:


Robert A Monroe has been a pioneer in exploring out-of-the-body experiences, and Journeys OUT OF THE BODY, his first book, has become the undisputed classic in the field.

He had a long and distinguished career in the broadcasting industry, as a writer, director of programs, and creator and producer of some four hundred radio and TV network programs, and eventually as owner and operator of a radio network and cable TV system in Virginia.

He is the founder and executive director of the Monroe Institute, interna. tionally known for its work on the effects of sound wave forms on human behavior.

Robert Monroe's second book, Far Journeys, tells the story of his research and development of the OOB experience and further explorations beyond time and space.

It was published by Doubleday in 1985.

Mr. Monroe plays an active part in the work of the Monroe Institute and lives with his family in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia.
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Profound evidence exists supporting the concept that human potentials are not confined to third-dimension realities of height, breadth and depth, or of matter, energy, space and time.

New scientific models for space-time transcendence are being researched.
But human culture is rich regarding multidimensional and hyperspace phenomena experienced by the human psyche which are analogous to some of the new scientific models.

Cultural and experiential evidence is strong indicating that multidimensional types can "travel" between and have conscious visualizations and perceptions of hyperspace dimensions.

A technology is possible regarding transmission and access of hyperspace information.
This technology could restructure human focus and activity.

The most incredible journeys ever taken have been made within the realms of the human mind.
Perhaps for some, these journeys are simply pleasant day dreams, mental travels to the far-away places on earth.

But for people who can mentally access other space/time continuums, people called "multidimensionals," their journeys consist of far more than just imaginings.

The implications of multidimensional experiencers for the future of mankind are staggering -- for their mind journeys allow remarkable amounts of very different, advanced technological information to be brought into our third-dimensional realities.

Research has shown that multidimensionals can actually travel into hyperspace and have conscious visualization and perceptions of other time/space dimensions, including accessing information through their own DNA.

Often they speak of formulas, mathematical equations and atomic structure in ways quite different from current scientific thought.

Hyperspace is defined as the spatial dimensions beyond time and the reality known as the three dimensional world, defined by height, width, and depth of space.

It is also referred to as subspace or multidimensionality.

The third dimension, which humans experience, exists within hyperspace as a subset or one of many dimensions.
This reality, according to theoretical physicists, may also be one of many, many parallel universes.

I have experienced or read of others who have had direct experience with all of these points made...except for the technology. I haven't encountered that yet.
I like how they note: "The implications of multidimensional experiencers for the future of mankind are staggering -- for their mind journeys allow remarkable amounts of very different, advanced technological information to be brought into our third-dimensional realities."

This state of Being is the goal of Ascension.
I have experienced or read of others who have had direct experience with all of these points made...except for the technology. I haven't encountered that yet.
I like how they note: "The implications of multidimensional experiencers for the future of mankind are staggering -- for their mind journeys allow remarkable amounts of very different, advanced technological information to be brought into our third-dimensional realities."

This state of Being is the goal of Ascension.

On this planet, we are dealing with a leadership that has a one-dimensional mind and is stopping progress from taking place. We have to get rid of that first before mastering multidimensional psychic abilities.
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email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)
Date: 2015-08-18 10:30
Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)

Dear John,

Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.

Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.

They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.

The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.

Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.

NEW GREAT NEWS: Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal proposed cooperation in space technology between Pakistan and China as part of the historic declaration, saying it will take the Pak-China relations to new heights. A consortium of 35 Chinese companies was also formed that will invest in Pakistan: Pakistan and China on Wednesday signed 20 memoranda of understanding (MoU) worth $2 billion...emphasis on sustainability


The Cosmic Consequences of Space Weapons: Why they Must be Banned to Preserve our Future



War in space isn't considered fantasy anymore

PREPARING FOR WAR IN SPACE (articles below):

Satellite Missiles and International Tensions See US, China and Russia Preparing for War in Space

War in Space May Be Closer Than Ever
China, Russia and the U.S. are developing and testing controversial new capabilities to wage war in space despite their denial of such work
By Lee Billings | August 10, 2015
_____________________________________________________________ World War Three in SPACE? Fears over rise in anti-satellite weapons created by Russia A HUGE rise in anti-satellite weapons being developed by world powers has sparked fears the West could soon be embroiled in a fully-fledged war with Russia and China in outer space.

War in space isn't considered fantasy anymore

We're arguably closer than ever to war in space. Most satellites orbiting Earth belong to the U.S., China and Russia. And recent tests of anti-satellite weapons don't exactly ease the scare factor.

It sounds like science fiction, but the potential for real-life star wars is real enough. It's just not new.
Fears of battles in space go back to the Cold War and several initiatives, like President Reagan's "Star Wars" missile-defense system.
Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work spoke to Congress in June about the threat. He said during a speech the technology the U.S. developed during the Cold War allows it "to project more power, more precisely, more swiftly, at less cost."
Take a moment to think about everything satellites do. GPS, surveillance and communications all depend on them.
And the Scientific American notes you can disable satellites without missiles. Simply spray-painting lenses or breaking antennas is enough.
President Obama requested $5 billion for space defense in the 2016 fiscal budget.
And a former Air Force officer told the Scientific American most of the United States' capabilities in space have been declassified to send a clear message: There are no rules for war in space.

Best regards,


Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD

Apollo 14 astronaut

6th man to walk on the Moon

Zero Point Energy Consultant

WikiLeaks just posted emails of John Podesta, a former Chief of Staff of the White House. This is part of the data dumps that will be released before the presidential election in November.

The text in bold is about zero point energy which we are not supposed to know about. :m129:

There is an attachment of two MS Word files. One file is the official text of the treaty itself, the other is an internal assessment of the treaty regarding the US.

You have to use your own discernment when reading stuff like that.

There is still a theoretical possibility that a monkey wrote it. I do not know whether John Podesta has got a monkey in his office or at home though.

Alternatively, a monkey hacked into his email account and wrote that email. That sounds unlikely to me though.

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare." :mk:
Here is the video where I got to know about the 'monkey' email.

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Fast forward to the present, journalist and author Graham Hancock has recently posted another case of TED censoring his presentations, this time by displaying an obnoxious disclaimer over a talk he gave entitled, ‘Is The House of History Built on Sand?’

Shockingly, the entire 18 minute presentation is flagged and smeared with the following warning to viewers, as though it were a medical threat.


TED has done it again ...
Last edited:
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On this planet, we are dealing with a leadership that has a one-dimensional mind and is stopping progress from taking place. We have to get rid of that first before mastering multidimensional psychic abilities.

Why do you think that?
Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal proposed cooperation in space technology between Pakistan and China as part of the historic declaration, saying it will take the Pak-China relations to new heights. A consortium of 35 Chinese companies was also formed that will invest in Pakistan: Pakistan and China on Wednesday signed 20 memoranda of understanding (MoU) worth $2 billion...emphasis on sustainability

Wowwww.... I wonder if that makes India nervous....
The text in bold is about zero point energy which we are not supposed to know about. :m129:

There is an attachment of two MS Word files. One file is the official text of the treaty itself, the other is an internal assessment of the treaty regarding the US.

You have to use your own discernment when reading stuff like that.

There is still a theoretical possibility that a monkey wrote it. I do not know whether John Podesta has got a monkey in his office or at home though.

Alternatively, a monkey hacked into his email account and wrote that email. That sounds unlikely to me though.

Orrr... certain people were....are....meant to see these emails which will lead to actions needed in the grand scheme.

Lots of people get upset when "news" comes out.....they already know what it's about but are waiting for the Truth to be told to all the other non believers....and then when nothing seems to happen the people drop down into disappointment and become cynical.

What is not considered is that the information may have been received by the ONE guy who needed to see it at the right time for him to take an action that leads to many others where the Truth DOES get told.
Why do you think that?

Those psychopathic bankers and politicians that are in charge of running many countries influence the planet as a whole. We need to (gently) get them out of the way if we want the planet to change. Individuals always have the opportunity to develop psychic abilities, but they are the exception, not the rule.

Wowwww.... I wonder if that makes India nervous....

India and China are both involved in the BRICS development bank. I am sure that they are friends at some level.

Orrr... certain people were....are....meant to see these emails which will lead to actions needed in the grand scheme.

Lots of people get upset when "news" comes out.....they already know what it's about but are waiting for the Truth to be told to all the other non believers....and then when nothing seems to happen the people drop down into disappointment and become cynical.

What is not considered is that the information may have been received by the ONE guy who needed to see it at the right time for him to take an action that leads to many others where the Truth DOES get told.

Grrr ... I do not like being wrong. :rage:

Actually, you are right. It could be disinformation as well. It is hugely annoying and makes you wonder if anything ever is going to change.

There is a Swedish pronoun that goes "many small brooks make a big river". We should be hoping for the snowball effect.

For example, it was interesting to hear that Bill Tompkins confirmed many details that Corey Goode spoke of earlier. Independent verification is a step forward. We need more technical proof really, that is lacking.

"Tompkins testimony here corroborates what Goode revealed in early 2015; that there is a corporate run space program he called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate. Previously, in April 2014, Cramer claims he was assigned to a Mars military base from 1987 to 2004, to protect five corporate run colonies there he described as the Mars Colony Corporation. Similarly, Relfe says that during his time on Mars, from 1976 to 1996, he was part of a military operation to protect Mars colonies.

Bill Tompkins’ detailed knowledge of current operations of the Navy’s secret space program, a corporate run program, and his willingness to now relate this information is a significant development for all who have been closely following his testimony. It is a major scoop for Cosmic Disclosure that Tompkins chose to reveal his knowledge there first, and it certainly helps substantiate the earlier testimony of Goode and others concerning Solar Warden and parallel secret space program operations."
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Really interesting about AI by Adronis / Brad Johnson. He discusses how AI was created in early in the history of the universe, how it became a threat, what is being done about it today and why some forms of AI are neutral if used right.
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David: There was an interesting line of inquiry in here that I haven't really gotten from the way you and I have talked before, and that was that he mentioned that there was a lot of intellectual difficulty, resistance, that people had to this concept within the contractors and the companies that were actually working on this stuff.

It's almost like they didn't want all of this to be true. And he seems to be saying that from that rivalry was born the defense contractors not wanting to be part of some peaceful space exploration think like “Star Trek” or a protective system for the solar system. They want to go off and do their own thing.

Corey: And they didn't want their hands tied. If they work through Solar Warden, they have to abide by the rules of whoever's in command of a certain project.

David: Ah!

Corey: So if they do it through their corporate means, they have no oversight or no accountability.

No regulations, no accountability. We recognize that corporate behavior.


David: So they did this without any other approval but their own, I assume.

Corey: Right. They already . . . They had the most advanced toys, weaponry, vessels. They had . . . It was far superior to what they were handing over to the military groups. So there wasn't a whole lot that the military groups could say because the military groups also relied on them so much.

David: Wow! I guess I'd never really understood how much of a rivalry this thing was all the way back then.

Corey: It's a rivalry, but it's not an open tit-for-tat situation between the two groups, . . .

David: Right.

Corey: . . . because they worked together. They lend each other resources, as well.

Rivalry, competition. Does that have any unexpected consequences / adverse side-effects for them? I wonder.


David: So people could be building technology that's actually used in very elaborate ways and never have any idea what they're doing.

Corey: Absolutely. They can do it their full career, retire and spend the rest of their life being unaware.

David: How do you think somebody like Tompkins was able to find out all this information? What was his most likely source?

Corey: The level of information that he's reporting had to have trickled down from pretty high. And it sounds like a lot of his information is coming through the Navy. And right now, the Navy is in kind of a contest with some of the other groups to have this disclosed.

And it's not all of the Navy. It's groups within the Navy that want the Secret Space Program disclosed.

David: Do you think that this ICC has participated at all in what we're calling the SSP Alliance?

Corey: The SSP Alliance is made up of people that broke away from all the different space programs. So there are former ICC assets that have joined the Secret Space Program Alliance.

There are leaks. Information has a tendency to find a way out.

From a philosophical POV, is this phenomenon to do with entropy? An ordered system will decay into disorder.


David: What do you think the ICC alliance members' goal is? If they were part of this thing and he's saying in this discussion that it was mostly greed-based and making money, do those people that are participating in that system, are they benefiting from that greed and that money?

Corey: Yes. It's cosmic capitalism. Some of the things . . . They're trading, as well. They're trading biological and technical assets to non-terrestrials for technology. So the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate were one of the groups that were most involved in like the galactic slave trade and trading different assets here in our solar system for assets from another solar system.

So when they receive them, then they go through R&D. They back engineer it. And then they use either the concepts or actually reproduce the technology to use in their ICC group, or it's taken to Earth and then disseminated somehow and put into our technology and released.

And they receive money that way through the corporations. They have this Super Board. The Super Board wants to grow the corporations and make them profitable. It's all about profit.

Cosmic capitalism = crony capitalism.

They do not make anything genuinely new. They just steal the inventions of other people and work by other people, or trade secrets from other groups that were obtained the same way.


David: When you have had briefings from the Blue Avians about the future after Full Disclosure, they told you that various facilities would be handed over to the people. Would that include ICC facilities?

Corey: Absolutely. Some of the ICC facilities were what the SSP Alliance was attacking and trying to take out, and the Blue Avians told them to basically stop – knock it off. All of this infrastructure, once there's a Full Disclosure event, this whole infrastructure is going to be handed over to the people of Earth.

I believe that this is related to the US trade deficit that has plagued the nation for a couple of decades. It is a story too long and too complex for me, but essentially the international economy is paying for the SSPs.

We are going to get rich after the Event. :m186:
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David: Could you just briefly, before we discuss the timelines here, briefly review for us how did the outer barrier get started? What was the inciting incident that led to that happening, and when?

Corey: So these energetic spheres had been entering the solar system for a number of years, through both the Sun and from outside the solar system. So they knew that these spheres were around and that these spheres were monitoring them.

David: The Cabal knew?

Corey: The Cabal knew. And the inhabitants . . . They thought that these spheres were full of aliens. And they were trying to hail them to communicate, and they were getting no communication back whatsoever.

So at first, they thought that it was the return of the Sumerian gods, and a lot of them got really excited. But soon, they discovered that this was not a group coming in to help them.

So eventually, they decided to use an experimental new weapon. The actual weapon was in Australia, and I found out that the targeting happened from somewhere in Africa, in Southern Africa.

These people have been compartmentalized for so long that they have lost touch with reality.



And so there's a guy by the name of Max Stanley, who's the chief test pilot for Northrop.


Anyway, he flies south, turns out over the ocean, and now flies north like he's going to go out to Edwards Air Force Base out in the desert.

So, of course, that means he's go to go up the beach, past the beach, at Santa Monica. And a lot of people have seen the test flight flights going and coming.

And so inside of the cockpit at that time, with Max and his flight test engineer, just the two of them, the flight test says, “Hey, Max, what's that?”

And so this little UFO comes in, flies right next to them – right off the wing – okay? 10-foot off the wing.


And he's giving Max the finger. So he proceeds, in front of all these people - all the beach is full of people – he moves over in front of Max, so now Max has got him right . . . 10 feet from his windshield, okay?


And he flips over backwards and goes around, comes out underneath, comes up, and twists over, gives him another finger, and goes back again.

Then he flies out off the wing and makes a turn and goes around the wing. He did this for about 10 minutes.

By now, everybody on the beach can see this going on because they're only at 6,000 feet.

And so the Douglas manager that was on the beach at the time and saw this, of course, he knew what was going on. And anyway, he wrote me a letter and described this as one of the inputs about local stuff on UFOs.


Corey: Right. Yeah. And usually, in most of these craft, they have a return-to-home feature, that if someone tries to go rogue, they can push a button and the vessel just comes back to where it left . . . from where it left.

David: So it was kind of humorous to hear this idea of a UFO circling around a plane and giving him the finger. Now, I guess you and I . . . Neither of us are really clear about was there an occupant who actually extended his middle finger?

Corey: That's what it sounded like to me.

David: Or appropriate appendage.

Corey: Yeah.

David: It did sound like that.

Corey: Yeah. Normally, I would say that this was one of the Secret Space Program pilots. They are a breed of their own. If you remember the “Top Gun” movies, how cocky and arrogant and self-assured these people are, multiply that times 100 because they're the best of the best. They're flying in space. They're flying things that no one's even allowed to know about.

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Adronis - The Masculine, The Feminine & The Androgynous

"There are actually other civilizations that do exist that actually have a multitude of different sexes that have a different span of genders connecting to that of the Masculine and Feminine Divine, just different sublayers. There are those in that sense that require groups of three, groups of five, groups of seven and groups of twelve that actually, shall we say, consummate pertaining to the idea of procreation (co-creation?). There are those again that still follow the path of the two representing the idea of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine to come back together." [4:14-4:49]

Aha, so we are not that unique really, the human species on planet Earth. Gender wars on other planets, if they have extreme polarity like we do, have got to be pretty horrific.
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Lynn – We’re going to go with some questions to start off Cobra that are things that everybody wants to know about. The first question I have, this person asks; will The Event change the other negative races that eat humans or are very hostile towards humans?

COBRA – Yes, of course The Event is the final beginning of the end of darkness. At the moment of The Event, all negative beings that don’t want to change into positive will be taken to the central sun. So it will be the final filtering of negativity in this universe, so this is the game over. (yeah).

I have heard contradictory stories. Some claim that planet Earth is the final planet housing evil and other claim that there are a couple of more planets left. In the latter case, the liberation of this planet will be a game changer in future wars because this planet is exceptionally deep down in the shit. One thing is the toplet bombs. Benevolent ET races had to isolate this planet either after the downfall of Atlantis about 13,000 years ago or 25,000 years ago. Another thing is the myriad of races. The dominant species of most planets seem to have one race (the same skincolor, etc). But here, there are many races, cultures, languages, etc and that makes divide and rule more feasible to carry out for the Looneynati. Other planets are supposedly easier to deal with.


Lynn – Has there been any progress regarding the toplet bombs.

COBRA – Yes of course. There was quite much progress in this area. . . the progress has been such that the Chimera group lost a little bit of nerve in the beginning of September and they wanted to trigger full scale . . . the last remnant of the full scale galactic war in the solar system and they were not successful. Although September was quite a challenging month. Their goals were absolutely NOT reached. (wonderful)

Great that the counter-offensive of the Looneynati failed.


Lynn – In which dimension do the Chimera reside?

COBRA – Most of them are on the physical plane or many of them are on the physical plane and some of them are on the non-physical planes as well. (thank you)

Richard – Cobra, you mentioned before that the Central race is in a higher density than us. Are they at the same density as Pleiadians or Reptilians?

COBRA – No, the Central race is 7 and up dimension as I would term it and the Pleiadians are 5th and 6th dimensions and the Reptilians are the 4th dimension.

Richard – Alright, so how do the Chimera fight the Central race?

COBRAThey fight because they are manipulating the primary anomaly and nobody in this Universe has a complete understanding of the primary anomaly and they are taking advantage of that fact. (got it, thank you)

That was interesting to read. This is one reason why the Looneynati have succeeded for so long.


Lynn – Cobra, can you give us an update on the situation with the Demiurge Yaldabaoth?

COBRA – As this, I would say, the final leg of the Galactic conflict in the Solar system is playing out, the plasma body of the Yaldabaoth is being dissolved slowly. (awesome, thank you)

Richard – Cobra, are the cracks in the veil, still the same or are they evolving?

COBRA – Actually one purpose of this escalation in September was to close the cracks in the veil and this has been partially successful so the light forces are reactivating the light grid in this area to re-activate those cracks in the veil again and this process will take some time. (got it, thank you)

Yaldaboth is the plasma energy being living in this solar system that Corey Goode mentioned. It is slowly being dissolved. Great.


Richard – Cobra, you have said Trump is a Jesuit agent. (Yes) If Trump is a Jesuit agent, what part of the Cabal does he work for and why does the Cabal seem to be against him?

COBRA – He works for the Jesuits. Actually the Jesuits are creating . . . the game as usual that they are presenting him, for him to appear that he is against the establishment, against the Cabal when in reality he is just part of the other faction of the Cabal that is working not so publicly and is working behind the scenes. (got it).

Richard – If Trump is a Jesuit agent and Hillary represents the Bush-Rockefeller-Clinton faction, then, are we actually watching a battle between two factions?

COBRA – There is a certain amount of conflict between both factions but for, from Jesuit perspective, it doesn’t matter who wins. One way or the other they can further their agenda. (got cha, thank you)

Corey Goode mentioned that the Looneynati fear Trump and do not want him to win. I interpret it that he would be problem to them if elected president.

Perhaps that he is just meant to lose but, in case he wins, he would take orders from someone else anyway, not be independent.


Lynn – The United States public is basically in a no-win situation for the 2016 election because of the lack of good Presidential candidates. Well, it has been like this for a half a century since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Trump has said recently that if he was elected he would give his full support to Israel and that he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He is obviously an outspoken Zionist and therefore just another Rothschild puppet. Is he going to be allowed by the Light Forces to become President of the U.S. if he wins the November 2016 presidential elections?

COBRA – I’ll say, as I’ve said before, it does not matter who gets elected because this is just the public puppet for the Cabal. What is important is the whole situation needs to be . . . there needs to be a breakthrough in the form of The Event then it doesn’t matter who is president. Before The Event whoever is president will be the puppet of the Cabal. Obama now, Bush before or the new one that is coming in November. It does not matter.

Great, the near future looks positive.


Lynn – Have other planets had similar occurrence like The Event? It appears that other nearby planets were liberated without the big sneeze from the galactic central sun. Is this correct?

COBRA – Yes they were, but this planet is different because there is so much of concentration of various races and the Cabal here. So there needs to be a little bit more intense support for this to happen.

Lynn – Are the light forces “taking advantage” of the energy of the big sneeze to help liberate the planet?

COBRA – Yes, of course. (thank you)

Richard – Cobra, I believe you said once after The Event the human population would be diminished. Did we misunderstand you?

COBRA – I would say that at a certain moment, some people will migrate off the planet but there will be no mass extinction or anything of that nature.

This is also what Corey Goode says regarding the solar sneeze. It will most likely be a benign event. Because the future is probabilistic and nobody knows all likely future events, a worse outcome is possible. But then how people react shapes the future. There is a big responsibility on the shoulders of those communicating this information.


Lynn – Do the lion E.T. people communicate with our Earth’s cat population?

COBRA – They can and sometimes they do. (thank you)


Skare, do your cats show any abnormal kind of behavior by habit or been doing so recently? (Assuming that monkeys substitute for cats.)
