Merkabah | Page 182 | INFJ Forum
What??? I never heard that in anything offered by Michael Newton. I must have missed that message.

Naw.... they're not "coming back" to shame us. There is no shaming or guilt tripping or anything like that going on. So I don't blame you for not believing it.

This has nothing to do with Michael Newton. The links refer to the group Michael.

I am only investigating New Age. I do no formally believe in anything of its professed beliefs. I come with an open mind.

If things like astral projection turn out to work me, (chummy) aliens come to visit our planet, or the Infinite Soul manifests, then I am willing to believe more. If nothing of that happens, then I can only conclude that there is nothing it.

Regarding the shaming, it was meant as a joke. When higher souls come to visit us, I was thinking of a repeat of Jesus expelling the money changers from the Temple.

A shift of attitude in society will imply new rules of what is socially acceptable. I mean that Gordon Gekko wannabes in the year 2050 will face an uphill struggle if they behave the same way. :smile:
This has nothing to do with Michael Newton. The links refer to the group Michael.

I am only investigating New Age. I do no formally believe in anything of its professed beliefs. I come with an open mind.

If things like astral projection turn out to work me, (chummy) aliens come to visit our planet, or the Infinite Soul manifests, then I am willing to believe more. If nothing of that happens, then I can only conclude that there is nothing it.

Regarding the shaming, it was meant as a joke. When higher souls come to visit us, I was thinking of a repeat of Jesus expelling the money changers from the Temple.

A shift of attitude in society will imply new rules of what is socially acceptable. I mean that Gordon Gekko wannabes in the year 2050 will face an uphill struggle if they behave the same way. :smile:

Oh.... you're mixing your "Michaels" .... Hahahaha....

Ah yes...the Gordon Gekko wannabees will have an uphill battle well before the year 2050.
Things are progressing much faster than originally projected.

What does Infinite Soul mean to you?
40 Insightful Articles
Near Death Experiences

Some people who have survived a life-threatening crisis or accident have been known to report an extraordinary occurrence.
Near death experiences (NDE) are thought to happen more frequently because of improved survival rates resulting from modern technology and techniques of resuscitation.

No matter what your beliefs are, these stories can be overwhelmingly intriguing.
To keep time spent on Google down, we have collected 40 insightful articles about near death experiences.

They are told by journalists, scientists, experts, and even men and women who have experienced near death first hand.

Insightful General Articles About Near Death Experiences

Learn more about what a near death experience is, along with the science surrounding it, in the below articles.

1. How Near Death Experiences Work
One of the most popular science sites on the web, HowStuffWorks takes a crack at near death experiences in this guide.
Sections include traits, supernatural theories, science, and lots more.
There is also loads of related content on items such as how the brain, dreams, and fear work.

2. The Science of Near Death Experiences
Researchers attempt to use biology to explain near death experiences in this article from CBS News.
Researchers at the University of Kentucky argue that near-death experiences may be caused by a blurring of waking and sleeping states brought on by a biological mechanism.
They interviewed 55 people who reported near-death experiences after car wrecks, heart attacks, and other nearly fatal events.
REM and the fight-or-flight reaction is used to explain it.

3. Hard to Forget or Explain
CNN takes a look at the stories of those who have had a near death experience.
They report that a third of those who come close to death have a near death experience.
Many experts and those who experience it weigh in on the subject.

4. Near Death Experiences Explained
National Geographic takes a look at the more scientific side of near death experiences.
They are hypothesized as tricks of the mind triggered by an overload of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, according to a new study suggests.
The team studied 52 heart attack patients who had been admitted to three major hospitals and were eventually resuscitated.
Those who reported near-death experiences had higher blood carbon-dioxide levels significantly more than in those who did not.

5. Near Death Experience (NDE)
The Skeptic’s Dictionary is a collection of strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions.
With topics ranging from Abracadabra to zombies, they also take a crack at near death experiences.
A definition, explanation, and loads of references are given to explain them.

6. Research to Study Near Death Experience
If the above has you confused on near death experiences, you are not alone.
Researchers in New Zealand are hoping to discover never before seen answers to them.
Two doctors at Massey University are conducting the study.
In fact, there is even a link to contact one of them directly with your story.

7. World’s Largest Ever Study of Near Death Experiences
Not to be outdone, the University of South Hampton has also launched one of the biggest studies concerning near death experiences.
As reported on by Science Daily, an international collaboration of scientists and physicians have joined forces to study the human brain, consciousness, and clinical death.
During this study, doctors will use sophisticated technology to study the brain and consciousness during cardiac arrest.
The site also has related articles.

8. Surviving Death
Michael Shermer of Scientific American saw an episode of Larry King Live that upset him.
It contained stories of near death experiences which led to this article.
A good dose of skepticism and more are delved into further.

Insightful Articles About Near Death Experiences by an Expert

These authors have made the near death experience a focus of their career.

Death, Dying, and Beyond
The Institute of Noetic Sciences studies many paranormal occurrences including near death experiences.
In this section, a variety of experts speak on afterlife encounters, modern meduimship research, the psychomanteum, and many others.
Simply click on the audio teleseminars key to get more.

10. Pim Van Lommel
He is a cardiologist who has spent loads of time studying near death experiences.
In this lengthy article for Toward the Light, he discusses the continuity of our consciousness.
Sections include death, scientific research, the out of body experience, and much more.

11. Interview with Raymond Moody
Dr. Moody is a professor of psychology at West Georgia College who specializes in near death experiences.
He has researched hundreds of stories of people who experience floating over their own body, being drawn to a light, and feeling peace.
He tells more in an interview with

12. Scientific Evidence for Survival
Dr. Ken Ring published a paper in the Journal of Near-Death Studies concerning near-death experiences on people who reported experiencing it.
Provided by the site, they offer an index loaded with scientific studies on the subject.
It includes papers on brain death, perception, survival theory, and it includes over 50 entries, so be sure and make time.

13. Near Death Experience
The Chart is a medical blog from CNN in which experts such as Dr. Sanjay Gupta regularly weigh in on medical issues.
This particular entry tells the story of Laura Geraghty, a school bus driver in Massachusetts who survived a cardiac arrest that left her without a heartbeat for 57 minutes.
More on this and other stories are shared.

14. Betty Eadie
In 1973, Betty died following a routine surgery.
After undergoing one of the most reported near death experiences, she returned with her message and a mission to study the human response to death.
On her website, she tells her story in more detail and has loads of other resources.

15. The Near Death Experience
Reprinted by Mindspring, this is the second part of an examination of near death experiences from the Christian Research Journal.
Originally published in 1992, it remains a popular entry on the web.
In the second part of the entry, they look at alternative explanations to those of the New Age movement for those who have had a near death experience.

Insightful Articles About Near Death Experiences by a Man

These individual stories have much more about near death experiences.

Does Ketamine Produce NDE?
Ketamine is an anesthetic that is often associated with near death experiences.
In this article for mindspring, a blogger discusses the works of Dr. Karl Jansen and his related statements.
There are also points from Dr. Evgeny Krupitsky on the subject.

17. Suffocating to Life
This anonymous blogger had a near death experience early on in life.
How they got into trouble, got out, and a post-life conversation are all included.
You can also find many other articles on near death experiences at the International Association for Near Death Studies.

18. Fathers Day With My Dad
In this article, Herbie recalls his encounter with Saint Pompeii, aka Dad.
Although his father had died years earlier, Herbie was still able to see him.
The day in which it happens is also of interest.
You can read tons of other stories at Embraced by the Light.

19. The Trigger of Gravity
Dr. James E. Whinnery is a chemistry professor with West Texas A&M and became involved with research involving fighter pilots being subjected to extreme gravitational forces in a giant centrifuge.
This is also the source of many near death experiences and Whinnery would later go onto write a report on it.
Click here to see how near death experiences can be triggered by severe gravitational forces.

20. People Have Near Death Experiences While Brain Dead
Dr. Michael Sabom looks at the more unusual cases in near death experiences.
He has also published a book on the subject called Light and Death.
In this article, you can read the story of one of his patients who had a NDE during complicated brain surgery.

21. Cheating Death Can Save Your Life
You don’t have to have a near death experience to change your life.
In this article from USA Today, they examine how a group of men cheat death to experience life.
While performing acrobatic maneuvers or simply flying in a plane, these businessmen discuss how the experience changed them forever.

22. What Does Satan Look Like?
Not everyone who has a near death experience recalls it fondly.
Rene Jorgensen authored a book entitled Awakening After Life to answer this very question.
Get a sneak peek at it all on

23. My Last Breath
Watch this ABC special that aired on Good Morning America.
 In it, eyewitness Matthew Dovel discusses the existence of heaven and hell.
He is also the author of My Last Breath, Âan autobiography of the occasion.

24. Near Death Experience Examiner
If you still haven’t read enough near death experiences, click here.
Alan Hippleheuser had a vision at twelve years old and has since become obsessed with it.
He now writes as the Examiner for related issues and blogs all about similar items in the news.

Insightful Articles About Near Death Experiences by a Woman

These ladies also have more to say about near death experiences.

25. To Remind Me of a Mothers Love
Robyn was just a child when she first heard the voice of an angel.
After the deaths of two family members, the stories she remembered and the visions she had would lead her back from a path of self-abuse.
A dream about her mother was the turning point in her life and she tells more.

26. The Trigger of Seizure
After months of depression and physical pain from systemic lupus, Lisa took too many painkillers.
What happened afterwards would be researched into near death experiences and temporal lobe epilepsy.
She tells her story in further detail in this article.

27. Dead Like Her
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross died on August 24, 2004, but you can still read all about her Five Stages of Death theory on
The sixth stage is also of note.

28. Jesus Spoke to Me
Teresa Robbins shares her near death experience in this article from Suite 101.
It also an excerpt from her journal dated in 1981.
The experience happened when she was giving birth to a child.

29. Anyone Can See the Light
Dr. Dianne Morrissey shares her near death experience here.
It happened when she was 28 and electrocuted.
Today, she is a certified hypnotherapist and has taught 25,000 people to see and feel God’s presence during the dream state.
She is also author of the book, You Can See the Light.

30. Beyond the Veil
Although Diane was born in 1941, she tells everyone she was reborn in 1971.
In this article she tells the story of how she was working on the set of the movie Deliverance and went rafting with her husband.
What happened next would change her life forever.

Insightful Videos About Near Death Experiences

Hear stories about near death experiences from those who experienced it in their own words.

Life After Life
Raymond Moody is one of the leading experts in near death experiences and has authored a book of the same name.
In this documentary film, he chronicles the cases of himself and others who have had a near death experience.
The hour long film is available to view on Google Videos and Youtube

32. How to Live Before You Die
Billionaire Steve Jobs is best known for his leading role at Apple.
In his lifetime, he has spearheaded many new pieces of technology, some of which are being utilized to read this right now.
In this talk, he urges all to pursue our dreams and see the opportunities in life’s setbacks, including death itself.

33. East vs. West
In a talk for TED, Devdutt Pattanaik discusses the myths derived from both India and the West.
They include beliefs about God, heaven, and of course, death.
Modern topics such as business are looked at through the lens of mythology.
Also a good choice to learn more about Hinduism.

34. Dr. Sam Parnia
Led by Dr. Sam Parnia, The Human Consciousness Project will conduct the world’s first large-scale multicenter studies at major U.S. and European medical centers on the relationship between mind and brain during clinical death.
Dr. Parnia is a fellow at Cornell University and others and begins the press conference with an introduction to his approach to near death experiences.
Several parts are available on YouTube.

35. The Science of Out of Body Experiences
Carol Sabick is the European representative of the Monroe Institute and is interviewed on the subject of out of body experiences.
Soultravel magazine has five parts on the science hypothesized around out of body experiences.

36. Stroke of Insight
Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery.
In this talk for TED, she shares in depth with how the brain works in life and has loads of tips for those interested in near death experiences.
She also tells her own story of brain damage.

37. Out of Body Experiences ( [MENTION=14189]ImaginaryBloke[/MENTION] perhaps this site will help with your current endeavors)
You don’t have to be near death to have an out of body experience.
The podcaster shares techniques with having out of body experiences.
You can also find more at his site

38. Guardian Angels
These are often the topics of near death experiences.
Watch this news piece on a child who had a near death experience and tells the tale of a guardian angel.
It includes an interview with Dr. Melvin Morse who weighs in scientifically.

39. Proof of the Afterlife
This video is number seven in a series of twelve.
Those who have near death experiences discuss life after death.
Out of body experiences are also discussed.

40. The Day I Died
The BBC presents a documentary film of tales of near death experiences.
The study of what happens when someone dies is also shared.
Six parts are all featured on YouTube.

No matter what your beliefs are, you are sure to find something of interest and insight on the above 40 insightful articles about near death experiences.
You can also find loads of others to read, a new piece of research on the subject, or a place to share your own
37. Out of Body Experiences ( [MENTION=14189]ImaginaryBloke[/MENTION] perhaps this site will help with your current endeavors)
You don’t have to be near death to have an out of body experience.
The podcaster shares techniques with having out of body experiences.
You can also find more at his site

Thanks I will take a look at it.

I wonder BTW if you are copying and pasting or just writing your own words through Ni. Ti, in my view and experience, is too slow to do that kind of thing.
I've watched most of this.

Thanks I will take a look at it.

I wonder BTW if you are copying and pasting or just writing your own words through Ni. Ti, in my view and experience, is too slow to do that kind of thing.

I do copy and paste articles and videos and you can tell hopefully by there being a title, and sometimes I will add my own commentary.
I do not however post anything that I personally haven’t studied, read, or watched myself.

I write my own posts as well and I generally don’t title those.
I have no opinion about whether aliens in space ships are visiting us in secret. If they are coming, I hope not to see the Death Star. Imagine a civilization dominated by young souls rather than mature and old souls coming for a visit!!!

Michael Newton's book Destiny of Souls describes "hybrid souls" that incarnate as humans on planet Earth. They are either old souls that want experience from living on other planets or souls whose home planet has destroyed, sort of like Superman. If you have an intelligent but socially maladapted neighbor, that is probably one.

The Michael Teachings say that our civilization is too belligerent to be visited by aliens. Our species is a predator and social hierarchies are in place to secure the dominance of alpha personalities. Our perceived planetary isolation is by design to ensure our survival. Perhaps fear would strike and somebody would push the nuclear button. The film Wargames comes to mind.

This is the Michael Teachings on our suicidal tendencies of our species (communities, not individuals).

I was not thinking of the environment earlier in the context of aggressiveness.

Special Aggressiveness Index

Michael has frequently commented that our species ranks as a 3 on the aggressiveness scale. This scale runs from 1, for the most aggressive, to 9 for the least aggressive. As one might expect, the largest group of sentient species are in the middle, or a 5. So we are significantly more aggressive than average.

Aggressiveness is the tendency to take action when faced with a challenge, heedless of possible consequences. Highly aggressive species tend to be found in hostile environments; the instinctive reaction to strike out and subjugate the challenge is needed in this kind of context. However, once the environmental challenges are conquered, the highly aggressive species tends to a high level of internal warfare.

In this connection, it’s interesting to notice that our species base is that of a predator. From an evolutionary viewpoint, this is relatively easy to verify. Predators tend to have their eyes set so they have overlapping fields of vision, the better to see and range on prey species. Prey species, on the other hand, tend to have eyes widely spaced on their heads to cover as much of a 360-degree field of vision as possible, the better to see threats approaching and avoid them.

Level 3 is usually the break point. A tool using species at this level has an even chance of wiping themselves out, either with a nuclear war or by destroying the environment. In our case, the nuclear war crisis showed up as the Falklands Island crisis, between Great Britain and Argentina in 1982.

Michael comments that about 50% of the parallels did, in fact, destroy themselves in a nuclear war; with this crisis being one of the most probably trigger points. The psychic reaction convinced the remainder of the parallels that they did not want to do this, so the likelihood of nuclear devastation quickly declined after that point. As I write this, the probability of an all-out nuclear war is very low, although there is still the possibility of a limited conflagration, especially by North Korea or in the Pakistan — India confrontation. (Note — this was written before George Bush’s infamous “Axis of Evil” speech.) The use of nuclear arms by Israel is much lower: they don’t have anything to hit that would warrant that level of destruction.

The environmental crisis has still not been resolved. The root cause of the environmental problems is, of course, overpopulation. Current UN estimates are that the population will peak at around 10 billion by 2050. If nothing is done, and food supplies remain adequate, and current fertility trends continue, the population will decline after that.

Michael has a somewhat different perspective. They say that the current overpopulation is caused by essences living multiple, concurrent lifetimes for various reasons. One of these reasons is early infant souls attempting to catch up as the planet shifts to first level mature, the other is that there are huge numbers of interesting things going on as the industrial revolution winds down, male / female dominance shifts to female dominant, and the planet becomes more mature. Once these changes stabilize, the desire for multiple, concurrent lifetimes will decline. They concur that it won’t happen soon, simply because the Infinite Soul is currently planning to return in the 2030 — 2035 time frame, and that is an intensely interesting event.

They have also said that our species’ aggressiveness is one of the main reasons why we have not been publicly contacted by any of the extraterrestrials that maintain observers here. They consider it to be too hazardous, either to themselves, or to us. They consider that contacting us would set off a public panic and frenzy that would do no one any good. There’s also a perfectly understandable reluctance to get too close to a species that might regard them as the main course at dinner.

Michael has a somewhat different perspective. They say that the current overpopulation is caused by essences living multiple, concurrent lifetimes for various reasons. One of these reasons is early infant souls attempting to catch up as the planet shifts to first level mature, the other is that there are huge numbers of interesting things going on as the industrial revolution winds down, male / female dominance shifts to female dominant, and the planet becomes more mature. Once these changes stabilize, the desire for multiple, concurrent lifetimes will decline. They concur that it won’t happen soon, simply because the Infinite Soul is currently planning to return in the 2030 — 2035 time frame, and that is an intensely interesting event.

Aha! That is when the Infinite Soul is coming back stated at another page. How did I miss that despite copying and pasting it?
This is the Michael Teachings on our suicidal tendencies of our species (communities, not individuals).

I was not thinking of the environment earlier in the context of aggressiveness.

Special Aggressiveness Index

Michael has frequently commented that our species ranks as a 3 on the aggressiveness scale. This scale runs from 1, for the most aggressive, to 9 for the least aggressive. As one might expect, the largest group of sentient species are in the middle, or a 5. So we are significantly more aggressive than average.

Aggressiveness is the tendency to take action when faced with a challenge, heedless of possible consequences. Highly aggressive species tend to be found in hostile environments; the instinctive reaction to strike out and subjugate the challenge is needed in this kind of context. However, once the environmental challenges are conquered, the highly aggressive species tends to a high level of internal warfare.

In this connection, it’s interesting to notice that our species base is that of a predator. From an evolutionary viewpoint, this is relatively easy to verify. Predators tend to have their eyes set so they have overlapping fields of vision, the better to see and range on prey species. Prey species, on the other hand, tend to have eyes widely spaced on their heads to cover as much of a 360-degree field of vision as possible, the better to see threats approaching and avoid them.

Level 3 is usually the break point. A tool using species at this level has an even chance of wiping themselves out, either with a nuclear war or by destroying the environment. In our case, the nuclear war crisis showed up as the Falklands Island crisis, between Great Britain and Argentina in 1982.

Michael comments that about 50% of the parallels did, in fact, destroy themselves in a nuclear war; with this crisis being one of the most probably trigger points. The psychic reaction convinced the remainder of the parallels that they did not want to do this, so the likelihood of nuclear devastation quickly declined after that point. As I write this, the probability of an all-out nuclear war is very low, although there is still the possibility of a limited conflagration, especially by North Korea or in the Pakistan — India confrontation. (Note — this was written before George Bush’s infamous “Axis of Evil” speech.) The use of nuclear arms by Israel is much lower: they don’t have anything to hit that would warrant that level of destruction.

Agreed. SOME of us are predators....while others...not so much.
Yes. Our actions greatly impacted the collective consciousness(psyche) of the Galaxy and there was much discussion as to what to be done with us. We were causing so much disharmony and fear many wanted us to be done away with....especially after we detonated the nuclear bomb on Japan. Instead.... something else is happening. We are Shifting up in frequency along with Gaia.

The environmental crisis has still not been resolved. The root cause of the environmental problems is, of course, overpopulation. Current UN estimates are that the population will peak at around 10 billion by 2050. If nothing is done, and food supplies remain adequate, and current fertility trends continue, the population will decline after that.

Michael has a somewhat different perspective. They say that the current overpopulation is caused by essences living multiple, concurrent lifetimes for various reasons. One of these reasons is early infant souls attempting to catch up as the planet shifts to first level mature, the other is that there are huge numbers of interesting things going on as the industrial revolution winds down, male / female dominance shifts to female dominant, and the planet becomes more mature. Once these changes stabilize, the desire for multiple, concurrent lifetimes will decline. They concur that it won’t happen soon, simply because the Infinite Soul is currently planning to return in the 2030 — 2035 time frame, and that is an intensely interesting event

This is true. I have had experiences of merging with some of essences in other lifetimes - concurrent and not. Some of the reasons we are living multiple lives is because we are working out conflicts from other races and other places here on this planet through our contracts and karma. We are also working out HOW humanity can ascend...can shift up in frequency - while maintaining a physical vessel(human form) without blowing up the planet and/or killing off almost the entire human race - in the process.
This has been a mind blowing quest for me. :tongue:

They have also said that our species’ aggressiveness is one of the main reasons why we have not been publicly contacted by any of the extraterrestrials that maintain observers here. They consider it to be too hazardous, either to themselves, or to us. They consider that contacting us would set off a public panic and frenzy that would do no one any good. There’s also a perfectly understandable reluctance to get too close to a species that might regard them as the main course at dinner.

Being too aggressive is one part of the reason. On another level the energetic frequency most of us hold is very heavy and dense and full of Fear...and the rest of the higher frequency Beings cannot "make" themselves descend down as far as we are...on the frequency scale. They can't manifest in physical form here at such low frequency.
I agree contact should be made in a way as to not cause public panic. They are aware of that and monitoring us for the correct timing to present themselves.

While Humanity may have been very aggressive in its evolution it must be pointed out that the majority of it was closely tied with Survival issues.
In truth - these days the vast majority of humans on this planet are not really that aggressive anymore and it is the action of a relative few who are promulgating acts of violence and terror amongst nations.

In truth Humanity is the Gem of the Galaxy. I mean look at us! We have a huge range of emotions capable of great rage and great love. We have brilliant minds and creative abilities. We are a species with amnesia. Once we remember who we out Galaxy!
Aha! That is when the Infinite Soul is coming back stated at another page. How did I miss that despite copying and pasting it?

What is the Infinite Soul planning to come back?

Is this the Christ Consciousness?
Very curious.
I have often wondered at the legitimacy of most crop circles…I think there is good evidence that art students are more likely responsible than aliens.
But yes, such huge hieroglyphs have been found all around the world…some of them are measured to incredible accuracy.
And then one has to ask why build such things that can only be seen from the air if man did build them in the ancient past when supposedly no one would be able to see the overall picture?'re joking right?

Most of them could never be created by humans. The plants are bent in interlacing configurations no human could even do much less create it in one night. The plants are still alive too. You should do some research on them. Look back to the old videos before people used the digital technology. You'll see some astonishing stuff. Exact precision on a grand scale. Plants flowing in to one another. They even took energy readings and the energy levels within the circles are off the charts. People reported feeling energized after lying down in them.

Most are created by by technology unknown to the majority of humans on the planet at this time. Whether it's aliens or not...I don't know...but I'd bet you a million dollars it is.

Over two thirds are genuine. It is a long-distance communications device.

This reminds me of the film Contact. What on Earth are they communicating to us? New recipes of apple pie?
Over two thirds are genuine. It is a long-distance communications device.

This reminds me of the film Contact. What on Earth are they communicating to us? New recipes of apple pie?

I think they aren't only reserved for us humans. I think some were encodings and blueprints for the planet Earth and Gaia's consciousness herself. There are grids and grids criss crossing this planet. There are portals too....some that were open have been closed...and vice versa. Like you quoted before....there is a whole lot happening right now upon this planet and we are the Show of the Galaxy.

Still...a lot of them were designed to activate codes held within those humans with eyes to see. In other words - the people who see them are meant to see them...or it is hoped they will see them. There are many different groups here on the planet assisting with this Shift up in consciousness and frequency. Many of these groups incarnated into this time and became human just like everyone else which includes a kind of forgetting the true essence of who you are. Many in those groups did not wake up for a long time and various methods were tried to activate them. We are some times referred to as The Ground Crew. :love:

Anyway - the crop circles contain some coded messages and activations for all sorts of reasons to assist planetary ascension.
...and some were done for love and beauty...
...because we are loved.

I guess I am incredulous that anyone could not believe these crop circles are made by something other than humans...and I shouldn't be. I keep forgetting not everyone has had the experiences in life that I have had.

I've worked in fields, baled hay, picked them up and tossed them on the lowboy/tractor. Planted pastures. Mowed brush and other tall grasses. Caught some on fire once or twice. (yikes). I've owned many different properties in my time ranging from 10 acres to 117 acres and run a half million dollar agricultural farm with lots of equipment.
I also was an engineer.

When you're down on the ground in that stuff - you can't achieve the precision and delicate detail of these magnificent mathematical creations. You just can't...

Oh.... you're mixing your "Michaels" .... Hahahaha....

Ah yes...the Gordon Gekko wannabees will have an uphill battle well before the year 2050.
Things are progressing much faster than originally projected.

What does Infinite Soul mean to you?

What is the Infinite Soul planning to come back?

Is this the Christ Consciousness?

I have Ne, not Ni. That means multiple scenarios.

Possible answers:

* This is not the age of critical thinking. These days, Google for finding an answer, then copy and paste on your blog.

* The Infinite Soul is a Jesus type of guy. It will probably play out like in the film Life Of Brian. Some random guy is mistakenly believed to be the Messiah and they put up live TV cameras in front of him. This guy happens to be an ENTP and everything that comes to mind is a mixture of 60's peace/love mumbo-jumbo and Michael Moore. Everyone believes that he is genuine and follows suit. Because of inferior level Si, advertising conglomerates fail to make him sign up for Super Bowl ads.

* The Infinite soul is here to facilitate societal change. He/she or they will write books and appear on TV alongside Dalai Lama. Buddha, spoke from the seventh plane, Jesus from the sixth, Lao-Tsi from the fifth and the group Michael from the third. That leaves only the fourth level - the Akashic plane - pure facts. That means that he will speak in plain language that we need to save the forests, recycle to save the planet, turn down the thermostat 1C degree to save energy, take some time off for relaxing, use a bicycle instead of a car when going to work, plant trees to reduce CO2, not get ahead in a queue to be fair to other people, etc. Quite straightforward really!
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“Here’s a story, and you don’t have to visit many
houses to find it.

One person is talking,

the other one is not really listening.

Someone can look like they are but they’re
actually thinking about something they
want to say, or their minds are just

Or they’re looking at that

little box people hold in their hands these

And people get discouraged, so they

quit trying.

And the very quiet people,

you may have noticed, are often the sad

Mary Oliver, Dog Songs
Was Descartes a Cartesian?


Descartes' Dualism

Rene Descartes, in Meditations, is the best known exponent of the theory of dualism:
that material and mental substances are distinct entities.

From his own speculation, he developed what is now called Cartesian Dualism.
This is explained separately, but the basic idea is that mental substances were not extended in space, and that material substances were composed of pure extension in space.

Minds, though unextended, were thought to exist at specific places, namely, Descartes thought, in the human pineal gland.
Physicists now longer believe that substances in nature are so simply characterised as this, but Cartesian Dualism has become the most widely known formulation of dualism.

Widely known, and these days, widely despised!


'Cartesianism' as a doctrine has taken on a life of its own as a position that few people want to defend, but, paradoxically, is widely believed to be held by `other people' (especially ones opponents!).

John Paley, in a recent editorial, explores some of these paradoxes in the modern acceptance and rejection of Cartesian dualism.
As does Descartes' Dualism by Baker and Morris (reviewed here by Steven Nadler).

Very often it is misrepresented.
For example, very many ills of modern thought and practice are attributed to the separation of body and mind that resulted from this particular conception.

Animals, for example, were not thought to have mentality, but to be like machines.
Affections in the body, for another example, were not allowed to be related to mentality as such.

However, Descartes believed that 'affections in the body' were just that: in the body and not in the mind.

From the Nadler review above, we have the following comparisons of legend and a new reading:

The Cartesian Legend

  1. The "Two Worlds View": there is a private, inner world of mental objects that parallels the public, outer world of physical things. The inner world is a world of 'ideas': the outer world, a world of bodies. The mind is identified with consciousness.
  2. Anything that we would now call a 'state of consciousness' or subjective experience–concepts, beliefs, sense perceptions, bodily appetites, pains, pleasures, emotions, etc.–qualifies as a cogitatio and is placed by Descartes in the mind.
  3. The Legend misconstrues the central opposition within Descartes's dualism by setting up a contrast between consciousness and clockwork.
  4. The body is thus nothing but an unconscious, insentient machine, "a complicated bit of clockwork". Any being not endowed with a human soul–and this includes all non-human animals–therefore lacks consciousness, even sentience.
  5. There is union and interaction of the two substances in a human being.Bodily events are the real efficient causes of mental events (such as sensations) and mental events (such as volitions) are the real efficient causes of bodily motions.

What Descartes advocated, it is now argued:

  1. Descartes held that there are two (finite) substances, each with its own modifications. Thinking or having a thought is not an object or thing in a mental world, but a mode of a substance. It is, in fact, an activity or operation.
  2. The mind, they argue, is thought; it is intellectus, the rational soul. The activities of the mind, therefore, are all modalities of rational thinking: judgements, in effect, and thus propositional. Any non-cognitive event is a non-mental event. Having a sense-perception, therefore, is not to have some qualium or sense-datum hovering before the introspective soul. It just is to have a thought with a particular content, and the content describes a possible state of the body ('my eyes are being stimulated by light', for instance). To feel pain (again, in the restricted sense) is to believe or think or judge that one's body is in a certain condition.
  3. The true dichotomy is between rationality and sentience, or the moral/intellectual and the animal.
  4. Non-human animate bodies (and, in theory, even the human body without the soul) are sentient, conscious bodies. While they may not be capable of thinking (since they lack soul), they are capable of feeling and consciousness, in sum, of all those processes which do not require rationality. Brutes do not have conscientia (the self-knowledge that rational beings have of their actions) and thus they are not moral agents, but "they do share with human beings many of the things now called 'states of consciousness' "
  5. The mind-body relationship is not one of efficient causal interaction. What their mutual relationship does consist in can be called "occasionalist interaction". Motions in the brain "occasion" the soul to have (i.e., to efficiently cause or generate in itself) certain perceptions, while the mind's volitional activities are the occasion for certain bodily movements.
I think they aren't only reserved for us humans. I think some were encodings and blueprints for the planet Earth and Gaia's consciousness herself. There are grids and grids criss crossing this planet. There are portals too....some that were open have been closed...and vice versa. Like you quoted before....there is a whole lot happening right now upon this planet and we are the Show of the Galaxy.

Still...a lot of them were designed to activate codes held within those humans with eyes to see. In other words - the people who see them are meant to see them...or it is hoped they will see them. There are many different groups here on the planet assisting with this Shift up in consciousness and frequency. Many of these groups incarnated into this time and became human just like everyone else which includes a kind of forgetting the true essence of who you are. Many in those groups did not wake up for a long time and various methods were tried to activate them. We are some times referred to as The Ground Crew. :love:

Anyway - the crop circles contain some coded messages and activations for all sorts of reasons to assist planetary ascension.
...and some were done for love and beauty...
...because we are loved.


I can spot the fractal pattern in it. Are those spots people on the ground? It is huge.

If there is a coded message, I cannot decrypt it. It is too abstract.

Do you know any concrete crop circles that, e.g., have the shapes of ginger nuts for X-mas, or something?

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View attachment 25684
I can spot the fractal pattern in it. Are those spots people on the ground? It is huge.

If there is a coded message, I cannot decrypt it. It is too abstract.

Do you know any concrete crop circles that, e.g., have the shapes of ginger nuts for X-mas, or something?



I couldn't see your pics. Christmas cookies sound good. :)

Yes...those are people standing down there...and is HUGE. In the early years they would get a small plane pilot to fly over and film the circles. Now they have the drones.
If you go to most websites they have video clips of flyovers. Pretty fascinating stuff.