I am fairly new to understaning the MBTI and i've been reading around on the different threads and noticing many of you know a lot of details regarding it, i was wondering if you could point me in the right direction to learn more.

I can't remember all who i have noticed, but a few of you are Von Hase, Duty, NeverAMI and IndigoSensor. I hope you don't mind me mentioning you in this.

I am mostly looking to learn more about my own type as well as ISTP. But i would like to understand as much as possible about how the different aspects of the types play off eachother.

I hope this made sense, and thank you:)

I am fairly new to MBTI too, though in typical INFJ fashion have really thrown myself into it. The above gentlemen you mentioned are indeed very knowledgable about type and their traits. There is a section here on the forum dedicated to MBTI-type threads. I suggest you look there. I'll enclose a link to an INFJ site I read when first researching MBTI and INFJ's. It has a lot of helpful info. Hopefully this helps.

One of my favorite descriptions of each cognitive function is located @ http://books.google.com/books?id=twt29GlROowC&lpg=PA18&ots=7E4lZLhAnM&dq=extraverted%20sensing&pg=PA16

It is just a clip from a book, but all the cognitive functions are covered.

If you weren't aware, there are 8 cognitive functions:

Extraverted Sensing (Se)
Introverted Sensing (Si)
Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Introvertged Intuition (Ni)
Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Introverted Feeling (Fi).

An MBTI type is made by determining which of those 8 are your primary 4.

In an MBTI type, the cognitive functions alternate between introverted and extraverted, in other words, if your primary function is Fi, then your secondary function is going to be extraverted sensing or extraverted intuition.

Intuition and Sensing determine how you gather data, thinking and feeling determine how you judge/process that data collected.

An ISFP = Fi Se Te Ni

The I in ISFP is used because the primary function is introverted.

Judging vs Perceiving, the final letter is J or P. Judging, from what I have seen relys on your most dominant thinking or feeling function to be extraverted. Perceiving has your most dominant thinking or feeling function as introverted. Perceiving alternates data collecting and judging functions whereas Judging groups one or the other in the middle. For example ISFP = Fi Se Te Ni and INFJ = Ni Fe Ti Se. The ISFP alternates the functions whereas the INFJ has both judging functions grouped in the middle.

Description for INFJ: http://schools.esu13.org/bannercounty/INFJ.pdf

ISTP: http://schools.esu13.org/bannercounty/ISTP.pdf

Just change the letters in the link for whatever type you like.

As for analyzing yourself, I default to people with more experience.
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NAI gave a good general overview. It is a good starting point to understanding this, as it is a lot to take in.

As far as understanding yourself more. Take the cognitive function test. This tends to be the most enlightining to your full type, and it explains some discrepencies that you could possibly have. Post the results here and a few of us can analyze it.
One of my favorite descriptions of each cognitive function is located @ http://books.google.com/books?id=twt29GlROowC&lpg=PA18&ots=7E4lZLhAnM&dq=extraverted sensing&pg=PA16

It is just a clip from a book, but all the cognitive functions are covered.

If you weren't aware, there are 8 cognitive functions:

Extraverted Sensing (Se)
Introverted Sensing (Si)
Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Introvertged Intuition (Ni)
Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Introverted Feeling (Fi).

An MBTI type is made by determining which of those 8 are your primary 4.

In an MBTI type, the cognitive functions alternate between introverted and extraverted, in other words, if your primary function is Fi, then your secondary function is going to be extraverted sensing or extraverted intuition.

Intuition and Sensing determine how you gather data, thinking and feeling determine how you judge/process that data collected.

An ISFP = Fi Se Te Ni

So you can see that it alternates between judging and data collection cognitive functions. For example: F to S to T to N

The I in ISFP is used because the primary function is introverted.

Judging vs Perceiving, the final letter is J or P. Judging, from what I have seen relys on your most dominant thinking or feeling function to be extraverted. Perceiving has your most dominant thinking or feeling function as introverted.

Description for INFJ: http://schools.esu13.org/bannercounty/INFJ.pdf

ISTP: http://schools.esu13.org/bannercounty/ISTP.pdf

Just change the letters in the link for whatever type you like.

As for analyzing yourself, I default to people with more experience.

Thanks so much NAI! This is a great place for me to start, though i can see already there's a lot to it, but that's half the fun:) Really appreciate your help:)

NAI gave a good general overview. It is a good starting point to understanding this, as it is a lot to take in.

As far as understanding yourself more. Take the cognitive function test. This tends to be the most enlightining to your full type, and it explains some discrepencies that you could possibly have. Post the results here and a few of us can analyze it.

Thanks for the link! I'll get on it right away, expect my post soon! :D
I learned mostly through google. I also started thinking about the types of the people that I know, that I observed some of things that they said on web sites in real life.
Like Indigo said, there is a lot of information and many concepts to take in. It might all seem overwhelming at first, but as an INFJ you'll probably have a natural curiosity for psychology systems, and if you stick with it you will have many of those 'aha' moments as it all becomes clear.

Several things to start you off.

These personality types are based on the work of Carl Jung, who determined that the mind has distinct cognitive functions: Feeling, Thinking, Intuition, and Sensing.

Feeling is reasoning based on philosophical and emotional judgments.
Thinking is reasoning based on logical and relative concepts.
iNtuition is processing information through pattern recognition.
Sensing is processing information through sensory observation.

Each of these four functions also have a macro and micro perspective, called extroverted and introverted respectively. For example, Thinking is logical and rational. Introverted Thinking is concerned with the small picture, how things work at their inner most. Extroverted Thinking is concerned with the big picture, how things relate on an overall scale.

Therefore, there are 8 distinct cognitive functions (abbreviations in parenthesis): Extroverted Feeling (Fe), Extroverted Thinking (Te), Extroverted Intuition (Ne), Extroverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Introverted Intuition (Ni), and Introverted Sensing (Si).

In time you'll come to understand what these mean in much greater detail. For now, understand that everyone has and uses all 8 of these functions. However, everyone also has a favored preference in which they use these functions - a starting place, and an ending place. The order in which we prefer to use our functions is what creates our personality types.

INFJs prefer to start with Ni, then move to Fe, then Ti, then Se, and so on. This means we prefer to start our cognitive process with Introverted Intuition, which is the function of pattern recognition. From there, we use our Extroverted Feeling, our desire to care for and relate to others. After that, we concern ourselves with how things work by using our Introverted Thinking, and finally we take in the world around us as it is in the moment with Extroverted Sensing.

All of our functions support the ones before them. For example, our desire to care for and relate to others supports our pattern recognition, and our curiosity for how things work is usually used to support our desire to care for and relate to others, etc.

Every personality type in this system, 16 in all, are based on their own order of the 8 cognitive functions. For example, ISTPs have the following order of functions: Ti, Se, Ni, Fe, or expressed in long form, Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Sensing, Introverted Intuition, Extroverted Feeling, etc. The ISTP personality type shares a lot of the same function preferences with INFJs, just in a different order.

Now that you understand the basic concepts, we have a thread full of very helpful links for INFJs here.

The one thing that is most important to understand is a quote Carl Jung himself. 'Every individual is an exception to the rule.' No one is going to fit a mold with this system. The human mind is too fluid and adaptive to compartmentalize neatly. These theories are based on tendencies, trends, and commonalities. For the most part, these theories are sound, so long as you understand that they apply to the big picture of all the people in the groups of personality types that comprise them, not to specific individuals with those personality types. There are going to be things about you that aren't perfectly typical of the INFJ description. That's very normal. We come in an array of variations. This is a science of tendencies, not absolutes. It is a system designed to expand upon the similarities, not the differences. If you keep these things in mind, all of this will make a lot more sense and be much more viable for you.

Welcome aboard. I hope you find this stuff as interesting as we have.
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NAI gave a good general overview. It is a good starting point to understanding this, as it is a lot to take in.

As far as understanding yourself more. Take the cognitive function test. This tends to be the most enlightining to your full type, and it explains some discrepencies that you could possibly have. Post the results here and a few of us can analyze it.

So i did this fuction test twice (as i do all the tests), and without looking at my previous answers... and this is the first time i scored anything other than infj... infact i scored 2 different types... infp and enfj... neither of which seem to really fit me. Needless to say, i'm a little confused.

This is my ENFJ scoring:
Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************* (19.6)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ***************************** (29.8)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) *************************************** (39.2)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) *************************************** (39.1)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) **************** (16.6)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ******* (7.6)
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************************* (45.3)
excellent use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ****************************************** (42.2)
excellent use

And this is my INFP scoring:

extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************* (19.3)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) **************************** (28.6)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************ (36.2)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************************* (43.9)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) *************** (15.5)
introverted Thinking (Ti) ************ (12.5)
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************************ (36)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************************ (48)
excellent use

Both of these types had INFJ listed as other possible type if this didn't sound like me. After having done various tests over the years and always scoring infj, and reading about infj a lot lately i was sure, and still feel sure i am infj... but i am a little curious as to why i would score this way. Any insights?
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I decided to read more about both INFP and ENFJ.. and while i can relate to certain aspects, overall there is no feeling of personal familiarity, instead i feel as though i'm reading about friends of mine. Reading well detailed descriptions also made me aware of certain choices that i made in the cognitive function test that may bring about the enfj or infp result. I am even more certain that neither of these are my types. However, it's very interesting to see the similarities and differences of the different types, and i can fully understand why many have said to not go by a quiz result and instead see which type fits you best.
I decided to read more about both INFP and ENFJ.. and while i can relate to certain aspects, overall there is no feeling of personal familiarity, instead i feel as though i'm reading about friends of mine. Reading well detailed descriptions also made me aware of certain choices that i made in the cognitive function test that may bring about the enfj or infp result. I am even more certain that neither of these are my types. However, it's very interesting to see the similarities and differences of the different types, and i can fully understand why many have said to not go by a quiz result and instead see which type fits you best.

Once you study each individual cognitive function enough, you should be able to match up with those specifically to get a better idea, or get more confused.

It goes both ways for me. :D
Once you study each individual cognitive function enough, you should be able to match up with those specifically to get a better idea, or get more confused.

It goes both ways for me. :D

Haha i'm looking forward to it NAI! I'm sure it will be both for me, and then the confusion will only lead me to need to understand it even more, which may only lead to more confusion and the cycle goes on. As each day passes i spend more and more time trying to figure it all out:P
Haha i'm looking forward to it NAI! I'm sure it will be both for me, and then the confusion will only lead me to need to understand it even more, which may only lead to more confusion and the cycle goes on. As each day passes i spend more and more time trying to figure it all out:P

One could say we grow more confused each day!
Both of those scores are closest to ENFJ. The second could be INFP, but it could just as easily be ENFJ as well. I am inclined to say that because of the first test taken.

The overall order for ENFJ is Fe>Ni>Se>Ti, and enfp is Fi>Ne>Si>Te. Both of them have the order F>N>S>T, both scores follow that letter pattern. It is very clear with that so by this test you are either of those. Again though as both scores are close to an ENFJ cognitive set, I feel that is the best fit. Also keep in mind that in the end you are your own best judge and no one single test can define this for you.
Both of those scores are closest to ENFJ. The second could be INFP, but it could just as easily be ENFJ as well. I am inclined to say that because of the first test taken.

The overall order for ENFJ is Fe>Ni>Se>Ti, and enfp is Fi>Ne>Si>Te. Both of them have the order F>N>S>T, both scores follow that letter pattern. It is very clear with that so by this test you are either of those. Again though as both scores are close to an ENFJ cognitive set, I feel that is the best fit. Also keep in mind that in the end you are your own best judge and no one single test can define this for you.

The first score was infp. I should have ordered them the other way, sorry for the confusion. I am totally willing to accept that i am not INFJ.. but again it doesn't feel right from everything that i am reading, though i will continue on my journey for self discovery.. but alas.. in my heart infj still feels right... when i read stories by other infjs, when i read many different descriptions, i have this feeling of "wow...i'm not alone"... when i read the others... i feel... "well... we're similar..". But i'll keep trudging onward... and thanks so much IndigoSensor, you've been very helpful!:) I really appreciate it, i'm beginning to grow extremely fond of this place!:)
The first score was infp. I should have ordered them the other way, sorry for the confusion. I am totally willing to accept that i am not INFJ.. but again it doesn't feel right from everything that i am reading, though i will continue on my journey for self discovery.. but alas.. in my heart infj still feels right... when i read stories by other infjs, when i read many different descriptions, i have this feeling of "wow...i'm not alone"... when i read the others... i feel... "well... we're similar..". But i'll keep trudging onward... and thanks so much IndigoSensor, you've been very helpful!:) I really appreciate it, i'm beginning to grow extremely fond of this place!:)

What makes you lean more towards feeling (Fe or Fi) rather than thinking (Te or Ti)?
What makes you lean more towards feeling (Fe or Fi) rather than thinking (Te or Ti)?

I'm really not sure, it's how i've been since i can remember. I dunno though, i feel as though there are 2 ppl inside of me fighting all the time, one very realistic and down to earth and the other with their head in the clouds and being completely driven by emotions... the latter seems to win out most of the time, yet my thinking seems to be emotionally driven.

I feel everything, i absorb everyone's emotions around me. Sometimes it's very overwhelming. However, i hide it mostly... most people that meet me have no idea what i'm really like, they see a cool calm collected person.. most describe me as "tough".. then when they see the real me, if they ever do... they are quite shocked.
I'm really not sure, it's how i've been since i can remember. I dunno though, i feel as though there are 2 ppl inside of me fighting all the time, one very realistic and down to earth and the other with their head in the clouds and being completely driven by emotions... the latter seems to win out most of the time, yet my thinking seems to be emotionally driven.

I feel everything, i absorb everyone's emotions around me. Sometimes it's very overwhelming. However, i hide it mostly... most people that meet me have no idea what i'm really like, they see a cool calm collected person.. most describe me as "tough".. then when they see the real me, if they ever do... they are quite shocked.

I like to call those two people (in me) Righty and Lefty. Lefty always tells Righty to STFU and play guitar instead of whining, Righty always tells Lefty to go get a goddamn girlfriend instead of playing video games and talking to people on the internets.
I'm really not sure, it's how i've been since i can remember. I dunno though, i feel as though there are 2 ppl inside of me fighting all the time, one very realistic and down to earth and the other with their head in the clouds and being completely driven by emotions... the latter seems to win out most of the time, yet my thinking seems to be emotionally driven.

I feel everything, i absorb everyone's emotions around me. Sometimes it's very overwhelming. However, i hide it mostly... most people that meet me have no idea what i'm really like, they see a cool calm collected person.. most describe me as "tough".. then when they see the real me, if they ever do... they are quite shocked.

To me that sounds like Fi and Ne playing together, hidden intense emotions with the ability to empathize with others, putting yourself in their shoes and understanding their being. How often do "what ifs" occur in your head?
I like to call those two people (in me) Righty and Lefty. Lefty always tells Righty to STFU and play guitar instead of whining, Righty always tells Lefty to go get a goddamn girlfriend instead of playing video games and talking to people on the internets.

Oh patricky i always look forward to your comments, they make my day:P
Maybe you should get a girl to play guitar with.. best of both worlds:D
If i were to name mine i think i might go with ... Xena and Gabrielle... i'm sure you can figure out which is saying what... but in the end they just make out and become one!....i'm still waiting on that part